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CEO's substitute bride (Alyssa)

Chapter 70
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Alyssa sliced the tomatoes and beef, cooking up tomato beef noodles for the both of them.

As she was slicing the beef, “Justin” stood by her side and didn’t leave. Ever since he had apologized,

he had been standing there this entire time, she noticed. After a while, he uttered, “You cut slowly.”

Her gaze became incredulous. The man had never even cooked in his life before, and he was insulting


Cutting them into strips even faster, Alyssa looked up at him. “If you plan on commenting on my every

move, then I suggest you get out. It’s best that you don’t stand in the way.”

It was the middle of the night, and after the argument they just had, the loneliness felt even more

prominent. Emmett didn’t want to stay in the dining room alone, so he decided to stand over the

counter and watch her move around.

He raised his eyebrows, quickly finding an excuse. “I must watch you. What if you do poison me? I’m

not looking to die just yet.”

“You think I’m that stupid? How could I jeopardize my own life like that? After all, you did pay three

hundred million dollars for me. That would’ve been such a waste.” Her eyes glinted mockingly as she

stared at the soup she had been stirring.

Although her words were more directed to herself, there was an unintentional bitterness hidden in her


And Emmett took it seriously.

“The matter had been discussed between both elders. My cousin didn’t intend it to be like this, you

know.” He said, the words slipping out of his mouth before he could even stop himself

“I’m not blaming him. Besides, why are you acting so strange?” Alyssa raised up an eyebrow. “The first

day I came here, you insulted him by calling him a cripple. Now, you’re speaking up for him. Are you

even on good terms?”

“What do you think?”

‘I think you’re a shameless lunatic!’

At least, she only dared to say this deep inside her heart. There were just some times when she

couldn’t read the two’s brotherhood.

Alyssa brought the two bowls of noodles to the table with a sigh.

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Perhaps because it was late at night, the two of them had placed their guards down and continued to

chat as they ate. The tension between them had dissipated almost completely as they talked the night


However, most of the time, Alyssa was the one doing the talking. “To about Emmett…” she asked him

of his favorite color, food, and the like, wanting to know more of the man that she had already married.

But every time she tried to ask, Emmett simply shrugged and responded like “Yes”, “No”, “I don’t know.”

Although he was living in his cousin’s villa, they sure weren’t on good terms.

The next day.

When Alyssa glanced at her phone to check the time, she almost ran out in panic. She whispered to

herself, kicking the covers from her body. “Crap, crap, crap, I’m late!”

She raced into the bathroom to wash up. Changing into her clothes, she committed to her morning

duties before rushing out of her bedroom.

At the stairs, she could see “Justin” leaning against the staircase. His eyes were lit up in what seemed

to be enthusiasm and there was a small smile playing on his face. The man looked as if he had just

chugged down an energy drink!

He was the type of person who slept in and seeing as they just had supper a few hours back, she

would’ve expected him to look more exhausted. Not giddy! While he actually looked human, she could

better be compared to a ghost!

His body must’ve been made of iron.

Noticing that she wasn’t in good spirits, he frowned. “Didn’t you sleep well?”

Was he showing off?

Scowling, she glanced at her watch and shook her head. She said quickly. “I’m almost late. I won’t be

making breakfast today.”

However, just as she was about to run off, he suddenly pulled her back. “Why don’t I drive you?”

Although she didn’t want him to, the time flashed at the back of her mind. If she really was going to

squeeze into the bus, she’d be late for sure. Who knew what her sister and father would say then?

However, just as he was about to fetch his keys, he was suddenly called away to business. “You,” he

barked out an order to one of his bodyguards. “Make sure that Alyssa arrives to work safely.”

Without another word, they parted ways.

While she had gone to the office, he arrived at a very private tea house.

Owen was waiting for him by the doorway. As soon as he saw the man’s tall figure, he nodded in

greeting. He said respectfully. “Young Master, sir is waiting for you inside the private room.”

As he said it, he directed him to the door.

George was seated with his back facing the door. A tea tray was placed right in front of him, with its

glossy steel reflecting his darkened features. It was obvious that the man wasn’t in the best of moods.

“What do you want?” Emmett sat down on the sofa, sitting as far as he could from his father. His tone

remained indifferent as if he was talking to another one of the shareholders rather than his own

biological father.

“Show him!” The old man waved his hand, unbothered by his attitude.

Owen handed the tablet to him.

On the screen was a headline that had just been released this morning.

“Is Young Madame Lawrence having an affair with her husband’s cousin?”

The title was particularly eye-catching. Not only was it enough to capture everyone’s attention due to a

spark of an unsolicited affair, but the Lawrence family name was enough to draw all their eyes in.

The number of people reading it had been especially high, even if it had just been released a few hours


“One of our respondents has sent us a picture of Emmett’s wife, Alyssa, having an affair with one of his

cousins! Click for more updates of their suspicious relationship!”

There were two accompanying pictures in the article. In the photos, the two of them were indeed very

close, and the background appeared to be the restaurant where they had dinner with the Moore family.

“Well? Aren’t you going to explain yourself?”

“The angle isn’t good. No one can see my face,” Emmett nodded and responded seriously. “No one

can prove that it’s me.”

“That’s not the point!” Furious, George flung his teacup onto the ground. The glass cup shattered into a

million pieces from the impact and the sound echoed across the private room.

“You’ve been angry with me for so many years because of what happened to your mother, but you

were young then, so I’ve forgiven you. But this is just too much! You’re an adult, goddamnit! Start

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acting like one.”

Being the patriarch of the Lawrence family, George was also the type of man who could intimidate

anyone in this room.

Even Owen had to take a step back instinctively.

Emmett, however, didn’t show any fear. Instead, he gazed at his father right in the eye before

mockingly responding to him, “What are you talking about? My mother had died in the hands of those

kidnappers, hasn’t she? What does that have to do with you? You don’t have to be so guilty about it.”

While he still didn’t have any proof of the matter, it was only right that he didn’t throw any accusations

off the bat. But once he does find out who’s behind this, he wouldn’t leave anyone unscathed!

George raised his eyebrows hearing his words.

Ever since his wife had died, the two of them hadn’t talked properly for many years.

And every time they met, it was bound to end in a fight.

“I’m already old, Emmett, and one day, I’ll need you to take over the Lawrence Group,” he said slowly,

picking his words. “I’ve seen Alyssa before, and she’s a kind and good child. But if you really don’t want

to spend time with her, then you may divorce her after you’ve taken over the company.”

The Lawrence family was a pretty large family and there many other relatives who were coveting for

the position as the CEO of the Lawrence Group. Although Emmett was the rightful heir, many of their

relatives had spoken against him, saying that there was something wrong with his sexuality since he

hadn’t gotten a wife. That was the only reason why George set him up with Alyssa.

Ever since his mother had passed away, the young man didn’t dare show his face in public. So even

some of his relatives didn’t see the real Emmett.

George tried his best by sending all kinds of women to his son. Some were utterly gorgeous. Some

were proud and sensible. The others were gentle. Yet all of them were turned away by him.

The man didn’t even try to touch them.

What choice did he have? So George had to force him to get married to shut their mouths.

Someday, Emmett would understand his intentions and would give birth to an heir to the Lawrence

family. And that was the only time George would be able to live in peace. However, it seemed that his

son still didn’t understand the consequences of his actions!

“That matter is between me and Alyssa. I advise you not to worry about that any longer.”

Suddenly, Emmett thought of Alyssa. She still didn’t know of the news when she had gone out earlier.

Emmett gritted his teeth. It seemed that he had really underestimated Skylar’s courage to court death.

Not only had she dared to take a picture of them, but she had also sent it to the media.