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Billionaire’s Ex-wife : Craving You

Chapter 37
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Chapter 37
My heart swelled with a burning fury like never before. The intensity of my hatred for the Southwark family was beyond measure,
propelling me to consider actions I never dreamt of. But I knew I had to confront Ravel first, to hear his side of the story about the
rampant rumors flooding the internet. He owed me an explanation, for he was well aware that I had never betrayed him. There
was no cheating involved; instead, I was the one who discovered him in the arms of that dark-haired woman he shamelessly
As soon as the plane touched down, I wasted no time. Swiftly, I stepped out, flagged a taxi, and directed it straight to Ravel’s
office. What surprised me was the lack of opposition from his usually vigilant security personnel. Undeterred, I marched into the
building, acknowledging the familiar faces I encountered while dismissing the ones I didn’t recognize.
The emotions swirling within me were palpable as I approached Ravel’s secretary. With an air of courtesy, I gently placed my
purse on her desk and leaned forward, ensuring my presence was undeniable. “Kindly inform your boss that Ms. Blacks. has
arrived to see him,” I stated assertively, my eyes locked onto hers.
Her diplomatic smile couldn’t hide the tension as she promptly picked up the intercom and conveyed my message to Ravel. After
a brief conversation, she gestured towards the closed door, indicating that Mr. Southwark was prepared to receive me.
There was no turning back now; he had no choice but to face me. Grateful for the secretary’s assistance, I stepped into Ravel’s
office, my face a portrait of unyielding anger. I wasn’t there to mask my emotions; on the contrary, I intended to let him see the

depth of my disappointment and frustration not only with him but with his entire lineage.
As I approached Ravel’s office, he rose from his seat with an exaggerated grin, calling out, “Hazel, how I’ve missed seeing your
face in my office!” His overly cheerful demeanor only fueled my anger.
Without hesitation, I delivered an unexpected and resounding slap to his right cheek. The force of the slap caused his head to
jerk to the side. “It’s Ms. Blacks to you,” I retorted sharply, my voice seething with fury. “And how dare you smile at me after
attempting to ruin my career!”
Rubbing his cheek with one hand, he flexed his jaw, trying to regain composure. “Always remember that you are the only one
who can lay a finger on me and get away with it,” he said, his tone a mix of bravado and pain. But I was undeterred; my anger
was not to be contained.
I couldn’t help but scoff at his response. “Should I be grateful for that?” I retorted, frustration brimming in my voice. If only my
eyes had the power to kill, this ba stard would be long gone by now. “Unlike David, I have no qualms about dragging your sorry a
ss to court!”
Ravel’s chuckle only added fuel to the fire. “I’m certain of one thing, honey,” he said, gesturing to an empty seat. “My a ss is far

from useless. Why don’t you have a seat, so we can discuss matters like civilized adults?”
The audacity of his request infuriated me further. “Oh, now you want to be civilized, Ravel?!” I exclaimed, my anger palpable.
“You came into my parking lot, brutally assaulted my boyfriend, and threatened him with a gun. And you dare to talk about being
He frowned, attempting to downplay the situation. “Intimidate him with a gun?” he chuckled. “I don’t carry guns Hazel, and you
know that.”
“You might not, but Raymond does,” I shot back, unyielding in my determination to expose his cu nning a ss.

With a frustrated sigh, he made an audacious suggestion, gesturing towards the seat. “Either take a seat, or I’ll kiss you into
compliance,” he said, seemingly trying to assert control. Part of me doubted he would actually try that, but I didn’t want to
provoke him further by testing my luck.
Reluctantly, I lowered myself into the chair, crossing my legs and shooting him a fierce glare. “I have a lot to say to you, Ravel,” I
began, my voice filled with determination. “And I hope you’ll have the decency to keep your mouth shut and pay immense
attention.” He responded with a smile, but I refused to let it sway me.
Chapter 37
“First and foremost,” I continued firmly, “I want you to call David and apologize to him. Beg him not to take this to court.” The ball
was in his court now, and I intended to hold him accountable for his actions.
His smile vanished, but I remained resolute and unaffected. “Secondly,” I continued sternly, “I demand that you retract that utterly
useless statement you released and issue a public apology to me. Otherwise, I will not hesitate to pursue a defamation of
character lawsuit against you.”
Ravel seemed somewhat taken aback, scratching his brows as he leaned forward. “So, we’re addressing the issues in numerical
order?” he asked, attempting to regain some control. I responded with a slow blink, my face betraying no emotions. “First and
foremost,” he said firmly, “I am not going to apologize to that ba stard for defending my wife.”
I swiftly corrected him, my tone unwavering. “Ex-wife,” I asserted, ensuring he understood the reality of our situation.
Ravel’s jaw visibly clenched at my words, revealing his pent-up emotions. “Honestly, Hazel, I despise the idea that another man
believes he has the right to call you his, but if you’re going to put me through that heartache, it better be for someone who truly
deserves you.”
I’m not surprised he did not agree to this. Ravel was not one to easily say “sorry” to anyone who wasn’t family. Nevertheless, I
stood my ground, firmly asserting, “Who I choose to date is none of your business, Ravel. Just as I had no say in who you
cheated with, you have no right to dictate my choices in any way.”
“That will be a topic for another day.” He muttered. “Moving to the second request, “I’m sorry, Hazel, but I don’t know what you’re

talking about. I’ve been busy all day trying to handle the scandal that ba stard forced me into, so I haven’t had the time to go