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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 64
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Chapter 64


The next morning came and Katherine found herself lying on the floor with thin clothing,

splitting headache, and an aching body as if a car had just run her over.

Holding her forehead, she sat up with her brain still a bit dull, so she had no impression of

what transpired last night.

By the time she was more awake, she remembered that Joaquin might have sent her back

last night.

So, did I do something inappropriate to him last night while I was drunk?

Looking at the obvious bruise on her wrist and the soreness from her body, she fell into

deep doubt.

Ring… Ring…

The loud ringtone reverberated in Katherine's room.

She rose up from the bathtub, grabbed a towel, and wrapped herself with it before walking

out. She smiled coldly upon seeing the caller.

Rosemary must be livid by now. She must be calling to settle the matter with me.

Yet, she merely hung up and opened Twitter to see how things had progressed.

After a night, the incident concerning Rosemary and Robert was spread virally. Plus, a lot

of people came out to further defame her. When the stock market opened that morning,

Cornell Corporation's stock had dropped by two points, whereas Levisay Corporation was

also affected.

Yet, the Levisays were still relatively calm as they had yet to make any announcements.

Perhaps, they wanted to observe the situation further.

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Although Robert was the second son of the Levisays, he was not the only inheritor of the

family, so his scandal did not really affect the company as severely as one might assume.

Katherine scrolled through her feed absentmindedly before tapping on her phone screen.

Smiling slyly, she opened an anonymous account and shared a video.

Since the Levisay Corporation isn't making any moves, I can help them along.

The video was just freshly uploaded, but it immediately trended.

Since there were already many people attracted to the scandal, it was instinctive of them

to want to know more, so the video received major attention upon being released.

In just a few short minutes, the views climbed to over two hundred thousand with only

more to come.

Keeping her phone away, Katherine was in a good mood.

Since Rosemary would be able to get married to Robert soon, Dad must be feeling quite

happy as well.

At the Cornell Residence, Jorge found himself restless since last night, thanks to

Rosemary's incident. When he awoke in the morning, Ethan was rushing toward him and

gave him the phone in a panic.

Before he could continue, the video had played.

Watching the video made him freeze up as his body lost its control. All he could feel was

the shortness of breath while the blood shot straight to his head. He could no longer stand

straight and his sight went pitch black before he finally fainted.

"Mr. Cornell! Quick, someone! Mr. Cornell has fainted! Send him to the hospital!" Ethan

was shocked and quickly called for help. Carrying him up, they soon sent him to the


The doctors managed to save him from a sudden cerebral hemorrhage since they arrived

at the hospital in time.

"Goddamn it! Damn it!" Jorge woke up and pounded his chest.

"Mr. Cornell, don't be so agitated. Your health matters more." Ethan stepped forward and

persuaded him.

After coughing for a while, Jorge looked at him. "What sin have I committed? Why did I

raise such an animal?"

"Mr. Cornell, perhaps Miss has her own reasons." Ethan tried to sugarcoat his words, but

he did not know what problems could drive a person to do that.

"You don't have to speak up for her. I've raised her for so many years. To think that I was

satisfied with how she turned out to be, a beauty with brains and talent; I did not think

that she would be so shameless!"

The exhausted Jorge was thoroughly disappointed.

Rosemary had let him down yet again.

Not denying this, Ethan did not comment further.

"Cough, cough. Where is that wench?" Jorge coughed again. With a pale face, he felt a

sinking feeling in his chest. Since Rosemary was not present in the ward, he turned to ask


"Miss Rose went out at midnight yesterday. She still hasn't returned,." Ethan replied


"That good-for-nothing! Tell them to block all her cards! I've been too soft on her all these

years!" the livid Jorge shouted.

Hearing that, Ethan affirmed before turning to fulfill his instruction.

Jorge clutched his chest and suddenly thought of Katherine. Although she was not close to

him when she was young, at least she still acted sensibly now unlike Rosemary, who made

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him lose all his dignity.

Now that his anger had dissipated slightly, he picked up his phone and called his new

favorite daughter.

Katherine, who was still having breakfast leisurely in her house, stopped upon seeing the

caller. Then, she stood up and answered, "Hello. Dad? Is everything ok?"

"Kathy, where are you? I want to see you. Could you come meet me?" Upon hearing his

daughter's voice, Jorge found himself thinking about his late wife.

Elsie was the most beautiful woman in Hovington then with countless men falling for her,

yet she chose none of them. In the end, she chose the poor guy that had nothing and

birthed a boy and girl for him.

Unfortunately, he was hypnotized by Lisa then and led Elsie to her death. Recalling the

events now, how could Lisa ever compare to her?

Had he not believed Lisa's words and assumed Elsie's betrayal, he would not have ended

her and led Katherine to be estranged from him. Now that Keith was also spoiled by Lisa,

he regretted this all too late.

"Are you alright, Dad? Where are you? I'm coming over right now." Katherine acted very

shocked with undisguised care in her tone.

Hearing her concern made the man feel very warm. "I'm at Hovington Hospital. My ward is

on the sixteenth floor, Room V1688."

"Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat? I can bring something if you want,"

Katherine added caringly.

"Sure, sure!" Jorge was moved.

After a few more caring sentences, Katherine hung up the call.

As she looked at the half eaten breakfast, she pursed her lips and took a thermos with her

before packing her breakfast along.