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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 75
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Chapter 75

"If you want to die, feel free to keep moving." If Katherine raised her hand a little, the

silver needle in her hand would pierce the person's skin on the neck.

She glared coldly at the woman in front of her, who was wearing a mask and sunglasses.

The woman didn't dare move, for the silver needle was held against her aorta. If it really

pierced the skin, she would bleed profusely.

"You're lucky to be alive after all that. However, for people like you, if you keep doing bad

things, you'll get retribution sooner or later. Katherine, I await the day you finally receive

retribution!" The woman's voice was very cold, and it was filled with extreme hatred.

Katherine found it odd, so she reached out and took off the woman's sunglasses and hat

so that she could have a good look at the woman's face.

It was an unfamiliar face, and she hadn't seen it before.

The woman seemed to be in her thirties, and half of her hair had turned white. The skin on

her face was also terribly coarse, an obvious indication that she was a person who often

slept late. Not only that, the work she did probably took a toll on her appearance.

Seeing the obvious hatred in the woman's gaze, Katherine edged the silver needle in her

hand closer. "Who sent you? Or what grudges do you hold against me?"

"Who sent me? Hah, young mistress of the Cornell Family, don't you find it funny to ask

such questions?" The woman looked at Katherine mockingly and spat at her.

Katherine frowned. "Speak! Have I ever wronged you?"

When the woman mentioned 'young mistress of the Cornell Family', Katherine could make

a vague guess.

She hadn't been here for long, and she never caused any trouble of her own accord.

Rosemary was the only one who had become famous recently, but they weren't close.

Also, the only incident worth attention that involved the Cornell Family was the project

they had signed with the Levisay Group. Because he wanted to save on costs, Jorge cut

corners and chose the worst materials, even overlooking the workers' safety. Katherine

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heard that a month ago, three workers died at the construction site.

"Are you still faking it? What for, Katherine?! None of you Cornell goons are decent, much

less you! The Cornells committed such a crime, but you still defended them! I won't let

you off even if I die!" The woman lifted her chin, moving her neck forward.

Katherine subconsciously retracted the silver needle in her hand.

She looked at the haggard woman in front of her, her emotions complex.

This might not be the only time the Cornell Family committed such crimes. In fact, Jorge

most probably covered those incidents up every time.

That man used the workers' lives, blood, and sweat to slowly expand and strengthen the

Cornell Group, but he still wasn't satisfied. He still wanted to keep using the workers' blood

to build his business empire.

"Isn't there someone more suited to receive your wrath? Since Jorge was the one who

destroyed your family, you should go to him. Why are you coming for me?" Katherine

quickly recovered her composure and looked calmly at the woman in front of her.

"You are his darling daughter. I'll kill you so that he can also taste the feeling of losing his

family! Katherine, you can kill me today. If not, I might—" The woman's eyes were red as

she glared at Katherine. She looked like she wanted to pounce on Katherine and bite the

latter to death.

"You're always welcome to, but I'm afraid that before you can kill me, you'd be reunited

with your deceased family. You have children, don't you? Do you want them to be

orphans?" Katherine took a step backward and looked at the woman, a mocking tone in

her voice.

Hearing that, the woman instantly couldn't hold back her tears anymore. "None of you

Cornells are human! You only compensated ten thousand! That wasn't even enough to

make up for his wages from before! My uncle went to the Cornell Group to complain, but

they broke his leg! He's still hospitalized now, and the Cornell Group isn't willing to pay the

hospital bill; they even want to sue us! We have no way of surviving, so I won't let you all

survive either!"

"If I were you, I would use the law to protect myself instead of doing stupid things blindly.

Look for the person on this name card, and he'll help you out." From her pocket, Katherine

fished out a name card with a gold stamp on it. Then, she passed it to the woman.

The woman took it, looking at Katherine in bewilderment.

Katherine was quite different from what she had imagined. Even though Katherine

behaved coldly and even mocked her, Katherine never did anything, nor did she look like

she wanted to hurt her.

She could see sympathy in Katherine's eyes.

"It's nothing much. Jorge did something wrong, so he'll pay for it eventually." Katherine left

those indifferent words as she turned around and left.

The ride she hailed was already here, and the driver had called her twice.

Katherine only took out her phone after walking a distance away and called him back.

The woman stood where she was, stunned. She finally got back into the car after a long


The woman was about to start the car when she realized that the brake wasn't working.

She stepped on the pedal, and the car lurched forward like crazy, ramming into the divider

by the road.

Katherine had just walked not more than a hundred yards away when she heard the

commotion behind her. By the time she paused in her tracks and turned to look at the car,

smoke was already coming out of its hood.

She instantly guessed that someone wanted to silence the woman.

She hastily ran back toward the Audi that had run into the divider. She pulled open the car

door with great effort, then rescued the woman from within.


The woman was covered in blood.

That scene reminded her of when her mother died.

It was the same; her mother was covered entirely in blood.

Back then, her mother gripped Katherine's hand tightly, telling her to leave with her

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brother and to take good care of him.

After that, her mother closed her eyes, never to open them again.

Katherine suppressed the emotions in her heart and hastily took out the silver needle she

always brought with her. She sealed the woman's major acupuncture points and managed

to stop the bleeding for a moment.

Ruby Murphy was close to death then. When she saw Katherine, who saved her without

much of an expression, she suddenly smiled. It was a terrible-looking smile.

Katherine grabbed her wrist and took her pulse. If she wasn't sent to the hospital soon, the

woman would definitely die.

This woman suddenly appeared here and tried to kill her, so someone was probably in

control behind the scenes.

Katherine then took the woman into the research institute, her face grave.

When Dina saw Katherine coming back with someone covered in blood not long after she

left, he was about to say something when Katherine cut him off. "Ready the operating


After a surgery that lasted five hours, Katherine finally saved the woman's life that was

hanging by a thread.

When Ruby opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Katherine. When she realized

that the woman had saved her life, she was astonished.

She looked at Katherine in remorse as she said weakly, "It was a woman. She told me that

if I wanted to take revenge on Jorge, I only needed to kill you. If you died, Jorge wouldn't

have someone to depend on, and he'd definitely get his retribution. Miss Cornell, I'm really

sorry. I treated you like that, but you still saved me."

Kathrine slightly raised her eyebrow. "A woman?"

"Yes. She looked quite young, but she wore sunglasses and a mask. Right, I think she wore

branded clothing, so she must be very rich," Ruby answered earnestly while nodding.

Katherine was deep in thought, silent.

Ruby recalled the events in as much detail as she possibly could before suddenly speaking

up. "Oh, there was also a mole on her earlobe."