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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen by Lopez family's

Chapter 28
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Chapter 28

After lunch, Phyllis was taken aside for a chat by the director’s team. When she came back rubbing her

eyes, she found only Bblythe left in the living


“Where did everyone go?” Phyllis asked.

Bblythe shrugged. Tm not sure, maybe they went to get water?”

Phyllis looked around, glancing towards the kitchen. The kitchen’s this way, right? I’ll go check

“Should be ”

Suddenly, a shrill scream, muffled and terrified, rang through their ears. Phyllis froze, whipping her

head towards Bblythe. Bblythe also stood up from the couch in shock. That sounded like Hubery. Let’s

go check it out!”

They headed towards the back door, the cameraman hot on their heels. As soon as Phyllis pushed

open the back door, she stopped in her tracks, spun around, and instinctively shoved the cameraman

back out.

The cameraman stumbled, nearly falling, looking confused.

Phyllis quickly shut the back door, blocking the cameraman’s path. They’re not outside,” she quickly


Bblythe, still pale from the horrifying scene she’d glimpsed, hurriedly added, “Yeah, yeah, they’re not in


The cameraman looked puzzled. “But we heard noises from outside.”

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Before he could finish, another familiar scream echoed from outside the door.

“Move! What the hell is happening out there?” the cameraman tried to push past.

Bblythe and Phyllis held onto the door handle, refusing to let the cameraman through.

In frustration, the cameraman decided to go find the director

Meanwhile, outside, Josiah was yanked back for the sixth time by Egbert as he tried to intervene.

Even though it was winter, Josiah was sweating from the urgency. “Mr. Reed, let me go! If I don’t stop

them now, someone’s going to get hurt!”

The sound of water splashing signaled Eileen dunking Hubery’s head underwater by his hair. Eileen

seemed to be having a blast, dunking Hubery underwater for a minute, pulling him out for a scream and

a gasp, then dunking him back again.

After six rounds, she showed no signs of tiring and continued the game.

The commotion outside grew louder, not only Bblythe and Phyllis‘ voices but the director and

cameraman’s as well. Josiah tried to pull free from Egbert’s grip “If you don’t let me go, someone’s

really going to get hurt!”

Egbert remained calm. “She knows when to stop”

She knew? Hubery was about to drown!

Just as he finished speaking, Eileen pulled Hubery out of the fountain. Hubery, completely drained, was

trembling as he gasped for air on the side, unable to even call for help.

After a few gasps, Eileen grabbed his hair and dunked him back in.

“You see,” Egbert said with a mild expression. “She knows when to pull him out.”

“What’s happening out there? Move, you two move!” The director’s angry voice echoed from outside.

Josiah quickly told Egbert, “If the cameraman catches her, she’s done for!”

Egbert thought about it and seemed to agree. Finally, with a hint of reluctance, he let go of Josiah.

Josiah immediately rushed over, pulling Eileen’s hands off Hubery, and saving him.

Hubery’s eyes were bloodshot from the cold water, and his entire body was soaked. Looking at

Hubery’s near–fainting state, Josiah glared at Eileen. “You”

Eileen looked up at him, her wet hand dripping water onto the ground.

Josiah. “Maybe you should take a break?”

Eileen ignored him and glanced at Hubery on the floor, sneering. “See you around, Hubery”

Hubery shivered and hid behind Josiah’s legs. Josiah couldn’t stand it anymore. He thought Eileen was

turning into a bully.

Eileen tried to leave through the back door. As she passed Egbert, he suddenly grabbed her wrist. She

froze, then looked up at Egbert.

Egbert glanced at her wet hand and said, “This way.”

With that, he led her away.


When the director and cameraman finally broke through the blockade and stormed into the garden,

they found Josiah dragging a soaked Hubery out.

: Everyone was stunned. Phyllis and Bblythe exchanged a look, both realizing that Egbert and Eileen

were missing

What happened!” the director shouted.

Josiah explained. “Hubery accidentally fell into the fountain.”

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The director looked skeptically at Josiah, then at Phyllis and Bbilythe. If it was just a fall, why did they

block them? But since the live feed was still running.” the director didn’t ask and instead ordered

someone to take care of Hubery.

Because of Hubery’s accident, the production team was busy drying clothes and handing out towels.

In a corner, Bblythe asked Josiah, What really happened?”

Josiah sighed, “I don’t know, when I got there, Eileen was already kicking Hubery into the water.”

“Kicking?” Phyllis blinked. 1 saw her pulling Hubery’s hair and dunking his head in the water”

Josiah nodded. “That was after, she kicked him first, then dunked him. It was a whole process.”

Bblythe was speechless. “She can do that? Where’s Eileen now?”

“She was taken away by Egbert, I don’t know where they. Before the words even died away, the

doorbell of the villa suddenly rang.

The servant went to open the front door and they all turned their gaze towards the entrance, where

Egbert and Eileen, one after the other, walked in.

“How’d they end up coming in from outside? Josiah was utterly baffled.

Before they could make heads or tails of what was going on, Egbert’s next move left them utterly

gobsmacked. When he laid his eyes on the chaos in front of him, he first furrowed his brows, then

feigned deep thought, and finally asked in a low voice, “What on earth happened here?”

With his innocent look, and clueless demeanor, it was as if he had absolutely no idea what had


Eileen, who was following him, had an expression that wasn’t exactly the same as his, but one could

say it was very similar. But Eileen’s performance was even more over the top than his. First, she

widened her eyes in surprise, then covered her mouth with her hand, and finally exclaimed, “What on

earth happened? Why is Hubery all wet?”

Given the right circumstances, Phyllis, Blythe, and Josiah would have given them a round of applause

for their acting chops.