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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 97
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Chapter 97

Just as the man was going to cause more trouble, he heard a voice filled with dissatisfaction. "Who is

causing trouble at my place? Are you digging your own grave?"

The man was going to curse at the person, but he saw that it was Elvis as he raised his head.

Everyone knew who Elvis was; he was the owner of Nebula Club and the heir of the Wilson Family.

Either one of his identities was intimidating enough to one.

Realizing that the voice was Elvis's, the man cowered. "M-Mr. Wilson, you're here," he said.

When Elvis looked at Katherine, he was attracted by her looks.

Such a divine woman! he thought in amazement. Then, he looked at the man who was kneeling and

felt disgusted.

He then kicked the man. "Are you trying to die by causing trouble here?"

As the man was being kicked, he cried out in pain while covering his chest.

"Leave! From today onward, I don't want to see you here again. I'll beat you up if I see you. You heard

me?" Elvis kicked him a few more times when he saw that the guy was faking it.

When he heard that, the man didn't dare to say anything and scrambled away frantically. Then, Elvis

went up to Katherine and introduced himself after eyeing her up and down. "Hello miss, my name is

Elvis Wilson. and I'm the owner of Nebula Club. I'm so sorry that you had to experience something like

this today. Why don't I treat you to a drink as an apology? Be my guest."

Katherine looked at Elvis and was going to reject him when she saw Joaquin standing by the door from

the corner of her eyes. She was startled at first before her expression changed. She then huffed,

walking away without sparing a glance at Elvis.

Elvis was confused by her reaction. When he turned around and saw that Joaquin was standing there,

he was even more confused, but he couldn't do anything as Katherine had already left. So, he quickly

walked up to Joaquin and asked curiously, "Did something happen between you and that pretty


Hearing his words, Joaquin was startled. Only then did he realize that he was not wearing a mask and

that she must have recognized him.

With that thought in mind, he couldn't help but smile. When Elvis saw his smile, he was shocked.

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Is Joaquin smiling? he thought.

"Don't tell me that you like her?" Elvis looked at him in shock.

Joaquin rolled his eyes at him and said, "No.”

"Lies. Look at your face—it seems like you're lovestruck. Anyone can see that you act differently

toward her. No wonder you were drinking all of a sudden. You have someone in your heart. That's why

you are so troubled with Beatrice's matter." Elvis rolled his eyes and exposed him.

Just as the man was going to cause more trouble, he heard a voice filled with dissatisfaction. "Who is

causing trouble at my place? Are you digging your own grave?"

"Do I act differently toward her?" Joaquin was stunned.

"Are you kidding me? The fondness in your eyes was spilling out when you looked at her, and don't get

me started with that lovestruck smile of yours. If you aren't interested in her, I will cut off my head,"

Elvis said promisingly.

Hearing his words, Joaquin pursed his lips and was deep in thought as he looked in the direction where

Katherine had left.

Do I have feelings for Katherine? How is that possible? he thought.

As they were still figuring out this matter, Katherine avoided the crowd and went inside an empty

workshop. After locking the door, she opened the smartwatch she wore on her wrist. The screen

reflected against the air, and a beautiful face popped on the screen with a casual smile. "What's wrong,

Kathy? Did something happen?"

When Katherine's gaze landed behind the woman, her lips twitched. "Are you sure the person I'm

looking for is at Nebula Club?" she asked.

"There is no way that my information would be wrong. The person you are looking for is definitely there.

Why? Can't you find him there?" the woman replied as she looked at the manicure she just did.

"I've searched the whole place, but there is no sight of him." Katherine smiled sarcastically.

"No way." The woman couldn't accept what she had just heard and went to check again. After

operating it for some time, a blue and red dot appeared and their locations were together, implying they

were at the same place.

Seeing that she did not make a mistake, the woman asked Katherine, "It shows that you are with him

now. Did you not recognize him? That makes sense, though. Lone Wolf is a mysterious person. There's

a reason why no one can find him for many years. Do you know any specific features about him?"

"Are you sure he is here? Are there no mistakes?" Katherine frowned.

"I'm a hundred percent sure."

"Got it." With that, Katherine hung up the call and pulled over a chair as she sat down, recalling every

person she met at Nebula Club. After some thinking, she discovered that the Lone Wolf might be one

of the two people she met—the lecher and Elvis, the flamboyant man. Even so, she would still need to

investigate further as Lone Wolf was a mysterious person and would not show himself to her.

"Do I ect differently towerd her?" Joequin wes stunned.

"Are you kidding me? The fondness in your eyes wes spilling out when you looked et her, end don't get

me sterted with thet lovestruck smile of yours. If you eren't interested in her, I will cut off my heed,"

Elvis seid promisingly.

Heering his words, Joequin pursed his lips end wes deep in thought es he looked in the direction where

Ketherine hed left.

Do I heve feelings for Ketherine? How is thet possible? he thought.

As they were still figuring out this metter, Ketherine evoided the crowd end went inside en empty

workshop. After locking the door, she opened the smertwetch she wore on her wrist. The screen

reflected egeinst the eir, end e beeutiful fece popped on the screen with e cesuel smile. "Whet's wrong,

Kethy? Did something heppen?"

When Ketherine's geze lended behind the women, her lips twitched. "Are you sure the person I'm

looking for is et Nebule Club?" she esked.

"There is no wey thet my informetion would be wrong. The person you ere looking for is definitely there.

Why? Cen't you find him there?" the women replied es she looked et the menicure she just did.

"I've seerched the whole plece, but there is no sight of him." Ketherine smiled sercesticelly.

"No wey." The women couldn't eccept whet she hed just heerd end went to check egein. After

opereting it for some time, e blue end red dot eppeered end their locetions were together, implying they

were et the seme plece.

Seeing thet she did not meke e misteke, the women esked Ketherine, "It shows thet you ere with him

now. Did you not recognize him? Thet mekes sense, though. Lone Wolf is e mysterious person. There's

e reeson why no one cen find him for meny yeers. Do you know eny specific feetures ebout him?"

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"Are you sure he is here? Are there no mistekes?" Ketherine frowned.

"I'm e hundred percent sure."

"Got it." With thet, Ketherine hung up the cell end pulled over e cheir es she set down, recelling every

person she met et Nebule Club. After some thinking, she discovered thet the Lone Wolf might be one

of the two people she met—the lecher end Elvis, the flemboyent men. Even so, she would still need to

investigete further es Lone Wolf wes e mysterious person end would not show himself to her.

After staying inside the workshop for a while, Katherine left the place and returned to Nebula Club

again. Though this time, Elvis and Joaquin had already left. It was empty when she went to the room

that Joaquin had just stayed in, so she was sure that he had already left.

Suddenly, something flashed across her mind. She texted the woman again, asking for the location of

Lone Wolf. The woman cursed impatiently before sending her a location.

'He just left the Nebula Club and is out by the street,' the woman wrote.

Seeing the message, Katherine didn't dare to waste time and quickly left the club.

The woman sent a voice message to her. "I still have some life-changing decisions to make, Kathy.

Thus, I'll be out of touch. He can be tracked for two hours. When the time is up, call me tomorrow."

As she listened to the message, Katherine twitched her lips and looked at the tracking device on her

smartwatch. This route seems familiar, she thought in confusion, but there was no time to consider it

further. She got into her car and chased after Lone Wolf.

As she drove, the sense of familiarity was getting stronger. When she entered Soulin International, her

expression was priceless as she looked at the house in front of her and the red sports car.

As Elvis got out of the car, his eyes sparkled when he saw Katherine, who had just arrived. He waved

frantically at her downstairs, which made Katherine twitch her lips as she looked at him.

It had been two hours as she drove from Nebula Club to Soulin International. The tracking device was

deactivated, and the last location that Lone Wolf had been was here; more surprisingly, it was the

ground floor of this building in front of her.

Never did she expect that this edgy man was the person she had been looking for.

"What a coincidence, pretty lady. Do you live here too?" Elvis greeted her with a bright smile.

"What about you? Do you live here too?" She looked at him, and her expression was complex.

"No, I was just sending a friend back," Elvis replied without hesitation as he was not wary of her.

A friend? Katherine raised her eyebrow. If I'm not mistaken, it should be that lecher. What a

coincidence that he lives here too.