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An Omega For Sale by Kess

Chapter 28
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Chapter 28 Jake began stroking his chin and staring at the spot above my head like he was trying to find something written there, after a while he cleared his throat and returned his attention back to Matthew.

"It's too soon. We don't have all the details laid out yet and if we rush into any of these things we might get burned along the line. We need to be careful. One mistake could cause us the entire deal, you know that fact." I wasn't sure what they were talking about but their words sent solvers up my spine and I watched their exchange with wide eyes, hoping to deduce where this was headed.

"What we need is to get the first strike right. The rest glinting.

of it is going to follow in place behind." Matthew said. Eyes still "What do you propose then? It has to be a solid plan or I'm out. Im not risking having my behind burnt because your ass couldn't be patient." "Well, why don't we start by killing the bastard Alpha King." Matthew blurred out.

If a pin was being dropped at this moment, I'm sure the entire room would have heard its echo from how silent the room became.

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All the air whooshed out of lungs and it was only in this moment that I becgrateful for the chains that were holdingsecurely in place.

I couldn't be sure that my legs would have been able to withstand the urge of collapsing.

This was crazy! I had known Matthew to bother on the edge of psychopathy but I wasn't sure how far gone he was until he blurted out these words.

"Are you crazy? How do you expect to just do that? You're talking like it's super easy to go on and claw out the Alpha's heart, have you gone nuts or something?” Jake raged.

"Calm down, it's going to work. We just need the right tto infiltrate his mansion, trust me, I already did it once though Iand I was out of the place like a breeze." had a solid reason to be there in the first place but I took the princess with Matthew explained.

"Like you just said, you had a solid reason to be there in the first place. What happens when you don't have a reason? And if we go in with a reason, how are we supposed to get back out? And then when the Alpha is found dead don't you think all fingers would be pointed in our direction? Matthew you're going crazy!" Jake looked ready to step out of the place but Matthew held on to his shirt.

"Hold on. You're just scared, I have a solid plan and you just have to see the light where I'm pointing at." Matthew said.

He walked to the end of the room and placed a sleeping Jessy on the ground. I winced when her body cin contact with the cold floor. That would not be comfortable for her, and her and she would wake up really sore.

S I watched as Matthew placed a small kiss on her forehead and my skin crawled with disgust.

The fact that Jessy was still knocked out cold even with all the jostling that Matthew had been doing and the screaming from me, plus the loud voices of both the men, should have been enough to wake her up, but my little girl was still sleeping.

It deeply worried me.

09:33 Fri, Jan 24 T GO Chapter 28 "It's all in planning Jake don't you remember. We're just going to have to make it look like a mistake. Mistakes happen all the tright? We just need the perfect mistake and he'll be gone." Matthew coaxed.

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I could see Jake shake his head in disagreement.

"The Alpha's death could never be a mistake Matthew. It'll be investigated until we are both sniffed out. What makes you think that you would even be next. He still has his Beta, Smith or whatever he's called. You're so focused on being Alpha, you don't even want to see the rest of the people. You claim that if you're Alpha then I could be your Beta and we'll flush out the officials and fill them in with our men, but there are a lot of hurdles to pass and you keep forgetting them." Jake reasoned.

I could see the fat man's hands trembling and I could tell that he was having anxiety from all this planning. fromyal Matthew seemed unbothered though, in fact he still had the glint in his eyes and a happy smirk on his lips. "Well if we can get the Alpha out of the way, we can also get the Beta out, we can get all of them out. You have nothing to worry about Jake, it's all going to be fine."

Matthew comforted holding a hand towards Jake and giving the man a lopsided smile before taking a step не towards him. The man flinched in, fear and took a big step back, putting a distance between himself and Gamma.

"You're crazy, you've gone completely crazy Matthew, I don't know what you're on but you need to stop itm I'm out ofchère, don't want the soon. I'm don't girl anymore, I don't want to be a part of this ridiculous plan, I don't even want to be associated with you anymore." Jake said, spinning on his heel and waddling towards the door. Just before he could pull it open, the door flung open and Jake looked in shock at whoever was at the other end. Alpha Greyson and sother men, a few that I could recognize from the meeting, walked into the room and from the look on their faces, it was obvious that they had heard the conversation, or most of it at least.

One of the men headed in my direction and began to fiddle with the lock on the chain at the back ofand the moment I was free I let a tear drop from my eyes.

The Alpha had cfor me! I watched out of the corner of my eyes as Matthew took quick steps towards Jessy and grabbed my child roughly.

"I would split open her if any of you take a step towards me." Matthew threatened.

And it frozein my tracks.