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After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 85
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#85 “Is He Your New Boyfriend?”
As Sophia returned to the hotel room with the letter, her mind was abuzz with questions and suspicions. The letter held an air of
mystery, a puzzle that beckoned her to decipher its true meaning. She couldn’t help but feel that there was more to the story than
the words on the page.
Seated in the hotel restaurant, Sophia carefully unfolded the letter once again, as if hoping that a fresh reading might reveal
hidden clues. Her gaze fixated on the words, and she couldn’t shake the feeling that her grandfather’s message was laden with
She meticulously examined the document, scrutinizing every detail, but it was to no avail. The letter was concise, listing names
that held no explanation, offering no insight into the nature of her grandfather’s connection with these individuals. The private
seal, his distinctive signature, and the familiar handwriting were unmistakably her grandfather’s, leaving no room for doubt about
its authenticity.
Frustration and curiosity gnawed at Sophia. Why had her grandfather chosen to be so cryptic? What was the nature of his
relationship with the people listed in the letter? How had he come to know them? And what purpose did this carefully curated
network of influential figures serve?
With each question, the mystery surrounding her family’s history deepened, casting a long shadow over her understanding of her
grandfather’s actions. Yet, for now, the answers remained elusive.
After a fruitless examination, Sophia reluctantly set aside the letter. The weight of the unanswered questions bore heavily upon
her, but she knew that she needed more information to unravel the enigma. The letter was but one piece of a much larger
Sophia realized that her journey was far from over. The secrets of her grandfather’s past and the true meaning of the letter were
still hidden, waiting to be discovered. She was determined to unearth the truth, not just for her own sake but also to honor the
legacy of the man who had entrusted her with this cryptic message.

Sophia’s day in London had unfolded quicker than expected, and she found herself with some free time to explore the city’s rich
culture and heritage. The idea of sightseeing was enticing, and she knew just the person to share the experience with.
As she strolled through the bustling streets, she reached for her phone and dialed Evelyn’s number. After a few moments, her
friend’s voice crackled over the line.

“Evelyn, it’s me,” Sophia began. ” Guess who is in London?”
“Sophia! I can’t believe you went to London without telling me,” Evelyn chastised her friend, her tone filled with mock indignation.
“Who was it that promised to join me for tomorrow’s yoga class?”
Sophia couldn’t help but laugh at her friend’s reaction. Evelyn’s reproach was expected, and she had an idea of how to make
amends. “I know, I know, Evelyn. I’m so sorry. I have a sudden trip. But I promise, I’ll make it up to you.”
Evelyn’s curiosity was piqued. “Oh, really? How?”
Sophia grinned, even though her friend couldn’t see it through the phone. ” How about I treat you to something quintessentially
British? I’m thinking... Burberry?”
There was a moment of silence on the other end, and then Evelyn’s voice rang out, her excitement impossible to conceal.
“Burberry, really? You’re forgiven, Sophia.”
Sophia was pleased to have appeased her friend. Evelyn’s enthusiasm was palpable. “That sounds perfect! When you return, I
want to see my Burberry and you will treat me to a meal,” she exclaimed Sophia agreed, “You have yourself a deal.”
“Sophia wait, before you hang up I want to ask you something.” Evelyn began with a mischievous glint in her eyes, “How’s your
relationship with Alexander? Is it getting spicier?”
Sophia couldn’t help but smile at her friend’s directness, although her response was tinged with a hint of denial. “It’s...
complicated, Evelyn. But no. There is nothing between us.”
Evelyn decided to tread lightly. “I did feel that he was genuinely apologetic after the birthday party incident. He seems like a nice
Sophia nodded, her eyes reflecting Alexander’s sincerity on that particular occasion. “Yes, he can be. But there’s so much history
and... complexity between us. I don’t think there’s any potential for something more. He’s impulsive, serious, and quite bossy, to

be honest,” Sophia said, her voice trailing off.
Evelyn couldn’t help but burst into laughter, the sound ringing out amidst their conversation. “Are you serious, Sophia? You just
described yourself.”
Sophia rolled her eyes even though Evelyn couldn’t see her. “Come on, Evelyn.”

“Am I wrong, though? You’re pretty self -assured and, let’s admit it, a little bossy when it comes to handling things your way. You
like being in control, and there are countless examples I could give.”
Sophia paused, considering Evelyn’s words. “Fine, you might be right about some of that. But what about being impulsive?”
“Evelyn’s laughter bubbled up again. Alexander is many things, but I’ve never seen him as impulsive. Maybe he’s reserving that
side just for you.”
“Think whatever you want, but honestly, I don’t think it’ll work out between us.” ”
Evelyn was about to reply when, suddenly, a man’s voice inadvertently leaked from her phone, instantly piquing Sophia’s
“Who’s that, Evelyn?” Sophia asked, her tone vigilantly questioning.
“Oh, that’s just... a friend.” Sophia couldn’t help but grin at her friend’s evasiveness. “A friend, huh? Is he your new boyfriend?”
Evelyn was silent a little too long. ” Sophia, always the detective. I’ll tell you more later. I have to go now. Bye!”
Sophia found herself amidst the bustling streets of London, her thoughts swirling like the sea of people passing by. She had
been left puzzled and a tad bewildered by her recent phone call with Evelyn.
Her friend’s abrupt hang-up and the mention of a new romance had added an unexpected twist to the conversation. As she
gently slipped her phone into her bag, her hazel eyes darted around. The sprawling city held an allure that never failed to
captivate her.
But her brief moment of contemplation was abruptly disrupted when a stranger approached her.
“Sophia Johnson.”
This person had an uncanny knowledge of her, addressing her by name in a manner that sent shivers down her spine. The
casual bustle of the streets around her seemed to fade into the background as his words reached her ears.
She turned to the stranger and before she had time to say anything he spoke first. “I used to know Christopher Johnson,” the
man said.

Sophia’s curiosity was piqued, but she was not one to be easily taken in by strangers, even in the lively streets of London.
Sophia blinked and then cautiously inquired “You know my grandfather?”
The stranger nodded solemnly. “Yes, I knew him. We need to talk, Sophia. It’s about something that he wanted you to know.”.