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Chasing His Runaway Wife by Jamie Stones

Chapter 91
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Chapter 91

Alaric spent the entire morning with Tabitha in the hospital room. Seeing his tired expression, Tabitha repeatedly

urged him to rest. Eventually, he agreed to go rest.

In the afternoon, Chadwick and Colette also cto visit her.

As soon as Colette cin, she immediately held Tabitha’s hand tightly, a look of lingering fear on her face.

“Tabby, how are you feeling now? Do you still feel uncomfortable anywhere?”

“I'm fine, but the doctor advisedto stay in bed. | won't be able to go shopping with you for quite stime,”

Tabitha responded.

“All right. Just lie down and rest well. Take good care of yourself. You're extremely weak right now,” Colette said,

looking at Tabitha with concern.

When Tabitha heard that, she smiled and nodded.

Once they finished speaking, Chadwick suggested, “Tabby, even when you have recovered, try not to go out

alone. It’s too dangerous.”

He was so shaken by Tabitha’s incident that he could not keep his steps. steady as he rushed to the hospital.

When he arrived at the scene and heard the nurse's account of Tabitha’s surgery, he nearly passed out after

learning of her lengthy struggle.

Now that he saw Tabitha safe and sound, he finally felt relieved.

However, when he saw her pale and haggard face, he was deeply distressed. He even planned to request leave

from the orphanage’s director to visit her every day to care for her until she recovered and was discharged.

Tabitha, who was also terrified by what had happened, agreed with a nod.

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Chapter 91

“I know. I'll be careful from now on.”

Concerned that his seriousness would affect Tabitha’s mood, Chadwick quickly returned to his usual gentle

demeanor the moment he saw that she had already learned from her mistakes. “It’s fine as long as you're aware

of it. I'll try to visit the hospital more frequently to keep you company.”

Watching Chadwick's meticulous care for Tabitha, Colette suddenly felt a bit unhappy.

However, Tabitha was a patient who genuinely needed care.

“You're a man, and | bet you don’t even know how to take care of a patient. | happen to cto the hospital

frequently these days, so | can cover every day to take care of Tabby,” Colette interjected.

In fact, the hospital's director was Colette's father, but she knew Chadwick had been maintaining a distance

from her because of her identity, so she didn’t bring it up again.

Chadwick agreed with her. “You're very thoughtful. On behalf of Tabby, thank you.”

Colette’s mood worsened after she heard that.

‘Why is Chadwick the one who thankedwhen | promised to look after Tabitha?‘ she pondered.

Meanwhile, Tabitha had her own concerns and hadn't promptly noticed Colette's emotional fluctuation.

“Colette, | appreciate your kindness, but | can’t move around freely for now. There's no need for someone to

watch overall the time. | know you're a busy person. You don’t have to cto seeevery day,” Tabitha


Chapter 91

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Colette sneaked a glance at Chadwick and said, “We're friends. There's no need to be so polite to me.”

“Colette’s right. You need someone to look after you, so don’t refuse her kindness.” Chadwick smiled.

Deep down, Colette always felt that whenever she was good to Tabitha, Chadwick’s gaze toward her would

soften. Because of that, she beceven more attentive to Tabitha.

While they were chatting, Emmanuel also arrived.

For sreason, Chadwick felt uncomfortable all over the moment he saw Emmanuel, his eyes slightly wary as

he looked at Emmanuel.

Tabitha introduced them to each other.

Emmanuel ignored their attitudes toward him and straightforwardly stated, “I have sthings | want to discuss

with Tabitha alone.”

Chadwick had always been gentle, unlike Emmanuel, who was faking to be gentle.

He looked kindly at Tabitha and said, “Then we'll leave first and cback to see you tomorrow.”

Soon, the hospital room was left with only Tabitha and Emmanuel.

The wound on Emmanuel’s waist had been treated and appeared to be less severe, but his arm was heavily

bandaged and hung around his neck.

Seeing that, Tabitha couldn't help but ask, “Your arm is injured too? Is it severe?”

“It’s nothing serious. | was hit during the fight with Jayden. I'm fine. What about you? How do you feel now? Is

your stomach still hurting?” Emmanuel inquired.


Chapter 91

Shaking her head, Tabitha replied, “It doesn’t hurt anymore.”

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Seeing the bandages on his arm, Tabitha could not help but think back to what Alaric had said about Malcolm

being seriously injured while saving her.

Malcolm hadnt shown up yet, and she was worried about how badly injured he was.

Seeing Tabitha lost in thought, Emmanuel felt a pang of discomfort, realizing her attention wasn’t on his


“I had no idea my father had escaped from prison. He toldhe was released after serving his sentence, and |

believed him. | did not want you to know about his true nature, so | chose to conceal his identity. | didn’t expect

he would kidnap you,” he explained.

After a pause, he said wholeheartedly, “I'm really sorry.”

When Tabitha gathered her thoughts, she realized that Emmanuel’s explanation for keeping Jayden’s identity

hidden was sound.

She was overcwith emotion and remained silent for a moment. Finally, she decided to smile and act as if

nothing had happened.

“It’s fine. Besides, you got hurt so badly to save me. | haven't thanked you yet,” she said.

Emmanuel felt even more guilty. He had used her and harmed her, yet she treated him sincerely.

She didn’t know why he was apologizing. Only he knew what he meant by


“Tabitha, would you look down onnow that you know about my father?” he asked.