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Billionaire’s Ex-wife : Craving You

Chapter 36
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Chapter 36



I had to stay with David until dinner time so I can fix him dinner. After dinner, I told him not to show his grace

around the office until he’s actually better. Walking me to my car, David grabbed my hand when I was about to

open your door. “I’m sorry for the unwanted attention I’m bringing to you.”

I smiled stiffly at him. “You want to tell me what really happened there?”

David’s demeanor shifted, and he nervously licked his lips, hesitating to recount the distressing encounter. “I

suppose he discovered my intentions to court you,” he admitted, wincing at the memory. With a heavy sigh, he

gazed past me, lost in thought. “Once you had departed, I decided to leave as well, so I headed to the parking lot.

Unfortunately, that’s where he cornered me, accompanied by his security. He confronted me, hurling threats and

demands to stay away from you. When I stood my ground and refused, he resorted to physical violence, striking


As I absorbed the distressing account, I couldn’t help but question his response. “But why didn’t you defend

yourself?” I asked, blinking rapidly, trying to comprehend the situation fully. “Were you concerned about facing a

lawsuit from Ravel?”

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David’s voice carried a mix of frustration and helplessness as he replied, “If only the CCTV in the parking lot was

functional, you could have witnessed the entire incident yourself.” He continued, “Raymond’s security aimed a gun

at him, warning me not to retaliate to any of Ravel’s blows.”

My eyes widened in shock and disbelief. “Raymond pointed a gun at you?” I exclaimed, appalled by the extreme

measures taken. That’s utterly ruthless and heartless, even for someone as fiercely loyal to Ravel as he is. I paused

for a moment, then asked, “Do you know when the CCTV malfunctioned? Having a video of the incident would have

been crucial evidence to confront Ravel and put him in his place.”

“When I mentioned it was faulty, I actually meant it had been tampered with,” David explained, and I couldn’t help

but narrow my eyes in suspicion. “After the confrontation, I rushed to the media house, only to discover that the

recording was incomplete.”

I couldn’t help but connect the dots. “Are you suggesting that Ravel is the one responsible?” I asked, and David’s

response was ambiguous, neither confirming nor denying it. I couldn’t shake off the feeling that he had come here

with the intention of confronting David. How did he even know David is the guy I pretended to be dating? I never

mentioned any name to Elenor. Pushing the thought aside, I decided to address the matter later. “Don’t worry

about Ravel; focus on your recovery. I’ll deal with him myself.”

Curious about my plans, David inquired, “What do you intend on doing?”

David shouldn’t bother himself with that. “I’ll call you tomorrow morning to check up on you,” I reassured him,

giving him a hug before getting into my car and driving off.

A few minutes later, my phone rang, and I frowned slightly upon seeing Elenor’s name on the screen. Is she calling

to beg on her brother’s behalf again, as usual? I hesitated for a moment before answering, “Elen?”

“Hi… Hazel… how are you doing?” Elenor’s voice sounded uncertain.

Glancing at the papara zzi car following me, I responded with a deadpan tone, “Great.”

Elenor winced, sensing the sharp edge in my tone. “I’m sorry about what happened between my brother and your

boyfriend,” she apologized earnestly. “I’ll make an effort to talk to Ravel and get the real story of what truly

happened in that parking lot.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “He left David in a helpless state, that’s what happened,” I retorted, my

frustration with Ravel evident. “The audacity of that man! Tell your brother he needs to call and apologize to David

before I completely lose my composure.”

Attempting to mediate, Elenor softly murmured, “You need to calm down, Hazel. I may not know your boyfriend,

but I

Chapter 36

understand my brother all too well.”

My brows furrowed as I tried to comprehend Elenor’s perspective. “Are you suggesting that David is to blame for

this?” I asked, feeling defensive.

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Elenor tried to clarify, “All I’m saying is that you’ve known Ravel longer than you know this David guy. You and Ravel

were together for a year and married for two years. You should know he doesn’t react unless provoked.”

I couldn’t fathom what David could have possibly said to warrant such a reaction from Ravel. Elenor’s biased

defense of her brother was apparent. “I’m currently driving, Elen. I’ll have to call you back,” I said, ending the call

before she could respond.

Just as I hung up, my phone started ringing again. I glanced at the screen and saw Agatha’s name. “I’m driving,


“I think you should pull over and listen to the news!” Agatha’s urgent tone caught my attention. “Those people just

declared war, and I’m not going to sit back and watch them ruin your career!”

“I’ll call you back,” I replied, ending the call. Worried, I pulled over, quickly grabbed my tablet, and went online find

out what was happening.

I stumbled upon an article from a verified source, although the author chose to remain anonymous. According to

the article, the fight between David and Ravel erupted when Ravel discovered that I had returned to the man with

whom I cheated on him two years ago.

Just like before, social media was now filled with hurtful and derogatory comments, labeling me a shameless wh

ore. The onslaught of negativity threatened to tarnish my career and reputation, leaving me feeling overwhelmed

and vulnérable.

Am I about to lose everything I’ve worked so hard for, for a man who is not even worth it?