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Contractually Yours, Alpha by Giftemmy

Chapter 138
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Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Eight

“What had Bailey wanted to talk to you about?” Axel asked.

“I really don’t know who she thinks she is,” | responded, taking a seat at the edge of the bed.

“Is common with the elders to feel entitled to things; pay her no mind,” Axel advised.

“Do you think Thane did the right thing when he made a deal with her?” | questioned

“No. Not really, but that was the only way we could get her to agree with our arrangements; she is indeed

stubborn but also very calculative.”

“How exactly does Thane plan to sidestep her? | mean, she had gone through her part of the deal.”

“Are you sympathizing with her?”

“No, | just feel like Thane is playing a dangerous game, but again, when is he not?”

“Don’t waste your tworrying about Thane; he knows what he is doing.”

“Bailey does not love Thane; all she wants is the title,” | revealed. Axel didn’t look surprised to hear that. “You

knew?” | questioned.

“It isn't exactly surprising; the elders crave for power, and you would think all the power they have acquired

through the years is enough, but the more they attain, the more they desire.”

“Bailey had been offeringthe position of a mistress when she takes over as Queen Luna,” said to Axel,

leaving out the fact that she knew about my relationship with him.

“That is a desperate move,” Axel said. “I think she have doubts,” he added.

“Make sense. You know what? | don’t want to talk about her and my very much envied title anymore; let's talk

about something else.”

“I do have something that might interest you.”

“Now I'm curious, what is it?”

“Is about ‘the book,” he says, givinga look that implied he expectedto figure out which book he was

talking about, and of course it just had to be ‘Barbara’s fantasies’; that book had embarrassedmore times

than | could count.

“So what about the book?” | asked

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“Isn't that your favourite book?”

“Of course it is not; | just... enjoyed reading it,” | said, and the blush on my cheeks gaveout.

“Would you love to meet the author?”

“Wait, is Barbara alive?”



Chapter One yourstei

“Of course, and maybe you've even met her before,” he said. The sinister smile on his face wasn't really

convincing, he must be kidding.

“Con, you are not being serious.

“I am. You met Thane’s mother, Freya, right?”

My mouth dropped open. “What? She is the author?, but that is impossible.”

“Why?” Axel asked, clearly enjoying this more than he should.

“She was the Queen Lama, and why would she title the book Barbara's fantasies when that is not even her


“Maybe because she didn’t want Slade finding out. Though sexperiences had been purely made up, simply

fantasies, but | must say, Freya did have her own fair share of men and cocks.” He say with a teasing smile.

| couldn't believe it; the very sbook | read and ‘enjoyed’ was written by Freya Blackwood.

“How did you know?” | questioned, choosing not to believe him yet, even if he didn’t have

any reason to lie.

“I didn’t; Thane had always known:”

“And he didn't tell me?”

“How would you expect him to tell you that your favourite erotica book, which you have ‘done it’ to more than

once, was written by his mother?”

“You could be very direct at times, Axel”

He smiled, “I'll take that as a complement, so thanks”

“I didn’t mean it as a complete, just so you know”

“And that changes... nothing, so thanks still”

| let out an exasperated breath.

“Well, I would never enjoy reading that, book ever again; | feel like | had pried into something’ private.”

“If she left the book in the library, it means she intended on it being read.”

“| bet not by her daughter-in-law”

Axel chuckled.

“Well, maybe not, but she wasn’t exactly hiding it.”

“So the ‘blonde guy, ‘the motorcycle guy,‘ they were all real?”


Chapter Dave Hundred and Thulen

The names might have been made

up; | don't think there was vena

motoraycls gu they Cobre terms she

uted to differentiate each guy from

the next.” The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

This is so... awkward.”

“It is not; you weren't the only one enjoying It; Thane was too and that should be more awkward.”

“Well, I'm returning it now.”

“Riley, you need to rest; I'll return it.”

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“You don’t even know where the book is.”

“I'll find it,” he promises.

Now that the initial embarrassment had worn out, it was indeed funny.

“I am glad you toldthis,” | say genuinely. “But | want to hear more.”

“About the book?” he questioned, amused.

“No, about you.”

“What about me?”

“| literally don't know anything about

you | know you have a cousin, which |

had mistake PR TEEN

opceyantd I@ISo know that you are

really close to Thane, but that's about

it; you know for a very open person,

you are quite secretive.” The content

is on novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

“Maybe that's because | am not

proud of my family’s siiatiofthet's

why | dg np bring D2 Axel

ahsiered, and all humour was gone

from his eyes. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!