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Anything For Her

Chapter 1046
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Upon learning Sophie had given birth, Ysabelle and Felix ended their honeymoon.

Ysabelle couldn’t wait to meet Dae.

When she returned and saw Dae’s adorable, chubby face, she wanted to hug him.

However, William wouldn’t allow it. “You don’t know how to hug a baby, and Dae’s still small. You better stay away

from him.”

Ysabelle turned to Felix with a pitiful look. “What do I do, Felix? I don’t have a place in the Lombard family


How can they treat her like this? Aren’t they concerned that she’ll feel upset? It’s just a baby. Immediately, Felix

hugged her waist and comforted her, “It’s fine. Even if they don’t care about you, I still will. You are my treasure.”

Upon hearing how sincere he sounded, Ysabelle blushed. Even though she was the one acting coy, she felt


William shook his head. In the past, I thought Felix wasn’t a good match for Ysabelle. Now, I think they’re a perfect

fit. I guess that’s how they have always been-one submissive and one dominant.

At night, Caleb dined in the Lombard residence before leaving. Thanks to Sophie, he had a better time at the

Institute of Physics.

During the meal, William offered him words of assurance. “Don’t worry, Caleb! Now that Sophie’s married to the

Lombard family, we absolutely won’t let her suffer.” Our family culture has always been pretty great.

Caleb smiled and replied, “I’m just here to meet my little nephew. We’re relieved that Sophie’s here.”

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“If you need anything in the future, you can ask Tristan for help. We’re all family now, after all. There’s no need to

hold back.” Since Caleb is Dae’s uncle, we naturally have to lend him a hand if he needs help.

“Thank you. I won’t hesitate to call if I require it.”

After dinner, Sophie sent Caleb out. “You really don’t need to worry about me, Caleb. I’m happy right now.” Besides,

I won’t let anyone bully me.


Once Caleb left, Sophie returned to the room. Inside, Tristan was playing with Dae. The baby’s charming eyes

resembled hers

Upon noticing her return, Tristan approached her. “Has Caleb left?”

“Yeah. I sent him out. He was already busy at the research institute, so I asked him to go back and get some rest.” I

merely helped Caleb with something well within my influence. He really doesn’t need to mind it too much.

“I bet you’re tired after taking care of our child for a day. Come over here, Honey. I’ll give you a massage. Tristan

gestured for her to come closer. Dae’s a chubby kid. If Sophie wishes to feed him milk, she has to carry him, which

will be tiring.

Sophie sat on his lap and allowed him to massage her shoulders.

Initially, Tristan was focused on relieving her stress. However, as he continued, his hands started getting naughty.

Naturally, Sophie noticed it and clutched his hand. “I know you’ve been holding yourself back, but can you wait for a

little longer?” My body hasn’t even recovered yet!

Tristan sighed, feeling pretty awful because he couldn’t do anything with his wife while she was in his embrace.

“What’s the matter?” Sophie asked.

“Do you not love me anymore, Sophie? I feel you don’t love me anymore after Dae was born.” I’m the most

important man in her life, no? Even though Dae’s my son, I won’t allow him to take my spot in her heart!

Sophie chuckled and kissed his cheek. I can’t believe a man over thirty is fighting for my attention with a baby a few

days old. Why is this man so cute?

“I love him so much because he’s our child! Don’t worry. You’re still the most important man in my life.” Even Dae

can’t be compared to him.


“Really. No one can ever replace you in my heart.” Sophie planted another kiss on his cheek.

Tristan started touching her inappropriately again. “Can you help me, Sophie?” I’m having a really difficult time

holding myself back. I don’t care even if she only helps me with her hands.

“Okay.” Instead of rejecting him, she did what he requested and dirtied her hands.

After Tristan released himself, he carried her to the bathroom and washed her hands. “It’s tiring to take care of a

child, Sophie. How about we hire a nanny?” If she does everything alone, she’ll wear herself out quickly.

“It’s fine. I can handle this.” She only focused all her attention on her child because he was still a baby.

“You should have your own life, too. If we hire a nanny, you’ll have your own time and can do what you want

outdoors.” I don’t want to see our baby tie her down. My wife is an impressive woman, and the outside world is

vast. She should be allowed to soar freely.

“I know. You don’t need to worry about me. I’m aware of what I’m doing.” It doesn’t matter what I do. As long as

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I’m happy during the process, that’s all that matters, no?

It was then the baby cried, prompting her to tend to him.

Contentment flooded Tristan’s heart as he stared at her back. That’s my wife! Even though she’s only twenty- one

years old, she’s already a mother. Sometimes, I feel guilty about it. If not for me, she wouldn’t have given birth that

early. Other times, I feel lucky that she ultimately chose me. In any case, I’ll dote on her until death do us part.

Time passed quickly when one had to care for their child. Soon, it was time for Dae’s welcome baby party.

As Dae was William’s grandson, many influential figures from the country attended the event. They were very

eager to butter up Tristan and Sophie.

William was very enthusiastic during the party, as seen by his long speech on the stage. He emphasized how

satisfied he was with his daughter-in-law and gifted her ten percent of Lombard Group’s shares.

Sophie was shocked. “Dad, you don’t need to do that. I have money. I-”

“In the past, I was worried that Tristan doesn’t like women. It’s you who laid that worry to rest and brought

happiness to my son, Sophie. I know you aren’t lacking in wealth, but consider this my token of appreciation. Keep


Holding Sophie’s hand, Tristan persuaded, “You should accept it. It’s what Dad wants.”

As such, Sophie received the present. “Thank you, Dad.”

“I’m the one who needs to thank you, Sophie. I hope you and your family will continue to be happy in the future.”

William smiled. I’m getting quite old now. I can’t stay with them forever.