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CEO's substitute bride (Alyssa)

Chapter 69
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During dinner, Alyssa could feel that there was something off with the atmosphere.

And after looking at “Justin’s” face, she could tell that she wasn’t making this up. Most of the time, his

expression usually held an aura of coldness and indifference. He didn’t have to speak to make his

presence known to the people around him, especially her.

However, this time, his eyebrows were more furrowed over, and his eyes glinted dangerously. He was

like a predator who had just lost his prey. He clenched his fingers around his fork so tightly that a part

of her was afraid that it would break.

Picking up a piece of fish, she placed it in his bowl. “Try this. I sprinkled in a little bit of pepper today, so

I’m not sure if you’d like it.” She said gently, trying her best to erase the tension in the atmosphere.

Instead of eating it, “Justin” picked it up with his chopsticks and threw it across the table.

Alyssa frowned.

Had she done something to piss him off? Her lips pursed together as she racked her mind at all the

things she did to him when she had just gotten back. Suddenly, a thought occurred to her. Was he

angry because she had thrown her bag at him?

No. Although he wasn’t a forgiving man, he wasn’t petty.

As if Emmett was reading through her thoughts, he looked up. “Where did you go last Friday?”

“What?” Alyssa was too busy staring at her plate that she didn’t get to hear what he had just said.

Emmett placed his chopsticks back onto the bow. His eyes darkened immensely, and his gaze locked

onto her small frame. His voice was clear as it echoed across the dining room. “Where did you go last

Friday? Who did you meet with?”

Alyssa was stunned. She looked up at him. “What do you mean?”

An uncomfortable feeling shrouded upon her. Was he interrogating her?

“Are you starting to feel guilty? Have you hidden it from my cousin then? Couldn’t you take it longer

then? That you just have to have an affair?” He smiled mockingly, leaning back against his seat.

“What nonsense are you talking about?” Although this wasn’t the first time he had said this, this was

the only time he had said it so excessively. It was as if he had already caught her right in the act.

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Alyssa slammed her chopsticks on the table and stood up. “Look, I don’t care if you had spent 300

million to buy me from the Moore family. Even if I was sold to your family, that still doesn’t give you the

right to order me around! And that certainly doesn’t give you the right to judge me.”

Without another word, she stormed out.

Alyssa had been so angry that her shoulder had bumped into the door frame. Even then, she still didn’t

look bothered as she stormed out of the room.

Emmett had already lost his appetite. Just as he had placed his chopsticks back on the desk, his phone


“Young Master,” Frank’s voice sounded as soon as he clicked the answer button. “I’ve already sent the

surveillance videos I found that day to your email.”

“Thank you.” Hanging up, Emmett headed into his study.

Frank had sent the surveillance video of the pharmacy to Emmett. It was from last Friday. He zoomed

in and narrowed his eyes at the four figures appearing on his screen. There weren’t any voices.

Other than the doctor who had taken the medicine box for her, Alyssa also made contact with two other


One of those men had a mask and a cap on. Although some may have missed him, Emmett

immediately recognized him at first class. That was his cousin Dylan. He must’ve just arrived then.

The pharmacy was close to the suburbs. It would be weird for Alyssa to go there for no other reason,

even if it was called by the company. As the Moore Group had been selling daily necessities like mops

and vacuums, their market research normally takes place in different residencies.

Suddenly, Alyssa grabbed onto Dylan’s arm, and he could see a forced smile appearing across her

face. She was asking for help.

Then, Dylan had taken her away after that.

The following video showed her getting off as soon as they had reached a more crowded area. Other

than the two of them saying a few words, she didn’t do anything inappropriate. In fact, they were too far

apart for her to even try anything.

Just as the video was about to end, Alyssa walked a few more steps before turning back. Emmett

wanted to see what she had said, but as the video resolution was too blurred, he couldn’t even see

what she was mouthing. But it was obvious that there weren’t any flirtations going on between the two.

The screen turned black after that, and he rubbed his forehead in frustration.

Maybe he really had acted too far this time around.

It was just that Dylan had asked too many questions about Alyssa that he couldn’t help but be a little

more cautious of what their interaction had entailed. Now that he knew…Emmett groaned, pinching the

bridge of his nose.


The moment Alyssa had gone up, she immediately went to sleep. Her sleep was particularly nice if it

weren’t for the fact that she woke up due to her grumbling stomach. Her hand drifted down to her belly.

She instantly regretted leaving without eating. No matter how angry she was, she shouldn’t have made

things difficult for her. She could just wait till the morning. But no matter how much she twisted and

turned, she still couldn’t get over the uncomfortable feeling.

Having no other choice, she rolled off the bed and wore a thicker down jacket. Wrapping it around her

thin figure, she headed down the stairs to get something to eat.

The villa was a quiet recluse, away from the lively cityscape, given that it was built halfway up the

mountains. However, she could occasionally hear the wind’s howls from the outside. She hummed,

sliding down the tiled floor.

She quickly found her way into the kitchen and saw some leftover vegetables. Maybe some noodle

soup will be nice.

As Alyssa was slicing the tomatoes, she could feel something freezing leering over her. Was there

someone behind her?

The feeling was growing even stronger by the second. She squeezed her eyes shut and gathered the

courage to glance back, but before she could, a cold voice sounded behind her, “What are you doing?”

Alyssa’s hands trembled so much that the kitchen knife fell onto her feet.

Luckily, she had been wearing thick cotton slippers. Otherwise, the blade would’ve sliced through her

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skin. The knife clattered onto the tiles, and the sound echoed throughout the room.

As soon as Emmett saw the knife fell onto her feet, his heart dropped to his stomach. He immediately

squatted down to see if she had gotten any cuts or bruises from the impact. Upon seeing that

everything was okay, he breathed a sigh of relief and stood up. He said in a deep voice. “Are you stupid

or something?”

Alyssa shot him a glare, grabbing the knife and washing it on the sink. “Since I’m so stupid, how about I

won’t cook anymore? In fact, I can just move out of the villa until Emmett comes back. Wouldn’t want

you to continually assume that I’m with any other man, right? It’s not like you want to see me anyway.”

Slamming the knife onto the counters, Alyssa turned around to glare at him.

She already had enough of this man.

“Justin” had helped her out, and she was grateful to him. But that didn’t justify him ordering her around

like some type of mind! Just because he was rich doesn’t mean he had the right to treat her like some


“Do you want my cousin to think that I chased you away? You want to destroy my brotherhood with

him?” Emmett’s face darkened and he said coldly.

“I don’t care what you think!” Alyssa lowered her head. She didn’t want to argue with him anymore.

Emmett stood under the light. Although the shadows had enveloped them, the subtle expression in her

eyes didn’t come unnoticed to him.

She had just gotten up from bed, so her hair was a little messy. Her thick down jacket was zipped up to

her neck, shrouding over her small frame. Her cat-like eyes, which were usually filled with energy and

fire, were now covered by her drooping eyelids. His words must’ve affected her.

It felt like a century before he finally responded, “It’s my fault. I am sorry for what happened before.”

“What did you just say?” Alyssa widened her eyes, and looked up at “Justin” with astonishment.

Was he apologizing to her?

But “Justin” would not say it again. He glanced at the tomatoes on the chopping

Although her anger had mostly dissipated, that didn’t mean that she wasn’t annoyed. “I put some

poison in it. Do you want to eat it?”

Emmett gazed at her. “If you eat it, then I’ll eat it too.”

“Are you crazy?”