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CEO’s Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery

Chapter 142
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He was reminding Nina. Her own husband should be managed well, and she shouldn't let others take advantage of her.

Nina didn't want Grandpa George to worry about her relationship with Nash while he was ill, so she smiled and said, "I know, Nash has already talked toabout it. Grandpa George, it's getting late, and it's chilly outside. Let's go back in." "Okay." Grandpa George understood and didn't say anything more. Search the (F)OVELwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

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Nina escorted Grandpa George back to his hospital room, bid him farewell, and was debating whether or not to go to the obstetrics and gynecology department. But Linda happened to call her, "Nina, could you cto the hospital? I have something to discuss with you." Nina decided to go after all.

Quincy was standing guard at the door and seemed bewildered when he saw Nina approaching, as if he was afraid of her coming here.

"Nina, why are you here?" Quincy forced a smile.

Nina remained calm and asked, "What's going on?" "Well, maybe you should call Mr. York first and have him cover..." Quincy was cautious, which made Nina suspicious. "Is there something I shouldn't know about?" Quincy hesitated whether to tell her, but looking at Linda in the hospital room, he sighed, "You'd better go in by yourself." Nina turned her head and looked at Linda inside. She didn't seem to be in good condition, but she was smiling and seemed quite happy.

"Nina, you're here." Linda looked up. "I was about to get out of bed, but Mr. York instructedto rest properly, so I decided not to get up to greet you." Listening to this, Quincy found the conversation to be somewhat pretentious. How did he not realize it before?" Nina felt uncomfortable hearing this but didn't show any emotion on her face. She asked formally, "Where did you fall?" "I just suffered sminor injuries." Linda smiled faintly. "It's nothing serious." Minor injuries but requiring hospitalization? "I'm just pregnant!" The words shocked Nina. She looked at Linda in disbelief.

Pregnant? How could that be possible! Linda received Nina's shocked gaze and knew what kind of expression she would have. But the fact remained and she continued, "The baby in my womb is just over a month old. The doctor mentioned my health isn't great and I'mdacking in nutrition, which could impact the baby's health. Mr. York insisted I stay in the hospital to ensure the well-being of the baby." Quincy knew about this situation and hesitated whether to tell Nina or not. Mr. York had impregnated another woman outside, and as his legitimate wife, Nina would el.

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eventually find out about it. It was better not to hide it now than to be hib with the news later. She needed to be mentally prepared.

Nina's gaze turned to Quincy, who looked embarrassed, and he said, "Linda... is indeed pregnant." Nina was a little puzzled. How could she and Linda be pregnant at the stime? Did Linda really have a night with Nash? Linda seized the opportunity and said, "This time, I'm carrying Mr. York's child. Nina shouldn't object now, right?"

She had always regarded Nina as a rival in love, believing that Nina's interference had caused her to grow distant from Mr. York. Perhaps now that she was pregnant with Mr York's child, she would let her guard down and stop being suspicious of her.

Linda had been examined in the hospital, so her claim was wy wasundoubtedly true. Nima looked at Linda again and asked, "How long have you known Mr. York?" Linda must have had a reason to conceive Mr. York's child. If it wasn't that night, then it was sother night.

Linda hadn't quite grasped the d by Nina's situation yet, but prompted by question, she replied. Though not as long as Nina, I've known him for stime." Then, she turned to Quincy and said with a smile, "Quincy, could you step out? I'd like to have a private chat with Nina." X