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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 77
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Chapter 77

"That's true. This matter has caused quite a stir. Also, when Beatrice went to look for

Ruby, she always went openly. Their transaction records weren't completely cleared as

well, so it was very easy for us to find out. Don't worry, I'm the one who's doing the job.

Even if you don't believe me, you should believe in your own information system." There

was a little pride in Ben's tone.

Joaquin hung up the phone after staying silent for a moment.

Katherine's angry face was still vivid. He really didn't think that this matter was why

Katherine hit Beatrice.

The car drove all the way to the Levisay Residence. When it stopped, the driver reminded

Joaquin, "Mr. Levisay, we're home."

Hearing that, Joaquin hummed in acknowledgment and waited for the driver to take out

the wheelchair.

The moment he entered the house, he heard Hera's laughter.

He looked in the direction of the laughter and saw that Hera, Robert, and another young

woman that he didn't recognize were chatting happily while sitting on the couch in the

living room.

After looking at them for a second, he looked away almost immediately. He wasn't really

interested, after all.

On the other hand, when Hera saw him return home, she looked at his back and greeted

him with a smile, saying, "You're back, Joaquin. Come over here. Let's chat for a little

while. Lily came over today. You haven't seen her in a long time, have you? You can catch

up a little with her."

When Joaquin heard that, he looked at the woman again and didn't really recognize that

face, so he wasn't interested in catching up with her. Then, he rejected her calmly. "It's


After saying that, he moved the wheelchair and took the elevator upstairs.

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At this moment, Hera's expression was a little disgruntled. She scoffed coldly at him.

After Lily looked in the direction of the second floor, she linked arms with Hera while

smiling. "Hera, it's normal for Joaquin to not remember me. It's getting late already, and I

think I should head back now. I'll visit you again some other day."

"Your temper is just too good. Joaquin even pursued you previously. Why is he pretending

now?" Hera scolded with a disgruntled face.

"Mom, that was so long ago. Joaquin has a fiancée now. Please don't mention Lily and him

together; it will have a bad influence on Lily if the word gets out." Robert looked in Lily's

direction with affection in his eyes.

However, Lily didn't answer his gaze and was talking to Hera in a gentle voice. "Joaquin

didn't like me, Hera. It was all rumors. I've just returned and there are many things for me

to do at home as well, so I should go now."

"Robert, send Lily out." Hera looked at Robert with her eyes narrowed, and there was a

strong implication in her eyes.

The Sutton Family was one of the four biggest families in Hovington. As such, it was

definitely a good match for the Levisay Family.

People would naturally forget about Rosemary as time passed. No one would remember

that Robert had something with her before.

At the Country House Restaurant, Katherine was lying on a beanbag sluggishly with a few

mouth-watering desserts in front of her.

"I've sent what you wanted to your email, but are you really going to send these things to

the press? If you do that, it will be the end of the Cornell Family, right? The Levisay Family

might be impacted too," Aberama asked with curiosity as he carried a freshly baked carrot

cake from outside and put it in front of Katherine.

She then took a piece of carrot cake and put it in her mouth. "Ruby's family can't have a

good meal a day ever since her husband passed away and her uncle was handicapped

after being beaten. She must pay the price after doing something wrong. "

"Tsk, if Jorge knows what you're doing behind his back, he might die from anger. So many

things are happening to the Cornell Family these days. Is he starting to think that his

daughter is all obedient now?" Aberama couldn't help but click his tongue. Then, he sat

across from Katherine and reached out his hand to take the dessert on the plate.

However, before his hand touched the dessert, Katherine slapped his hand away. "They're


"Stingy," he muttered. After some thought, he asked her again, "Joaquin's side…"

"I asked you to look into him more than a month ago, but you haven't found anything yet,

and you still dare to say that you're Mr. Know-it-all. Shame on you." She scoffed and cut

the ground out from under him.

While touching his nose, Aberama said, "This man is not a simple man. He has something

to do with Area Seven. I couldn't find anything about him even when I hacked into the

public security system. There is only some basic information there. This man is really

something, right?"

After hearing that, Katherine thought about all the strange feelings she felt from Joaquin,

and Ben was not a simple man either. She finally believed what Aberama told her.

When she was done with the dessert, she opened her laptop that she brought along and

tidied up the materials that Aberama had sent her before sending out two emails.

One was for the Hovington Times, and the other one was for the Hovington Public Security


After she sent them, she stood up and put her laptop back into her bag. She just left right

after without looking at Aberama.

"Do you need to be this cruel?" He sighed with feelings subconsciously. When he was

about to stand up, he saw an envelope on the table and picked it up to open it. There was

only one sentence, and it was written in bold font, 'Extremely bad luck. Not suitable to

face the south-west direction. Don't move around within a month. Stay in Hovington.'

When he saw the sentence, his expression changed immediately. Instinctively, he wanted

to chase after Katherine to ask her the meaning of this.

However, before he started moving, his phone in his pocket started ringing.

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Aberama looked at the caller ID and picked up the call without thinking much.

"Aberama, your grandmother is dying. You need to come back today! Now!" After he

picked up the call and before he could say anything, a cold order came from the other side

of the phone, which didn't allow him to say no.

At this moment, he pressed his lips together, and his gaze landed on the note that

Katherine left for him.

The words 'Stay in Hovington' were extra clear in his eyes.

He was about to say no. However, the person from the other side of the phone had

seemingly known that he would be rejected, so he added coldly, "Even if you don't think

for yourself, at least think about Addison."

One sentence pushed Aberama's rejection back into his throat.

With a complicated expression on his face, he then hummed in acknowledgment. When

the other side received his affirmative reply, the call was hung up immediately.

While clenching the phone in his hand, an ironic smile tugged on his lips after some time.

After telling the manager of the restaurant, he left from the back street as he was afraid

that he would run into Katherine if he left from the front.

After Quinn Ramon hung up the phone at the Ramon Residence in Kyoland, a

contemptuous smile tugged at the corner of his lips. After that, he looked at Aubri

Clements, who had a serious face on. "Mom, Aberama will be home today. When he's

back, I'll force him to tell me the contact number of that genius doctor. You'll surely be fine

once she agrees to treat you."

Hearing that, Aubri scoffed. "That ungrateful b*stard! Why didn't he think of bringing such

good medicine to me to honor me? He actually listed it in an auction! Take back every

business under him as soon as possible! It will be best if we can pull the genius doctor to

our side, or else… Hmph!"

Although she didn't finish her sentence, what she meant was already quite obvious. If she

couldn't have the genius doctor, she wouldn't let her be in other people's hands—even if

she needed to destroy her.

"I know." Quinn nodded with a killing intention in his eyes.