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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 71
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Chapter 71

Katherine flipped through a file Theodore handed over after she entered the car. "Are all of

these the latest data from the clinical trial? Why does this patient's reading have such a

massive fluctuation? Did you guys encounter a problem?" she asked as her gaze landed

on a patient's data.

Theodore leaned over to take a look before taking the file from Katherine. "This patient's

situation is a little complicated. I'm afraid we'll only know the details after you've taken a

look at him. He has been in a coma for a solid twenty years. During the early stages, his

condition was pretty positive after taking our medicine. However, with time, his body

seemed to have built up a tolerance for the medication and is now suddenly immune to it.

The medication does nothing to him anymore."

"Is that so? I'll go and take a look after I get there." Katherine nodded thoughtfully, then

asked for the file again. After scrutinizing the reports a few more times, she returned them

to Theodore, who paused for a second while taking the file from her and said, "By the way,

we have a newcomer in the institute. However, since she isn't working on your

experimental medicine, I didn't tell you in advance."

"Your hires have nothing to do with me, so there's no need to tell me about it. It's fine

even if they're involved in the experimental medication's research, as long as you're

certain they're trustworthy and won't leak any information." Katherine took a strange

gander at Theodore, wondering why he would suddenly tell her this.

At that, Theodore cleared his throat and explained, "It's sort of personal. The newcomer's

my granddaughter, you see. She's my only granddaughter, so I tend to—"

Mid-speaking, the chauffeur suddenly screamed and turned the steering wheel in a panic,

causing the car to ram onto the guardrail on the opposite.

Because of the car's impeccable shockproofing system, the airbag at the driver's seat

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deployed in time, causing the chauffeur to suffer only minor injuries.

Meanwhile, at the back, as neither Katherine nor Theodore had put their seatbelts on, they

hurled forward, slamming themselves against the front seats due to the momentum from

the intense collision. Fortunately, a Rolls-Royce car was reliable, and the two suffered no

physical injuries.

However, Theodore held his chest with a pallid face, short of breath.

Startled, Katherine hurriedly helped the professor up.

"I-I'm fine… I'm fine…" Theodore spoke weakly with closed eyes and a ghastly pale face.

"Don't say anything. Where are your meds? Do you have it with you?" Katherine reached

into the professor's pockets but didn't find any of his regular medication.

However, Theodore couldn't speak anymore, only heaving. Worse, his face was beginning

to turn purple, looking to be in a dire situation.

"Sh*t!" Katherine cussed as she pulled out three of the needles she normally had on her

and inserted them into Theodore.

At last, the professor's breathing finally eased, and his complexion was looking better.

Relieved, Katherine turned to the chauffeur. "Who else apart from you knows that

Professor Muller is out today? Has his whereabouts been leaked?"

Though the chauffeur was still overcome with fear, he recollected gravely before shaking

his head. "No, the professor decided to pick you up on a whim. No one else should've

known about this."

Katherine frowned and mused in response but asked no more.

Theodore, on the other hand, turned grim, for he had a guess.

No outsider would know of his whereabouts, but there was this one person he would never

hide anything from.

He recalled how Beatrice had deliberately asked him before he headed out if he was

picking up Katherine.

Though he didn't want to believe his dear granddaughter could be so wicked, he had to be

suspicious at this point.

At that, he closed his eyes and said nothing.

Later, the chauffeur got out to check on the vehicle to find only the front suffered some

scratches thanks to its near indestructibility. But because the brake suddenly failed just

now, the chauffeur dared not choose to be rash and continue driving the car, calling for a

tow truck instead.

With that, Katherine and Theodore got out of the vehicle. Since the professor was still

pretty weak, Katherine supported him while waiting for aid on the side of the road.

Just then, a black Phaeton drove past them but very quickly reversed and rolled a window

down, revealing a familiar face.

"Miss Cornell, Professor Muller?"

Ben was initially somewhat stumped when he saw Katherine, but he nearly cussed out

loud when he finally realized who the elderly next to her was.

Katherine knows Professor Muller?! They even seem pretty close!

"Do you need a ride?" Despite the plethora of questions running through his mind, he

didn't know which one to ask first. As he looked at Katherine, he thought something might

be off with the world.

Though already having overestimated the young woman, it still never occurred to him that

she would have connections with an academic and legend in medicine.

It was currently the end of June. As it neared July, the temperature outside was at a

staggering hundred-plus degrees fahrenheit.

Katherine wasn't bothered by the scorching weather as neither the cold nor the heat ever

bothered her. However, Theodore had just suffered an episode and was currently frail. His

face had already begun blanching when they had only stood outside for a short while.

After a moment's hesitation, Katherine led Theodore toward Ben's car.

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At that, the young man hurriedly got out and opened the door, welcoming Theodore and

Katherine into his car deferentially.

"Where are you guys heading?" Ben asked intentionally, causing Katherine to glance at

him with a quirked brow. At the thought of his closeness with Joaquin, she bet this big

mouth would tell the whole world about his encounter later.

It's going to be a problem if people know who I am. Should I maybe poison him so that he

can never speak again, or should I just turn him into a retard with one needle to keep this


Suddenly, Ben felt an eerie chill coming from behind him, and he looked into the rearview

mirror only to find Katherine's gaze at him was one of inexplicable malice, very much

similar to when Joaquin wanted to kill.

At that, he tucked his neck and dared not ask any more questions but only kept his eyes

on the road.

There was barely anyone in Hovington who didn't know the location of Theodore's

research institute, so Ben found the entrance pretty easily, dropping the two off safely.

After Katherine helped Theodore out of the car, she turned to Ben, zipping her mouth and

slicing her hand across her neck to serve as a threat before assisting the professor into the


F*cking hell! Ben felt as though he had just died right then. This woman's animosity is

even f*cking stronger than Joaquin's! Just how many people has she killed to be able to

bear such intense hostility?!

While the man was shuddering, Joaquin's call came, frightening him into hanging up on

the latter by accident.

It was only after he hung up on the call that he realized what he had done.

He, the great Ben Carlson, barely made any mistakes his entire life, but lo and behold, he

made all sorts of them on this day of all days.

At that, he returned Joaquin's call with trembling hands. The second the call connected,

Joaquin's vitriolic voice traveled from the other end of the line. "What? Is Mr. Carlson

enjoying the company of a woman so much that he's unwilling to get up and answer my

call, hmm?"