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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 67
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Chapter 67

"Whoa, is this a fight I'm seeing?" Aberama's eyes lit up upon seeing the commotion

inside the elevator, and he bypassed Katherine to take a closer look.

Katherine rolled her eyes in response, speechless by the man's love for juicy gossip.

He might be a man, but he was more gossipy than a woman.

The young girl blushed upon seeing Aberama's good looks and hurriedly went up to him,

hoping he could mediate the situation. "Please settle a debate for us, mister. This woman

is nuts. We were just talking, and she suddenly threw herself at us. But now, this mister

wants us to apologize. What kind of savageness is this?!"

"Hmm, you're right. It's not right of them to do so." Aberama wanted bigger drama.

"I know, right?! She's in the wrong!" The young girl found Aberama good-looking and

reasonable, which was much better than the rude masked man.

"You liar! You maligned Joe! You guys called him ugly!" Beatrice argued with red-rimmed

eyes while looking aggrievedly at Aberama. That gaze of hers was clearly one of ogling.

Meanwhile, Katherine quirked her lips as she stood to one side. What are they, children?!

How can they be fighting over something so minor?!

"Hmm, you're right too." Aberama nodded thoughtfully and glanced at the young girl in

front of him. "It is indeed wrong of you two to call people ugly behind their backs."

Having led astray just like that, the young girl reflexively retorted, "We didn't say it behind

his back, did we?! We clearly said it in his presence…"

It was only then she realized what she had just said. Blushing with embarrassment, she

looked at Aberama before shifting her gaze to Joaquin and finally said with unwilling

resignation, "I'm sorry. It was wrong of us to talk about your looks in the first place.

However, she can't assault for no reason either."

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"I…" Beatrice looked toward Joaquin for aid, not knowing what to say.

At that, Joaquin shielded her and looked at the two young women with a quirked brow. "I

condone her actions. You have a problem with that?"

"You're unbelievable! Let's go, Selina!" Livid, the young woman glared at Joaquin and took

her friend away at once.

It wasn't until the free drama was over and the two young women had left that Katherine

went to pull Aberama over. "Have you never considered applying for resident committee

mediator since you like helping people so much?"

"I do, but they don't want me!" Aberama bemoaned, causing Katherine to snort in

amusement before dragging the man into the elevator. Seeing that Joaquin and Beatrice

were still in the car, she couldn't help but ask, "Are you two not stepping out?"

Joaquin wanted to leave, but seeing that Katherine had brought another man home, he

stood grimly on the spot and looked at Katherine with a piercing gaze.

"No? I'll press on the floors, then." Katherine dismissed Joaquin's gaze and pressed the

eighteenth floor.

"Your apartment's pretty sweet." Aberama leaned against the elevator and checked the

car out before looking at Katherine with envy. "It was already sold out when I was planning

to get it. How did you manage to get it so quickly? From what I heard, only inside

personnel of Soulin International can purchase Phase 1."

"Yeah," answered Katherine inattentively.

Soulin International's apartments sold pretty well. There was only one block for Phase 1,

but the management here differed from the other phases. The entire building was

protected by intelligent prevention and control software, thus making the security here

much better.

It was evident that the two girls were no plain Janes if they could live here.

While Aberama was speaking, Joaquin took a subconscious glance at Katherine.

Catheryn noticed it and pursed her lips before pulling them into a smile, looking toward

Katherine. "How come you have internal channels to get an apartment here, Miss Cornell?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it five years ago when Soulin International first sold its

residencies? Just how old were you at that time?!"

Hearing so, Katherine took a lazy glance at the woman. "I was probably younger than


Beatrice choked in response, then retorted with unwilling resignation, "You must be so

competent to have the ability to buy Soulin's residency, Miss Cornell."

The insinuation was so strong that even Aberama couldn't help taking a gander at

Beatrice with a reflexive frown.

He knew well just how competent Katherine was, so he didn't think it'd be impossible for

her to purchase a residency by Soulin International.

In fact, he even suspected that the company could actually be hers.

"Just because you're incompetent doesn't mean others are. You sound so jealous that even

I can sense it from miles away," Aberama couldn't help gibbing after taking a gander at


Beatrice's countenance turned absolutely awful, and she clenched the hem of her shirt

while explaining with a hint of grievance, "I-I was just asking out of curiosity. I don't mean

to be disrespectful. Miss Cornell was just barely of legal age five years ago, wasn't she?"

At that, Katherine looked at the young woman with a quirked brow. "Are we even

acquainted, miss? Don't invade a stranger's privacy, or people would think you're loco."

Katherine's words were so blunt that Beatrice's face paled, her eyes getting red. "I… I

really don't mean anything else. Please don't get upset, Miss Cornell. I just… I… I was just


Joaquin said nothing the whole time, only watching everything unfold, for Beatrice's words

earlier made him uncomfortable.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

It was exactly five years ago when the Cornells cast Katherine out and sent her to Fontan.

If she really had the ability to buy a residency from Soulin back then, why would she want

to endure the humiliation and leave Cechirus?

"That's enough," Joaquin interjected plainly when he saw Beatrice was on the verge of

tears after a few simple retorts from Katherine.

Aberama clicked his tongue in amazement and couldn't help taking a few ganders at

Joaquin, thinking the man looked familiar.

Just then, the elevator had brought them to the eighteenth floor. Katherine stepped out

first, followed by Aberama, who stopped in his tracks mid-way to look over his shoulder at

Beatrice. He pulled a smirk and cautioned, "Miss, don't go around thinking others are as

dumb as you are. I suggest you put your ideas elsewhere. You dare cause her trouble

again, and I will make sure you pay for it."

With that, he chased after Katherine, not even bothering to take a look at Beatrice's

ghastly countenance.

"Kathy, wait for me!" Aberama called out dramatically, dragging the end of his words,

sounding somewhat cloy.

Katherine paused and looked over her shoulder to glare at him in response, but the man

only chuckled frivolously before closing the door behind him.

Meanwhile, Joaquin clenched his fists unconsciously as he watched the door shut tight

with an icy gaze.

Beatrice took the opportunity to speak up softly, sounding unintentional. "Joe, what do you

suppose their relationship is? Why would that guy call Miss Cornell Kathy? Only people

who are super close will do that, right?"

It would've been fine if Beatrice had said nothing, but now that she did, Joaquin's

exasperation only burned wilder.

"It has nothing to do with me." He pressed the button to the first floor grimly, even

regretting at one point that he just had to follow Katherine and the man up here to take a
