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After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 79
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#79 “Yes, Sophia, I’m Going Crazy.”
Sophia had received Michael’s message earlier, confirming their dinner plans at a traditional Japanese cuisine restaurant. As she
entered the establishment, the quiet ambiance and elegant décor instantly struck her. The atmosphere exuded tranquility and
sophistication, which made it the ideal setting for the forthcoming business discussion.
Upon arrival, she was shown to a private Japanese room that had been reserved for their meeting. Sliding paper doors and
tatami mat flooring gave the room an authentic touch, making it an oasis of serenity in the bustling city. Benjamin and Michael
were already seated inside.
“Hello, Benjamin,” Sophia greeted with a warm smile, “I’m glad you could make it.”
“Of course,” Benjamin replied, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. “I wouldn’t miss this for anything. Now, tell us, what’s the
Sophia, Benjamin, and Michael were seated on the tatami mats around a low table, where an array of Japanese delicacies had
been arranged. It was a feast for both the senses and the mind, as they prepared to delve into a conversation.
During the meal, as they savored the exquisite dishes, Michael couldn’t help but voice his question. “So, Sophia, how does this
collaboration benefit me? I understand the revenge aspect, but what’s in it for me?”
Sophia regarded Michael with a thoughtful expression, taking a moment to choose her words carefully. “Michael, you’ve always
been interested in acquiring shares of Enlighten Press, right? Well, this collaboration offers a unique opportunity for both you and
Benjamin to obtain those shares. It’s a chance to have a stake in the very entity we’re aiming to dismantle.”
Michael’s eyes widened, and he leaned in with genuine interest. “Go on.”
Sophia continued, “I propose a ‘Bet-on Agreement,’ a valuation adjustment mechanism. It’s essentially an agreement between
us and Megan’s company. If Megan’s company fails to meet its performance targets, they’ll have to transfer a significant portion
of their shares or assets to us. It’s a safeguard to ensure that we’re not left empty-handed.”
Both Benjamin and Michael were taken aback by Sophia’s proposal. The concept of a ‘Bet-on Agreement’ was intriguing and
provided a unique angle to their strategy.
During their discussion, Benjamin inquired, “Why would Megan’s company agree to such an agreement?”

Sophia elaborated, “Megan’s company is currently facing severe tax troubles. If a proper investigation is carried out, it could lead
to their existing investors withdrawing their support. This would leave Megan’s company in a precarious financial situation,
forcing them to seek new investors. It’s in this vulnerable state that we’ll offer our investment and propose the ‘Bet-on
Agreement.’ It’s a lifeline Megan’s company won’t be able to resist.”
Michael considered the implications, realizing that if Megan’s company were to falter, they could acquire her shares and gain
significant influence. “So, you’re saying we invest in her company, but if she can’t meet our performance requirements within a
certain period, she must transfer her shares to us?”
Sophia nodded. “Exactly. We’ll ensure that Megan fails to meet those requirements and, in turn, transfer her shares to us. It’s a
strategic move, but it requires cooperation, including your connection with Megan.”
Michael raised an eyebrow, a sly smile forming on his lips. “And how can you guarantee that I won’t reveal our plan to Megan?”
Sophia leaned in closer to him, her eyes unwavering. “I believe that you’re a man who weighs the pros and cons meticulously. If
you see the potential for a successful business partnership and personal gain, I trust you to make the right decision.”
Michael chuckled, seemingly satisfied with her response. “You have a point, Sophia. I’ll admit, this is quite the intriguing
With Michael on board, their business plan was slowly taking shape, but Sophia knew they still had hurdles to overcome. As she
excused herself to freshen up in the restroom, her phone buzzed with a message from Alexander.
“Turn around,” the message read.
Alexander’s sudden appearance in the corridor outside the restroom took Sophia by surprise. She turned sharply, her eyes
widening as she came face to face with him. It was apparent that he was seething with anger, and the intensity of his emotions
was palpable.
“What are you doing here?” Sophia asked in astonishment, her smile concealing her unease. Her heart pounded in her chest as
she couldn’t fathom the reason for his sudden fury.
Alexander’s expression remained stormy as he retorted, “I would ask you the same thing. You turned me down so you could go
out with Michael?”
Sophia’s patience was wearing thin as she responded firmly, “Lord, not that again, Alexander. This is a business meeting.”

The tension in the corridor was escalating, and the few people passing by couldn’t help but glance in their direction.

Alexander’s frustration was boiling over as he raised his voice, “Do business with me, or anyone else, but not Michael. I warned
you about him, why the hell don’t you believe me?”
Sophia, no stranger to heated confrontations, wasn’t about to let Alexander dictate her choices. Her voice carried a note of
exasperation as she replied, “Don’t tell me who to work with and who not to work with. You’re being completely unreasonable.”
Before she could respond further, Alexander’s anger seemed to reach a breaking point. In an impulsive act, he pushed Sophia
into the nearby storage room and pressed his lips against hers in a forceful, possessive kiss. The abruptness of the kiss left
Sophia momentarily stunned, her mind racing to comprehend the shift in their dynamic.
In the dimly lit storage room, the tension that had simmered between them took an unexpected turn.
Alexander’s kiss was passionate, his lips demanding and possessive, and to Sophia’s surprise, she found herself responding to
it. In that intense moment, her defenses faltered, and she opened her lips to return the kiss, allowing herself to get lost in the
But just as quickly as it had begun, it ended. Sophia pushed him away, her eyes ablaze with a wave of anger. She took a step
back, ready to give him a piece of her mind for his overbearing behavior.
“Are you totally out of your mind?” Sophia raises her voice, her hands still shaking from the sensation.
Alexander’s sudden change in mood left Sophia bewildered. Just moments ago, he had been seething with anger, but now he
sat before her, his eyes pleading with her in a way she couldn’t comprehend.
“Yes, Sophia, I’m going crazy,” he began, his voice laced with emotion.” My emotions are all over the place, and I don’t know how
to react when I see you around other men. I don’t want to be possessive, but...”
“You have no right...” Sophia interjected, her anger flaring once more. Before she could continue her rebuke, Alexander gently
pulled her into an embrace, silencing her protests.
“I know, Sophia,” he whispered against her ear, his voice trembling. “I know I have no right to feel this way, and yet I cannot
control myself. I’ve never been so confused and impulsive. I don’t mean to push you away with this, but I look at you, and... I just
can’t help it. I keep doing stupid things, and...”

His voice trailed off. Sophia was stunned, and her anger gave way. This was not the Alexander she had expected, and his
vulnerability left her grappling for words. In a moment of hesitation, Sophia gently pushed him away and rose to her feet.
“Hey, calm down,” she said softly, her voice filled with empathy. He nodded in response, the tension in the room gradually
dissipating. There was an awkward silence between them, and finally, Sophia broke it.
“If you’re going to be more relaxed about my meeting with Michael, come and join our table,” she suggested.
Alexander agreed with a nod, and together, they left the storage room, heading back to the private table where Michael and
Benjamin awaited, ready to discuss their collaborative business plans..