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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 91
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Chapter 91

"Who else can I be if not the eldest daughter of the Cornell Family?" Katherine smirked,

her striking facial features appearing even more alluring.

Something seemed to have nudged Joaquin's heart. With their distance now only inches

apart, he could undeniably smell her faint signature scent, and she was even more

captivating than when they first met.

He took a step back to keep a distance from Katherine. At the same time, he reminded

himself to not disappoint Beatrice, as he had to be responsible for Beatrice when he had

taken her virginity. Especially when she was now at her most vulnerable, having just lost

her legs.

The shift of emotion beneath Joaquin's eyes happened in merely a split second, so

Katherine didn't notice anything.

Unwilling to resign to fate, Jordan pursued the tracker for a while, but to no avail. Alas, just

as this woman had said, the guy is long gone. At that, he growled a cuss and punched the

monitor, unwilling to admit defeat just like that.

"Just who the heck are you? How do you have such advanced computing skills? Also, just

now you…" It wasn't after a few hurls of anger that Jordan remembered about the woman

he had disregarded, and so he hurriedly went up to Katherine, staring at her with

bloodshot eyes.

However, Katherine returned his stare with an innocent look. "Why ask me when you can

ask your boss who I am? As for why I have such advanced computing skills, I have no

obligation to explain it to you, do I?"

Taken aback, Jordan realized he had behaved rudely, and thus he apologized at once.

"Sorry, I-I didn't mean to be rude. It's just… you're really impressive. You managed to deal

with an issue none of us could handle in just a matter of minutes. Just how on earth did

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you do it? Can you teach us?"

"Not interested, and I'm very busy." Katherine rejected forthrightly. "If there's nothing else,

I'm leaving."

Jordan had wanted to say more, but he sensed an icy glare on him, and he looked in the

direction to find Joaquin standing next to Katherine. And so, just like that, he swallowed

the words already at the tip of his tongue.

Later, Katherine went to check on the injured, making sure they were doing just fine

before bidding Joaquin goodbye.

Jeremy personally drove Katherine home, and throughout the journey, his gaze at the

young woman was of none but utter passion. Never had he imagined she was not only a

skilled medical practitioner but also a master in coding.

Not even the experienced personnel in Area Seven's technical department combined could

they defeat this young woman.

"Um, Miss Cornell, there's something I have to come clean to you," Jeremy mumbled with

a lowered head, feeling increasingly guilty about his pettiness as he looked at Katherine,

who was spacing out when he spoke. At that, she looked toward the man with bafflement,

for she believed she had barely interacted with him. So she wasn't quite sure why Jeremy

would apologize to her.

"I was the one who told Miss Muller about you and Mr. Levisay the last time you came to

Area Seven. I'd like to apologize about that." Jeremy lowered his head gravely.

Katherine was rendered stumped for a moment before she waved her hand dismissively.

"Don't worry about it. It didn't cause me any damage."

She had never considered much about Joaquin and Beatrice before, for Joaquin was merely

her contracted husband and even more so of two different worlds. As for Beatrice, well,

she never thought of that woman as anybody at all.

Jeremy dropped Katherine off at Soulin International and only left after watching her go

into her apartment.

Katherine first took a hot shower after coming home, then turned the computer on while

drying her hair with a towel. After some thinking, she clicked the red spider icon.

However, countless messages popped up the second she logged in, causing the corner of

her lips to twitch. At that, she clicked on them one after another before finally landing her

gaze on the last sender who had sent multiple texts. The messages were all from


'Boss, please, I beg you. I really have an important use for this neurotoxin.'

'Boss, are you still there? Can you please sell me the neurotoxin?'

'I can double the payment.'

'How about triple?'

'Ten times the price! Please, I beg of you!'

Katherine fell silent for a long time when she saw the words 'ten times the price'.

It honestly was a very tempting offer for her, even if the person offering it was Joaquin.

Then again, there was no reason for one to say no to money, no?

After battling the angel and devil on her shoulders for ten seconds, she replied to the

sender, 'Deal.'

Meanwhile, inside Area Seven, a sudden jarring ping came from Ben's phone, causing

Joaquin to glance indifferently at Ben, who unlocked his phone with absolute delight. He

clicked on the hidden icon, and sure enough, the big guy he had set as top chat had

replied to him.

'Deal,' replied A Soulless Money Robot.

"Mr. Levisay, he said yes. He finally said yes! Ahhh…" Ben was so freaked out that he was

on the verge of tears and kissing his phone a few good times.

Seeing so, Joaquin covertly moved a little away from him. However, Ben couldn't care less,

only sending A Soulless Money Robot the shipping address after transferring the agreed

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amount to the user.

Seeing that A Soulless Money Robot didn't block his contact or cancel the deal, Ben

heaved a sigh of relief.

Once they got their hands on this toxin, they might be able to cure Joaquin's condition.

It would be dire for some like him, who worked in a dangerous environment long term, if

he lost his sense of pain altogether. He'd be in grave danger if he got hurt during a


"Joaquin, we got the neurotoxin. The guy finally said yes, but I had to pay ten times the

price for it. Don't forget to reimburse me, alright?" Ben leaned close to Joaquin and looked

at him with delight and apprehension.

"I've already told you it's unnecessary," Joaquin said with a deadpan face.

"We've got to at least try. Imagine if something bad happens to you because you can't feel

the pain from your injury." Ben stood firm with his plan.

To that, Joaquin said nothing more.

Moments later, Jordan's voice broke the silence between the two. "Boss! Boss! Can we

have Miss Cornell join Area Seven?"

Joaquin was so annoyed by all the shouting that he narrowed his eyes and shot a piercing

glance at Jordan. However, the man was too happy to notice Joaquin's gaze. He continued

charging toward his boss with excitement. "You guys are never going to believe this! Not

only had Miss Cornell fixed our firewall, but she had also reinforced it! Now, our firewall is

even more impenetrable than the national security center. I swear not even the world

number one, Z, can breach our firewall!"

"Tell me you're not joking." Ben looked wide-eyed at Jordan.

"Of course, I'm not! But I swear I've seen this firewall somewhere." Jordan nodded

solemnly before looking lost.

"What do you mean?" Joaquin quirked his brows a little.

"It's a little like what Z would do. Z breached Misvalco's security system with a high profile

when they emerged three years ago and very arrogantly left the letter 'Z' for them. Later,

they helped them fix and also reinforce their firewall. I have to say, Area Seven's firewall is

now very similar to Misvalco's security system."