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Chasing His Runaway Wife by Jamie Stones

Chapter 50
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Chapter 50

Chadwick was stunned. He did not expect Malcolm to bring this topic up. ‘Do | like Tabitha?‘

The answer to that question was yes, of course he did.

The first tChadwick met Tabitha, he had been filthy, but that did not stop her from bringing him home, taking

care of him, and treating him. She never once shunned him for being an orphan and instead made friends with


It was impossible to dislike someone as kind and wonderful as Tabitha.

“I see Tabby as my best friend, and | only want her to be happy,” Chadwick said.

‘Is that all there is? Malcolm's expression froze as he considered.

Chadwick’s answer. Just as he was going to ask Chadwick about Tabitha’s child, his phone rang.

“Sorry, | have to take this,” Malcolm said as he put the call through. “Hello?”

Chadwick could not hear what was being said on the other line, but he saw Malcolm's expression getting more

grim by the second. “Got it. I'll go back right away,” he heard Malcolm say.

Frowning as he hung up the phone, Malcolm turned to Chadwick and said, “You mentioned Tabitha’s child


However, his phone rang again and interrupted him.

At this point, Chadwick had already regained his composure and resumed his normal, placid tone. “You seem

busy, Mr. Sinclair. We can talk sother time.”



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Chapter 50

Having said that, he turned on his heels and made his way back to Tabitha’s hospital room without waiting for

Malcolm’s response.

As much as Malcolm wanted to learn the truth about Tabitha’s baby, he had an emergency meeting to attend at

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the company. The representatives sent to go over the collaboration details were already at the company, so he

had no choice but to save his questions for another day and hurry back to tend to official matters.

Saul drove the car at high speed on the way back to Sinclair Group headquarters, and Malcolm arrived half an

hour later. Unfortunately, he was still ten minutes late to the meeting.

The meeting today was for a collaboration on the development of a new road.

The intended collaborator for this project was the Willow family who hailed from Bruiville, and the person who

cto Xosa today to go over the details of the collaboration was none other than Roy Willow, the head of the

Willow Group.

Roy was in his early 50s. He was dressed in a dark grey suit, and he

appeared to be an amiable man. However, the shrewd look in his eyes told everyone he was a man with


The moment Malcolm saw Roy, the former could not help feeling as if he had seen the latter somewhere before.

Roy was already unhappy that Malcolm was late, so he did not hold back on criticizing Sinclair Group’s proposal

throughout the meeting.

What aggravated Roy even more was how Malcolm appeared to be unfocused during the meeting, which led him

to believe that Sinclair Group was not serious about the collaboration at all.

The entire time, Roy was observing Malcolm's every gesture.


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Toward the end of the meeting, he said bluntly, “This project will take five years to complete. The new road will

cover 41 miles starting from Ackleton to Broburgh, and it will cost us 1.06 billion dollars in start-up. capital alone.

Water supply is going to be a huge issue for us, to say nothing of clearing lands and setting up power lines and

the grid network. It’s going to take us at least ten years if not more, to recover our expenses, which is far too


Roy went on to give a list of reasons that showed his disapproval of the proposal drawn up by the Sinclair Group.

Malcolm frowned. “We've already given Willow Group the right to first. investment in this project...”

“Malcolm,” Roy interrupted him. “I suggest you scope out the site yourself and cup with a better proposal

for me.”

Having made his demands, Roy left Sinclair Group with his assistant without leaving any room for negotiation. He

wanted to humble Malcolm after the latter dared to show up late to the meeting, especially since he had only

taken over Sinclair Group not too long ago..

Meanwhile, the shareholders were dissatisfied with how the outcof the meeting, but they dared not say

anything and left the conference room one by one.

Malcolm sat at the end of the table and frustratedly loosened his tie.

Just then, Emmanuel, who hadn't said much in the meeting, suddenly

stood up and asked with a smile, “You seem a little upset today, Malcolm. Did something happen?”

Malcolm met Emmanuel’s concerned gaze and raised a brow at him. “It’s nothing.”

Seemingly unaware of Malcolm's indifference, Emmanuel kept smiling as he added, “I know I'm not of much use

here, but if you ever need me, all



Chapter 50


you have to do is say the word.”

“Thanks, Emmanuel, cMalcolm'’s curt reply.


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It did not take long for news of the unsuccessful meeting with the Willow Group to reach Alaric.

The old man wasted no tin calling Malcolm, and he sounded displeased as he demanded, “What's the matter

with you? Talks of the project were already well underway before this, so why would Willow Group request this all

of a sudden?”

Malcolm was a little surprised by Alaric’s reaction.

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In the past, Alaric would have reprimanded Malcolm for allowing something like this to happen before demanding

an explanation.

Malcolm thought in surprise, ‘He actually wants to know the reason for


“I was late to the meeting.” Malcolm confessed. “I suppose Roy thought | was unserious about the whole project

and wantsto prove myself.”

There was a pause on the other line before Alaric said with a nod, “I know you were taking care of Tabby at the

hospital today, so your tardiness is excusable. That being said, if Roy wants you to show him that you're serious

about the collaboration, then just do as he asks.”

“I understand,” Malcolm replied. “I'll be going to Ackleton on business for these few days.”

“Don’t worry. All you have to do is persuade Roy to finalize the deal. | can take care of Tabby and everything else

here while you're away,” Alaric reassured. He even sounded gentle toward the end of his sentence.

Malcolm wasn’t sure if he wanted to laugh or cry, but he grew inexplicably


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He had shown up late to the meeting because he was taking care of Tabitha at the hospital this morning, which

cost Sinclair Group an important collaboration. However, it was precisely because he had been taking care of

Tabitha that Alaric did not reprimand him at first instance.

Once again, Malcolm was surprised to see how much Tabitha meant to Alaric.

Speaking of whom, Tabitha did not regain her consciousness until


She was still a little groggy, but in the first few moments of her lucidity, she vaguely recalled being carried over

to the hospital by Malcolm.

His breath had lingered over her as he rushed her to the hospital, making her uneasy even while her

consciousness was slipping away.

But now that she was awake, she saw that she was all alone in the room.