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Anything For Her

Chapter 1047
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After having a child, Tristan had really become a family man. Once Dae was old enough not to need Sophie as

much anymore, he would occasionally bring the boy to Lombard Group.

Given how attractive his parents were, Dae was, of course, similarly stunning. The employees of Lombard Group

naturally took a liking to the young son of their CEO.

His charm was over the charts as he garnered the affection of both male and female employees.

Soon, Sophie was back in working condition. She showed up at both the medical association and Tanner Group

Even with a child, she was still decisive and capable of handling her work excellently.

Soon after she returned to the medical association, they solved another medical problem that saved the lives of

many patients.

The Chanaean Medical Association had thus thoroughly surpassed the once-superior International Medical


With Sophie and Arius supporting the Chanaean Medical Association, Barney was relieved that the association was

in good hands.

He had spent his entire life leading the association and was often too busy to keep his wife company. He felt it was

finally time to retire.

“Sophie, Arius, the Chanacan Medical Association is now in your hands. Never once did I feel ashamed during my

time in the medical industry. However, I do regret not spending enough time with my wife. After I retire, I plan to

travel with her around the globe. It has always been her dream to see the wonderful sights of the world.” There will

always be another medical puzzle to solve, but there’s only so much time one has.

Sophie and Arius didn’t have any objections to that. In fact, they were very supportive of his plan. “Don’t worry, Dr.

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Smith! With Arius and I taking care of the medical association, there won’t be any issues.”

“I doubt these old bones of mine will last for long, so I’ll be spending what time I have left to see the world. In the

future, regardless of the problems the association face, you two must work together to resolve it.” These two

students of mine are truly a blessing from the heavens. I don’t have any regrets left in my life.

“Don’t worry, Dr. Smith! You know what my relationship with Sophie is like. We won’t ever have any conflict with

each other,” assured Arius.

He and Sophie were genuinely closer than siblings.

“Good to hear. I’ll be taking my leave now, then.”

Everyone in the Chanaean Medical Association knew that Barney was retiring. Georgina bought and personally

presented a large bouquet of flowers to him as an expression of their gratitude.

Every member of the Chanaean Medical Association respected the old man who had devoted his life to medicine.

Barney was truly a talented researcher, as the countless fruits of his labor had saved thousands of lives.

How could one not admire a man like that?

“Do your best, Georgina! You’re a talented woman as well. I’ve no doubt you’ll continue to do a mighty impressive

job helming the Chanaean Medical Association.” Barney had been skeptical of Georgina’s

competency. However, time proved that Sophie had a good eye for talent, as Georgina was skilled at managing an


Despite the humongous size of the medical association, Georgina had successfully kept everything in order.

“Thank you for taking care of me all the time, Dr. Smith. I am where I am today because of your help.” Georgina

was an appreciative woman.

Barney patted her shoulder. “You and Arius should work hard, too. Things may get busy for the both of you, but you

should still try to conceive at least a child with him.” When I was young, I didn’t want any children. However, now

that I’m old, I do regret my decision somewhat. If my wife and I did have one child in the past, we wouldn’t have

been as lonely.

“Don’t worry, Dr. Smith. I’ll do my best so that you can carry our kid the next time you return,” said Arius.

Barney nodded. “We all need to take care of ourselves. If you need my help to solve a problem, feel free to contact

me.” As long as it’s a medical issue, I’ll be happy to help out.

After that, Sophie and Arius personally saw Barney and Jessica off.

The old couple leaving together was a touching sight to the youngsters. They were a genuine representation of the

idea that medicine knew no borders.

“Let’s head back,” said Arius. All good things must come to an end. Even the tightest relationships will cease to be

one day. Besides, Dr. Smith isn’t a Chanaean. Regardless of one’s nationality, they’ll wish to return to their home

once they’ve grown old.

“I’m not heading back to the medical association. I need to pick up Dae,” Sophie said. Things have been so hectic in

the medical association lately that Dae has been following Tristan to Lombard Group.

“I see. Go, then. I’ll call a taxi.” While Sophie drove there in her own car, Arius didn’t.

“I’ll drive you back to the medical association first.”

“It’s fine. I know you miss your son.” That boy really is adorable.

“Okay, then. Be safe.” With that, Sophie drove to Lombard Group.

When she arrived, Dae was already sleeping on the couch. Beside him was Tristan’s assistant, who was guarding

the boy.

At the sight of Sophie, the assistant got up. “Hello, Mrs. Lombard.”

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Sophie nodded wordlessly because she didn’t want to disturb Dae’s slumber.

Quietly, the assistant left the room, giving Sophie and her child space.

When Tristan returned from his meeting, he spotted his wife sleeping next to his son.

He gazed at that heartwarming scene with satisfaction.

He removed his coat and gently laid it on Sophie. Once they woke up, he brought them back home.

“Thanks for taking care of Dae the whole day. It must’ve been tiring,” said Sophie.

“It’s not tiring at all, Honey. In the future, I’ll bring Dae to the company more often so that you can focus on doing

your thing.” Tristan smiled. I know how important the medical association is to her, so I want to provide her with

enough freedom to do what she wants.

Sophie pecked him on the cheek. “I feel lucky to have met a husband as amazing as you.” No wonder those

socialites are jealous of me. I really do have an outstanding husband.

At night, after Dae fell asleep, Tristan could finally rest while hugging his wife. “Now, you’re mine only, my dear.”

Even though Dae is my son, I’ll still get jealous. I don’t want her to get too close to another man, even if that man is

our child.

Sophie hugged his neck. “That’s right. I’m forever yours.”

Upon hearing that, Tristan couldn’t control himself any longer. “Are you saying I can do whatever I want tonight?”

Instead of answering his question, she wrapped her arms around his waist, nonverbally letting him know how much

she loved him. I’m truly lucky to have met him. If all the terrible things that happened to me prior to our encounter

were meant to lead me to him, then I think experiencing them was worth it.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!