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After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 80
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#80 “I’ll Do My Best to Keep You Safe.”
The evening at the Japanese restaurant continued with Alexander’s arrival, and as he entered, a tension settled over the table.
Michael couldn’t resist the chance to throw a teasing comment at Alexander, his sardonic tone evident.
“I didn’t expect you to be so restless, Alexander, rushing here to disrupt our dinner as soon as you heard I was having dinner
with Sophia,” Michael quipped, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. It was clear to Sophia that this was yet another subtle
battle in the ongoing war of egos between the two men.
“You were kind enough to let me know and I decided to join in,” Alexander replied with a smile that was far from warm.
Sophia, who had hoped for a peaceful dinner discussion about their collaboration, rolled her eyes at their exchange. Her irritation
was evident, and she was growing tired of their immature rivalry.
“Must you two be so childish?” she chided, a hint of exasperation in her voice. It was disheartening to see two grown men
engaging in such antics.
Sophia did not doubt that Michael wanted to rub Alexander’s nose and that was why he had let him know, which explained his
sudden appearance that evening. She shook her head.
“Can we continue?” Benjamin asks boredly and looks at Sophia.
She took a sip of green tea to steady her nerves before she began. “Gentlemen, there’s something I need to discuss with you.
I’ve decided that Alexander should know the details of our collaboration.”
Both Benjamin and Michael exchanged glances. Benjamin, as the voice of reason and caution, was the first to voice his
“Sophia, I understand your intention, but involving more people in this could increase the risk of our plan being exposed. The

fewer who know about it, the better.”
Sophia appreciated Benjamin’s vigilance, but she had a good reason for her decision. She leaned forward and spoke with
conviction. “I know it might seem counterintuitive, but Alexander was the one who provided us with this crucial information that
can help us significantly.”.

Michael, who had been silently observing their exchange, chimed in with skepticism. “And what’s to stop Alexander from using
that information for his own gain or, worse, exposing our plan to Megan?”
Sophia met Michael’s skepticism with a knowing smile. “You underestimate Alexander. He’s not foolish enough to jeopardize his
own interests by revealing our plan. Besides, I believe he has his own motivations for wanting to see Megan’s empire crumble.”
The others remained skeptical, but they could sense the determination in Sophia’s voice. She was unyielding in her belief that
Alexander should be part of their efforts. After a moment of contemplation, Benjamin finally conceded, “If you trust him, Sophia,
we’ll allow him to be involved.”
Michael nodded in reluctant agreement, and the tension in the room began to ease. Sophia knew that it wasn’t an ideal situation,
but she believed it was necessary to achieve their shared goal.
Sophia repeated the plan she had discussed earlier with Michael and Benjamin. Alexander was silent and absorbing all the
As the dinner came to an end, and Benjamin and Michael made their departures, the restaurant slowly emptied out. Only
Alexander and Sophia remained in their private room a sanctuary of quietude in the bustling restaurant.
Alexander leaned back in his chair, looking contemplative as he gazed at Sophia.
“What?” Sophia asks.
“Nothing, you just amaze me sometimes,” he replies with a small smile.
“Are you talking about the plan?” Sophia asks, sipping her tea. Sipping her tea, Sophia queried, “Are you talking about the plan?”

Alexander nodded, his eyes reflective.” Yeah, it doesn’t sound too bad, even though it’s terribly risky,” Alexander says and
pauses for a moment. “Do your want me to drive you to your place?”
“Okay,” Sophia replies.
After settling the bill and bidding farewell to the cozy Japanese restaurant, they headed for the car. As they strolled past the
storage room, a fleeting moment of discomfort tugged at Sophia. She couldn’t help but recall the unexpected kiss from earlier,
and she tried her best not to glance in the direction of that storage room, the scene of their stolen moment.

As they slipped into the car, Sophia couldn’t help but feel a twinge of anxiety. She hoped that Alexander would not bring up the
subject of their unexpected kiss, preferring to maintain a professional demeanor during their collaboration.
Their drive back to Sophia’s apartment was marked by intermittent, lighthearted discussions, ranging from trivial matters like the
weather to favorite TV shows, in an attempt to diffuse the tension that still lingered in the air.
When they reached her apartment building, Alexander, in his typically gallant manner, moved to open the car door for Sophia.
Once they were in front of Sophia’s apartment, she turned to Alexander. ” Thank you for the ride, Alexander. Thank you for
considering our plan. I know it’s a complex situation.”
Alexander nodded. “I may not be directly involved, but I’m here to assist and protect you from the sidelines. If you ever find
yourself in a dangerous situation, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’ll do my best to keep you safe.”
Sophia was somewhat taken aback by Alexander’s words. They felt different from his staunch defense of Emily during the court
case. Nevertheless, she didn’t voice her thoughts. “Thank you, Alexander.”
With a nod of agreement, Alexander bade her goodnight, and Sophia watched his car drive away.
Meanwhile, Alexander had returned to his own home, the unease stemming from the impulsive kiss he had initiated with Sophia
still gnawing at him. He paced around his living room, his mind in turmoil.
He knew that he should have kept his emotions in check, that forcibly kissing Sophia had been a reckless move. His fears of
further damaging their already complex relationship loomed over him. Yet, he couldn’t deny that whenever he encountered
something related to Sophia, his rationality seemed to crumble, and his emotions took control.
In the solitude of his home, Alexander grappled with his internal conflict. He was determined to support Sophia’s efforts, but he
also understood that he needed to find a way to navigate the whirlwind of his own feelings.