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Chasing His Runaway Wife by Jamie Stones

Chapter 51
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Chapter 51

Tabitha looked at the bare white ceiling above her and tried her hardest to recall what had happened before she

passed out. At spoint, she was convinced that she had merely imagined Malcolm's presence around her.

Suddenly, she heard a voice saying. “You're awake.”

Tabitha’s heart skipped a beat. She turned around and saw Chadwick's clean and gentle face. “How are you

feeling? Are you hurting anywhere?” he asked.

Ah, so it's not Malcolm after all. As the realization dawned upon Tabitha, a self-deprecating smile curled on her


She knew Malcolm did not care for her, and she should have known better than to hope otherwise.

When Chadwick saw the despondent look in Tabitha’s eyes, he caressed her hair gently and said, “I was on the

phone with Colette just now, and she toldthat you've been going around investigating that incident from

years ago.”

Chadwick’s words brought Tabitha back to reality.

She was suddenly reminded of her parents’ unjust deaths and her desire to avenge them. She did not have time

to lie here and mope over Malcolm's absence.

Chadwick noticed how her gaze had gone from unfocused to determined and pointed out sympathetically, Tabby,

we know you've been trying to find witnesses, but you can’t rush these things. Besides, Trevor and Colette are

doing everything they can to help you, too. You have to take care of yourself, for the sake of your baby.”

Tears pricked Tabitha’s eyes when she heard this. She unclenched her fists. and her hand fluttered to her lower

abdomen. It was as if she had suddenly


Chapter 51





regained her strength.

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She found herself thinking, ‘I still want you, baby, even if that man doesn’t.

According to the doctor's orders, Tabitha was to remain at the hospital for further observation.

Tabitha did not want anything happening to the baby, either, so she

eagerly followed the doctor's instructions. She stayed in bed when she was asked to and went nowhere.

She even stopped contacting Trevor so frequently and only told him to call her if there was any important

development in their investigation.

She was being so obedient for the sake of her baby that it was hard to


‘How unfortunate... Chadwick's gaze darkened as his thoughts trailed off.

It wasn’t long before Alaric showed up at the hospital to visit Tabitha as well.

When Alaric saw another man in the hospital room with Tabitha, he did not grow angry and instead greeted

Chadwick amicably.

After they had introduced themselves to each other, Alaric said graciously, “Thank you for taking care of Tabby.”

He had already asked one of his men to look into Chadwick’s background. He knew Chadwick and Tabitha were

only close friends, and there was nothing he had to worry about.

Chadwick nodded with a smile. “Don’t mention it. Tabby and | are close


Meanwhile, Malcolm was getting ready to leave on his business trip, but he could not stop thinking about what

Chadwick said about Tabitha's child.


Questions kept popping up in his mind. Why was Chadwick so sure that Tabuba’s child was mine?

Later in the car, Saul noticed how glum Malcolm was and could not help asking. “Mr. Sinclair, is there something

you have yet to take care of in

Malcolm cback to his senses. Given how many questions he had, he figurest he might as well find the

answers on his own.

With this in mind, Malcolm said to Saul. “Have someone look into the places Tabitha went before she discovered

she was pregnant?”

Saul was a little taken aback by Malcolm's instruction. Why does Mr. Sinclair want to know where Mrs. Sinclair

had been all of a sudden?”

However, he dared not question Malcolm and agreed to do as he was told.

Malcolm added. “I want to know who she was in contact with, and if she spent more than half an hour in any

location, | want to know as well.”

“Yes, sir.” Saul replied dutifully.

Six hours later, Saul pulled up outside a hotel in Ackleton.

The weather in Ackleton was much colder than it was in Nosa.

This city was in a comparatively more remote locality as well, and it was far from being considered urbanized.

Building a new road here was, indeed, a quick way to develop the city as a whole.

Malcolm got out of the car. He looked tall and well-built in his long. smoky-gray windbreaker. When he walked,

the hem of his windbreaker flapped in the cold breeze.

It was rare to see someone as imposing and elegant as Malcolm in a place like Ackleton. He was also more

handsthan any male celebrity, and the hotel staff at the front desk could not help but stare at him with their




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jaws open.

Saul had already booked hotel rooms in advance. After they walked in and stated their business and identities to

the receptionists, they were ushered

to their rooms.

After being shown his suite, Malcolm washed up and lied down on the bed. He was suddenly seized by the image

of Tabitha lying on the hospital bed, her face looking paler than the sheets that covered her.

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‘What's wrong with me?‘ he asked himself when he tossed and turned in bed, unable to go to sleep.

At last, he took his phone and gave Alaric a call.

It was already 10.00 p.m. when Alaric, who was not asleep, answered Malcolm's call.

Malcolm briefly told Alaric about the situation in Ackleton. When he was ready to hang up, he asked in what he

hoped was his most casual tone, “Is, uh, Tabitha awake?”

Alaric was a little surprised, but a glint of amusement soon appeared in his eyes. ‘Looks like this kid has finally

learned to care about others.

“If you want to know how she’s doing, why don’t you call her yourself?” Alaric asked instead of answering.

Malcolm lit up at this and immediately realized that his concern for Tabitha was too unusual. As such, he

recomposed himself and said in a noticeably colder voice, “I was only asking.”

Alaric was slightly disappointed by Malcolm’s response, and he sounded even more curt as he explained, “Well,

Tabby woke up this afternoon, and there was a young man named Chadwick who was with her.”

“I'm going to bed now, Grandpa. I'm leaving early tomorrow morning to




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check out the site. You should get srest, too,” Malcolm said and hung up immediately after.

This time, Malcolm forced himself to stop thinking about Tabitha, and it worked. By midnight, he finally fell


The next morning, Saul was waiting for Malcolm outside the suite.

Malcolm was just getting into the elevator when Saul caught up to him and said in hushed tones, “Mr. Sinclair,

we've got the information you

home, and it took us

wanted. Mrs. Sinclair hardly traveled far away f

only a night's work to find out where she’s been...”