Chapter 27 "Jake, it's good to see you again." Matthew called out the moment my 'new owner' entered the rogin. I couldn't completely see his facial features because he still had his back turned againstbut he was a big, short, round man with a bald head.
"I was surprised you called me. We're not set to see each other for another few weeks." The man replied and Matthew let out a loud, deep bellied laugh like he had just cracked the funniest joke of the century.
"Of course, of course, but I saw something tha might interest you and I thought you might want to ccheck it out." The man grunted and then Matthew pointed in my direction, glint in his eyes and a sly smirk painting his lips.
I swallowed heavily the moment the short man turned in my direction. I recognized this face.
"This is Freya. If I remember correctly, you were very close to acquiring her at the auction and then I cin and took that away from you. I'm sorry about that by the way." Matthew apologized.
This was the disgusting looking short man among the crowd of patrons that had bid a hundred thousand dollars and had been almost successful at acquiring us until Matthew had swooped in with his ridiculously extravagant price The man called Jake moved towardsand I flinched but the chains that heldsecurely in place keptin the spot, I couldn't move an inch.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtHe smirked when he saw my pitiful attempt to escape him and when he got in front ofhe took my face in his hands and turned it this way and that to observe it.
I could smell the stale odor coming from him and it sent a wave of nausea crashing against and I wasn't sure how he was able to walk around with that stench on his being.
me. He smelt of something sour I felt pity for the people that had to work close to him on a daily basis. It smell even for minutes long.
must be SO uncomfortable to have to take in this His overall appearance looked dirty. His teeth were a sickening yellow that made his smile even creepier, his shirt had a big stain on the chest area and it was badly wrinkled that it looked like it had been picked from a pile of dirty clothes on the floor and shrugged on.
He finally let go of my face and I let out the breath I had been holding. Panting in relief at the fact that I didn't have to hold my breath anymore.
"She looks even better than the first tI saw her." Jake said and Matthew clicked his tongue in agreement.
"Ay, she's been well fed and properly cared for in this last couple of weeks." "Why are you looking to sell her again then and does this sale cwith the child?" The fat man probed and I watched as Matthew's eyes turned dark at the mention of Jessy.
He turned dark eyes to the fat man and sneered in his direction causing the man to take a careful step back. "Woah man, I'm just asking." He said with his hands up in the air in a surrender.
Matthew seemed to relax a little at his words and he began running his fingers through Jessy's hair. 09:32 Fri, Jan 24 Chapter 27 "She's too much trouble than she's worth and no, she's going aloje. The child stays with me." Matthew stated coldly.
1 knew these already but it felt like it was the first tI was hearing those words again and I burst into a fresh bout of tears.
Both men turned their head in my direction and at the sight of the tears running down my face they both burst out laughing like it was the funniest thing they ever saw.
My heart ached too much and I felt like collapsing.
"How has she been in terms of behavior? I don't have the tto tan omega right now." Jake asked. "Well she had been serving in the Alpha's hsince she was bought and I haven't heard a single complaint from him, so I'd say she's good to go." "Wait, what do you mean the Alpha's home? I thought she was your slave." Matthew shook his head in the negative.
"I initially bought her but the stupid Alpha took her away fromagain." Matthew said, anger coating his face.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm
I wanted to call out his bluff, he was-atting like the Alpha had takenaway frombased on sheer authority. He had paid double the price for me. That made him even richer than what he initially owned.
He was being greedy by wanting to make more money offjust to cover his tracks of kidnapping myself and my daughter. I wanted to call him out for the liar that he was and expose all the things that he had been doing and saying about Jessy. I wanted to desperately call him out for being a pedophile, but it wouldn't matter. None of it would matter. Jake didn't look like he would care enough to take actions against him.
He looked like he was a supporter of the Gamma and no matter how true or solid my accusations were, he didn't seem like he would care one bit about trying to resolve them, so I held my tongue.
"Classic Alpha. Always so full of himself, thinks he holds all the power and everything belongs to him." I had lived with the Alpha for a short while and being his personal maid, I had the opportunity to observe him first hand. He was nothing like these men were trying to paint.
He liked certain things done in certain ways but he was also a fair man. Maybe I hadn't stayed long enough to know him properly? Well that could be the case, but I wasn't taking Mathew's or Jake's word for it.
"That's the other reason why I summoned you here." Matthew began and the sinister note his voice took made my heart hammer faster in my chest.
"I think the plan needs to be pushed forward a couple of steps. We don't have much ton qu on our hands and with the chaos that is sure to cfrom two of the Alpha's slaves missing, I'm sure it'll be the best tto strike" Matthew divulged cryptically. 09:33 Fri, Jan 24 ■ Chapter 28