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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen by Lopez family's

Chapter 27
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Chapter 27

Eileen sighed, slowly dropping her hand, and saying helplessly. “It’s nothing”

The man took his eyes off her, gave a cold laugh, and walked away without another word. It was only

after he had entered the room and closed the back door that Eileen began to regret it.

In fact, after spending some time together, she no longer found Egbert as off–putting as she initially did.

On the contrary, when everyone else was against her, only Egbert stood by her side, albeit coldly.

Eileen didn’t know what kind of person he really was, but in her eyes, this aloof movie king was

surprisingly easy to be around.

The only problem was, when he got angry, just like his “movie king” status, no amount of sweet–talking

could appease him.

She admitted what she said last night was totally out of line. But Egbert didn’t have to hold a grudge for

so long, did he?

“He really has a bad temper, she grumbled. The cold wind was making her feel chilly, and Eileen was in

no mood to stroll around any longer, so she turned around and ran back.

Just as she opened the back door, she bumped into someone.

“Watch it, why are you always so jittery? Like a kid.” the person laughed.

Eileen locked up sharply, her eyes cold as she regarded Hubery, who was inside the door.

Hubery, with a mocking smile on his handsome face, said, “Eileen, I’ve missed you”

Eileen scoffed, “Are you sick or something?”

“You’re still pretending to hate me, huh? I’ve checked, there are no cameras here, no one around, you

don’t have to pretend to hate me. Eileen, can we talk privately?”

Eileen gave a nonchalant laugh, glancing at Hubery’s face. “Sure, what do you want to talk about?”

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Hubery looked around before lowering his voice. “Let’s talk outside.” Saying this, he ushered Eileen out

the door.

The back door closed again, and two seconds later, Egbert came out of the kitchen next door, holding a

cup of hot coffee. He was about to enter the living room when he suddenly paused, turned his head,

and looked at the closed back door.

“Now you can talk. What exactly do you want to talk about?” In the garden, Eileen asked coldly, her

body shivering from the cold.

Hubery also felt cold, but outside was the only place where they wouldn’t be heard. He smiled and said,

“Let’s talk about us. I’ve called you so many times, why won’t you pick up?”

Eileen was taken aback. “You called me, and I didn’t pick up? What was the notification?”

Hubery said. “Your call cannot be connected at the moment.”

Eileen nodded. “Seems like I need to switch my carrier. Do you know any that would tell the person

outright that they’ve been blocked?”

Hubery’s face changed. “You blocked me?”

Eileen laughed. “What else?”

Hubery frowned. “Is it because of Harlan? Eileen, let me explain, I really didn’t know anything. I was

shooting a film then, and heard later that Harlan was taken to the hospital. He seemed to be injured,

but I didn’t know what exactly had happened. I went to your hotel and saw blood in your room, it was

only after Harlan called me that I found out. I tried to call you to explain, but I couldn’t get through…”

“So you’re saying Harlan was lying?” Eileen countered.

Hubery replied calmly. “Of course he was lying, how could I possibly sell you to him? You are my

fiancée, and we are engaged. How could I do such a thing?”

Eileen laughed coldly “Then, if you didn’t set this up, how would Harlan know which hotel I was staying

at? How could he have the audacity to barge in? He’s a renowned director, and wouldn’t randomly

assault an actress. Plus, I remember feeling extremely weak that day, and the last thing I had was the

juice you gave me”

“I really didn’t know about any of this, it must have been Harlan’s doing. He has had ill intentions

towards you for some time. The juice was from the set, he must have drugged it! Eileen, you need to

believe me, didn’t you always trust me no matter what happened?”

Yes, she trusted him, that’s why she paid with her life. She had to pay with her life to see his true


Thinking about what had happened, Eileen clenched her fists, but said, “Hubery, so I really

misunderstood you?”

Hearing this, Hubery quickly replied, “Of course,”

Eileen walked to the edge of the garden fountain, her face filled with sorrow. “Then will you blame me

for treating you so badly recently?”

Hubery followed Eileen to the fountain, saying sincerely, “How could I blame you? As long as you

believe me, that’s enough Eileen, we had agreed that you’ll wait for me. When the time is right, we’ll get

married. You’re my fiancée, how could I blame you?”

“Hubery, will you really marry me? Eileen looked up at him expectantly.

Hubery’s face broke into a confident smile. “Of course, why would I lie to you”

“Egbert?” When Josiah came to the kitchen for water, he saw Egbert standing at the back door of the

villa with a cup of coffee.

Egbert seemed to be about to go out, his hand was on the doorknob, but he didn’t open the door. “I

was just wondering where you went, you…

Josiah yelped, not for any reason, but because Egbert suddenly turned around, and his eyes looked

very cold.

Josiah backed away worriedly. “Did I offend you?”

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Egbert put the untouched cup of coffee on the countertop next to him with a rough movement, causing

some of the coffee to splash out. He retracted his hand, preparing to go back to the living room.

The next second, a scream pierced the air.

Egbert stopped Josiah also heard it, and he looked towards the back door in confusion. The sound

came from the garden.

Egbert squinted his eyes and turned back around, heading to the door, and pushing it open. As soon as

he stepped out, he heard a shrill male voice, “Eileen, are you crazy?”

Josiah dashed out, only to see Hubery, shivering and standing in the garden’s fountain.

The sight of this in the freezing winter sent a bone–chilling cold down Josiah’s spine. The icy look on

Egbert’s face gradually softened as he looked


Eileen stood by the fountain, hands in her pockets, coldly saying, “Hubery, didn’t you say you love

water? I’m just trying to cater to your interest here. Why are you getting all worked up?”

Hubery, who hadn’t noticed Egbert and Josiah on the side, roared, “Who said I love water?”

“Don’t you? Then why did you drag me over here to the fountain?”


What’s up, did you catch a cold?” Eileen chuckled. “Don’t worry, I’ll arrange your cremation for you

Look how responsive I am, the moment you cough, I’m on the phone with the crematorium. Still keen

on marrying me?”

“Eileen! You’re insane!” Hubery, shivering from anger and cold, tried to climb out.

Just as Hubery made it to the edge of the fountain, Eileen gave him a swift kick sending him back in,

his head plunging straight into the water, gulping down mouthfuls of icy water.

“Hold your horses, Hubery.” Eileen said with a grin. “Didn’t you say there’s no one around, no

cameras? It’s not often we get to have a good chat. I’m just getting started.”