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CEO’s Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery

Chapter 143
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Quincy glanced at Nina.

Nina said, "Please leave." Quincy then closed the door.

Linda lifted the covers, sat on the edge of the bed, and eagerly caressed her belly. "Nina, I know Mr. York has someone in his heart." Nina clenched her fists tightly.

Linda hung her head and slowly continued, "Mr. York's kess towardsis also because of that person. He only likesbecause I resemble her. Even so, I am content. I don't ask for much. Being pregnant with Mr. York's child is enough for me." At this point, Linda looked at Nina and said, "Nina, you are also aware, aren't you? That person's nis Miranda." Nina's face turned pale. She even knew about this.

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"Has Nash told you that he considers you a substitute for Miranda?" Nina asked again.

Linda shrugged, "Whether I'm a substitute or not doesn't matter to me. I was born ordinary, so receiving even a bit of favoritism is enough." If it weren't for Nash personally telling Linda, how would she have known? Nina felt disheartened. Her nails were almost digging into her flesh. Even after all this time, she couldn't escape the shadows of these people.

Linda continued, "Nina, has Mr. York ever favored you?" It seemed like she just gave Nina back tit for tat.

Nina stared into Linda's eyes. There was a blind confidence in them, as if she believed Nina had never received any favoritism.

"Is it important?" Nina asked.

"I think it is," Linda replied.

Nina chuckled. "It's not important. The world can go on without anyone. Without Nash, perhaps..." Nina thought about how she had struggled for so many years. There was a burden in her heart. "I can becthe best version of myself." Linda was taken aback by Nina's words. She hadn't anticipated Nina's carefree attitude. In matters of love, one typically would go to great lengths to win the affection of the person they admired. That was the true essence of love.

How could Nina be so ready to give up? Linda suspected Nina was once again trying to deceive her. Now that she was content with her pregnancy and security, Linda simply couldn't believe that Nina was as indifferent as she claimed. "I hope you'll still feel the sway in the future," Linda added.

With that, Linda looked up and called out, "Mr. York." Nash was already standing at the door, his expression grim, as he . Without looking at NingLinda, "Feeling better?" Linda replied, "Much better." he "Hmm," Nash continued, "The doctor said you need to supplement your nutrition. I'll have the helpers make more food for you later." Linda happily replied, "Okay, thank you, Mr. York." Hearing this, Nina pursed her lips, feeling a bit overwhelmed by their conversation. "I'll leave now," she said, turning around and pushing the door open. She was eager to leave this place as soon as possible. S~earch the FindNøvelwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

Quincy was worried. "Nina." Quincy then respectfully reminded Nash, "Mr. York," suggesting whether he should go after her now.

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Nash made no move and frowned. With his cold gaze, he said, "She said the world can go on without me. Let her be herself!" With that, he strode out of the ward, clearly displeased.

"Mr. York..." Linda hadn't even had a chance to share the ultrasound m images she had taken with him to show him their child, and he left. She felt a pang of disappointment, but also sensed that Nash's mood was affected by Nina.

Nina was just Nash's secretary. Did he really need to pay attention to what she said? Forget it.

Linda still wanted to share this good news with the lady boss of the m nightclub. She had finally made a nfor herself. She called her, "Hey..."

"Linda, I need to tell you something." The voice on the other end sounded almost desperate. "You got the wrong guy. That man from the other night wasn't Mr. York..." S X