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Chasing His Runaway Wife by Jamie Stones

Chapter 90
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Chapter 90

Tabitha’s situation at the tclearly indicated more bad than good. The longer the emergency treatment

lasted, the better her chances of survival became.

Malcolm was eager to know the outcome, but he was worried that if the emergency room door opened too soon,

it would bring even worse news.

At two o'clock in the morning, eight hours had passed since Tabitha was taken into the emergency room.

Alaric’s body was giving in. He was sitting in a chair, looking unusually tired.

Seeing that, George urged him to rest. “Mrs. Sinclair worries the most about you. She will be upset if she wakes

up to find you have collapsed.”

Nevertheless, no matter how others persuaded him, Alaric refused to rest.

Without the assurance that Tabitha was safe, he could not possibly feel at


Finally, the door of the emergency room opened, and the doctor emerged.

Alaric quickly approached the doctor and inquired anxiously, “How is Tabby?”

Malcolm and Emmanuel also hurried over.

The doctor, fatigued but joyful, announced the good news, replying, “Both the mother and child are safe.”

The fetus was unharmed because Tabitha had shielded her belly when she collapsed.

Alaric let out a heavy sigh of relief. “I knew Tabby would be fine.”



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Chapter 90

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The doctor removed their mask, their expression serious, explaining, “However, Mrs. Sinclair's body is extremely

weak, and she should stay in bed to rest. She cannot sustain any more injuries or be subjected to any

additional stress.”

Alaric listened attentively and replied to the doctor, “I understand. I'll ensure she’s taken care of. Thank you so



When Malcolm heard that Tabitha was fine, his racing heart finally calmed down, and he suddenly collapsed to

the ground, drained of all strength.

The doctor and nurses rushed over to check on him, creating yet another chaotic scene.

Meanwhile, Emmanuel, who was ignored by everyone, stood aside, watching the chaotic scene, and suddenly let

out a low chuckle.

‘Everything is fine. Thank goodness,’ he remarked inwardly.

Just moments ago, he feared Tabitha might not make it.

‘She truly is a brave woman,’ he thought.

When Tabitha woke up and opened her eyes, her first instinct was to reach out and touch her belly.

As she touched it, she felt an unusual sense of panic, her heart pounding as if something bad was about to


The concerned voice of Alaric sounded nearby, saying, “Tabby, you're awake? Don’t panic. The child is safe.”

When she heard that the child was fine, Tabitha finally breathed a sigh of relief. Thankfully, she was just

overthinking it.

She remembered the situation before she collapsed. The fire was raging, and Emmanuel was also injured.

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Chapter 90

“I was with Emmanuel at that time. Is he okay?” she inquired.


“What could happen to him? He's a grown man. A few minor injuries won't kill him,” Alaric responded, annoyed.

Hearing Alaric’s angered tone, Tabitha couldn't help but interject, “Grandpa Alaric, please don’t blhim. He

got injured trying to save


Jayden called him and demanded money, and he could easily have reported it to the police.

However, Emmanuel did not do so.

Suddenly, realization dawned upon Tabitha, and she frowned slightly.

‘Jayden is Emmanuel’s father. Why did he keep that information fromin the first place? On the day | was

abducted, Jayden had talked to Emmanuel about ropes, knives, and slaughtering something. I couldn't

understand at the time, but Emmanuel understood his father well. Why didn’t he warnabout it?’ she mused.

The more Tabitha thought about it, the more horrified she felt, and her frown deepened.

Alaric thought she was worried about Emmanuel and snorted disdainfully. “Jayden escaped from prison. Instead

of staying hidden, he dared to cto Xosa. It’s clear he cback to seek revenge on Emmanuel. But he

mistakenly thought you had a good relationship with Emmanuel and kidnapped you. In the end, it’s all because

of Emmanuel that you got hurt! Tabby, don’t trust others blindly in the future.”

Tabitha listened silently to Alaric’s words, attempting to analyze

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Emmanuel’s intentions.

“Emmanuel only suffered minor injuries, but Malcolm was severely injured trying to save you,” Alaric continued.


Chapter 90

“What? It was Malcolm who saved me?” Tabitha was bewildered.

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“Yes, | heard that the wooden door was tightly shut when they found you, and even with their combined

strength, they could not push it open. But Malcolm managed to kick it open, injuring his foot in the process,”

Alaric explained.

Initially, Alaric had indeed held sresentment toward Malcolm upon learning about Tabitha’s injury. However,

now that Tabitha was safe and he had heard Saul’s account of the situation, his attitude toward Malcolm had

completely changed.

“His foot was injured, but he did not seem to care. He carried you the entire way, ignoring everything and

forcefully breaking through several fire doors. In the end, his elbow was dislocated and fractured,” Alaric added.

Alaric was determined to speak well of Malcolm in front of Tabitha because he wanted the two of them to get


After hearing that, Tabitha was both shocked and surprised.

‘Didn't Malcolm detest me? Why would he go to such lengths to save me?‘ she wondered.

Seeing the surprised expression on Tabitha’s face, Alaric smiled. “Tabby, Malcolm toldthat he would take

care of you and the child from now on. He already knew that he was in the wrong. You two should get along. I'm

confident that things will improve in the future.”

Tabitha laughed self-deprecatingly and thought, “Things will improve?”

It was something she had never dared to consider since Naomi showed up.

‘Can Malcolm and | start anew?’ she mused.