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After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 84
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#84 “Show Them This Letter.”
“Michael, this is exactly the lifeline I needed. Please introduce me to your friend as soon as possible,” Megan urged, trying for a
second time to find out about who is Michael talking about.
Michael nodded. “Of course, Megan. But not now. He prefers to maintain a low profile, but I assure you, his capabilities are
Megan nodded in agreement. “Thank you, Michael. I’ve invested everything in this company, and I can’t afford to lose it all now. I
trust your judgment in this matter.”
Michael wore a mask of reassurance, masking the complexity of his true intentions. “You’re doing the right thing, Megan.
Sophia’s plan won’t stand a chance against this partnership. We’ll make sure of it.”
As they concluded their meeting and parted ways, the stakes had been raised in the intricate game of power and deception that
was being played behind the scenes.
Megan was buoyed by a renewed sense of hope and determination. The unknown investor represented a glimmer of salvation
for her struggling company, and she was willing to do whatever it took to ensure its survival.
As the chess pieces continued to move on the grand board of corporate intrigue Michael was working mainly for his interest. He
didn’t care whose plan was going to succeed if he was on the winning part.
Sophia’s arrival in London marked the beginning of a journey that held both personal and professional significance. As she
stepped off the plane and into the bustling Heathrow Airport, she couldn’t help but feel the embrace of a city that was no stranger
to her.
After Sophia’s marriage, her grandfather disappeared without a trace. Sophia mourned his loss and assumed he had passed
away. She didn’t know that he had secretly remained in London for some time after leaving her side. Why her grandfather chose
to once stay in London remained a mystery, one that Sophia was determined to unravel.
While her primary objective was to unearth the secrets of the past, she was determined to savor the moments of her present

Arriving in the evening, Sophia had chosen a charming boutique hotel in a historic part of the city. The cobblestone streets and
the charming architecture that surrounded her seemed to whisper tales of a bygone era. Her room overlooked a picturesque
garden, and the soft glow of streetlamps filtered through the lace curtains, creating an ambiance of timeless elegance.
After a night of restful sleep and jetlag recovery, Sophia began her day with a quintessential English breakfast in the hotel’s

charming dining room. The clinking of silverware against porcelain plates, the aroma of sizzling bacon, and the murmur of
conversations created a delightful symphony.
She savored each bite of her traditional morning meal, knowing that this trip wasn’t just about work but also about rediscovering
her connection to her heritage.
As the morning sun bathed the city in golden light, Sophia embarked on the first order of business during her stay in London.
She had arranged a meeting with a renowned medical professional, Dr. Elizabeth Hartman.
Dr. Hartman had extensive experience in treating patients with complex medical histories, and she had agreed to oversee
Maestro Paus’s care upon his return to London.
Sophia arrived at Dr. Hartman’s private clinic, a stately townhouse nestled in a quiet corner of the city. The exterior exuded an air
of professionalism, while the interiors were tastefully decorated, offering a sense of comfort and reassurance. The doctor herself
had an air of competence that immediately put Sophia at ease.
“Ms. Johnson, I must say it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Dr. Hartman said as she extended her hand in greeting. Her warm smile
was genuine, and it hinted at the compassion she held for her patients.
“The pleasure is mine, Dr. Hartman,” Sophia replied. “I’ve heard wonderful things about your work, and I’m truly grateful for your
willingness to assist with Maestro Paus’s medical care.”
Dr. Hartman led Sophia into her office, and they settled into a comfortable discussion about Maestro’s condition and the steps
needed to ensure his well- being upon his arrival.
Sophia explained to her Maestro Paus’s situation, and Dr. Hartman listened attentively, her expertise shining through as she
asked pertinent questions and reassured Sophia about the care Maestro would receive.
“Rest assured, Ms. Johnson, we will provide the best care possible for him,” Dr. Hartman said with confidence. “I’ll make the
necessary arrangements for his transfer to our facility and assemble a dedicated team of specialists to address his needs..

Sophia couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief knowing that Maestro Paus would be in capable hands. She thanked Dr. Hartman
for her commitment and professionalism.
As she left the clinic and stepped out into the vibrant streets of the city, her heart swelled with determination, and she couldn’t
help but embrace the dual beauty of the present and the past that surrounded her in London.
Sophia was ready to continue. She hailed a cab and headed to Maestro Paus’s house to find the letter her grandfather had left
for her.
As she approached the grand, stately residence, she couldn’t help but admire the architectural beauty and the sense of history
that enveloped the place. Maestro Paus had maintained a residence in London, and it was here that he had mentioned the letter
her grandfather had left behind.

The housekeeper, Mrs. Collins, greeted Sophia at the entrance with a warm smile. She was a woman of dignified grace, her
white apron crisply starched, and her demeanor exuding the utmost professionalism. Sophia felt an immediate sense of comfort
in her presence.
“Welcome, Miss Johnson,” Mrs. Collins said. “Maestro Paus has instructed me to assist you in any way I can. Please come
They made their way to a charming sitting room, adorned with elegant antique furniture, rich mahogany bookshelves, and soft,
muted colors that exuded a timeless beauty. Mrs. Collins poured a pot of fragrant Earl Grey tea, which Sophia accepted with
As they sipped tea, Mrs. Collins shared stories of Maestro Paus’s life and his enduring love for music. It was evident that she
held great respect and affection for him.
After a while, Mrs. Collins led Sophia to Maestro Paus’s study, a room of profound significance. The study was lined with
bookshelves filled with countless volumes of music, history, and literature. The large desk was an antique masterpiece, and the
room held an air of intellectual curiosity.
“Maestro’s study was his sanctuary,” Mrs. Collins explained as she gestured to the room. “He spent many hours here, working on
his compositions and writing.”
Sophia approached the desk with a sense of reverence. Maestro Paus had mentioned that her grandfather had left behind a
letter. With trembling hands, Sophia opened the top drawer of the desk.

Her heart quickened as she discovered a sealed envelope bearing her grandfather’s handwriting. It was elegantly penned, and
the address indicated that it was meant for her.
Sophia carefully retrieved the envelope and held it in her hands, her emotions welling up. This letter was a connection to her
past, a link to her family’s history, and a piece of the puzzle that would help her understand her grandfather’s secrets.
She carefully broke the seal and unfolded the delicate parchment. The neat, cursive handwriting of her grandfather came into
The letter’s content was brief. It listed a series of names. As Sophia scanned the list, her eyes widened with recognition. These
were not just ordinary names; they were influential figures in the realms of politics, business, and culture.
Some were renowned musicians, others esteemed statesmen, and a few were captains of industry. It was a curated network of
individuals who held significant sway in the world.
There were only a few words from her grandfather:
“Should you encounter difficulties in the future, whether in the pursuit of your dreams, the protection of your interests, or the
safeguarding of your legacy, you need not bear the burden alone. These individuals, my dear Sophia, are your guardians in the
world. Show them this letter, sealed with my personal insignia, and they will extend their hand in support.”
Sophia was struck by the gravity of her grandfather’s message. The letter was more than a mere piece of paper; it was a lifeline
to a network of powerful allies who would stand by her side in times of need. But it also raised questions.
Why had her grandfather assembled such an influential circle of allies? What difficulties or challenges had he anticipated for her
that would necessitate such assistance? And what did he foresee for her future? How does he even know them?