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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 62
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Chapter 62

"My God, there's actually such a huge scandal at this time of the day?"

"Isn't this the second daughter of the Cornells, Rosemary? Wasn't she supposed to be

some beauty with brains? I didn't know she was so loose."

"I've heard that her mother was a mistress and forced the original wife to her death before

becoming the lawful wife of the Cornells. With a mistress as her mother, how far can the

apple fall from the tree?"

"That's disgusting."

"The only thing I'm curious about is why they were live streaming this? Did someone screw

with them?"

On the same night, the video of Robert and Rosemary got uploaded onto Twitter as it

immediately trended with a few headlines and hashtags.

'Shocking! The genius beauty actually committed such an act!'



Due to this, both Levisay Group and Cornell Group got affected a lot. Thankfully, it was

already at night, so the stock market had already closed. Still, the public could only predict

that both company's stock prices would take a steep dive by tomorrow morning.

Back at the Cornell Residence.

Due to the scandal and Jorge fainting, the guests were politely escorted out of the

residence with only the Levisays and Cornell's remaining.

Sitting on his wheelchair, Joaquin shut his eyes and kept his silence.

On the other hand, Hera still had not caught her breath as she was thoroughly livid.

The 'stars' of the night, Robert and Rosemary, had come down by now, but it was apparent

that the drug was still in effect as he was still hugging and touching her everywhere.

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After Jorge was saved, he was sitting on the couch with a pale face.

"D-Dad, l-listen to me. This…"

Rosemary's brain went blank, for she did not expect that things would be blown out of

proportion. Why did my room have a camera in it? It even showed everything that

happened inside.

Out of panic and anger, she soon understood that Katherine must have wanted to frame

her from the start!

No wonder she was so kind to give me that drug and even advised me on how to get

Robert's heart! It turns out that she was scheming this all along!

After grasping the truth, Rosemary stared at Katherine. "It's you, isn't it? You did it on

purpose. It was you who installed that camera in my room. Your aim is to ruin my

reputation, isn't it?"

Katherine looked at her innocently and explained, "My dear sister, how could you frame

me like this? I-I didn't know you would do this kind of thing with Mr. Levisay. As for you

saying that I installed the camera in your room, that's even more implausible. I don't live

here and I haven't once gone into your room, so how could I do that?"

Wronged, Katherine looked at her father all teary-eyed and said with a choked tone, "Dad,

since Rosemary is so prejudiced against me, I don't think I'll be staying here any longer. I

don't want her to randomly blame me on things I have nothing to do with if anything

happens in the future."

Rosemary, who did not think that Katherine would flip the tables like this, felt her chest

nearly burst from anger as she stood up and shouted at her, "You're still not admitting it,

Katherine! It was you who gave me the drug and wanted me to spike Robert's drink,

saying that once the deed was done, he'll have to…"

Halfway in her sentence, Rosemary realized her mistake and quickly shut up, but she still

directed a hateful glare at Katherine.

Katherine covered her face, sobbing. "You've misunderstood me. How could I do such a

thing? Why would I do such a thing? What good would it bring me? Rose, I know that you

are upset that this happened, but this isn't the time to be pointing fingers at each other.

Now that the media has reported this, we have to discuss how to minimize the risk."

"Dad…" Rosemary looked unwillingly at Jorge, who was extremely disappointed at her

right then.

Even though he did want her to get married to the Levisays, it was by no means using this

kind of method!

If this happened, how would the Levisays see Rosemary?

Even if she got married to Robert, she would have no say in the family at all in the future!

She might even be worse off than Katherine, who was about to marry Joaquin!

He never thought that the daughter he put so much effort into raising would be ruined like

this. Disappointed, he could not resist the feeling of pain and anger taking over him.

"Madam Levisay, this is all because I failed to educate my daughter. I'm really sorry about

this. How do you want to settle this matter?"

Jorge lowered his head in front of Hera. Since this had unfolded into a major issue,

Rosemary would be ruined for the rest of her life if Robert did not wish to take

responsibility for her. It would also be difficult for anyone reputable to marry her in the


"You're asking me that? You're asking me about your daughter's scandal? My family's

dignity has been shattered by them!"

Livid, Hera had still yet to regain her composure as she sensed an incoming migraine upon

looking at Robert.

Now that everyone in the Levisays knew about this, Elizabeth even called to question her

earlier. In severe panicking mode, Hera did not even know where to begin!

Seeing that they had no other choice, she could only clench her teeth and agree to the

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marriage between Robert and Rosemary. Otherwise, the rumors would only worsen!

Clearly, Rosemary was not the daughter-in-law of her choice, but Hera had no option but

to accept the fact now. One could only imagine how frustrated she was at this point.

"Bring Robert back in this instance! We're going back right now! Jorge Cornell, I

understand now why you were in such a hurry to celebrate your birthday! It looks like

you've been planning this all along! You certainly are something, aren't you?"

Hera directed her anger at Jorge as she snorted before ordering her people to bring Robert


After watching all of this unfold, Katherine was getting sleepy as the drama came to an

end. Seeing how Joaquin was just sitting there with no intention of leaving and how Hera

did not bother her, Katherine gave it some thought and walked over before putting her

hands on the wheelchair. "Dad, it's getting late now. I'll send Joaquin home first."

With so many thoughts jumbled in his brain, Jorge did not have time to care about this.

He looked at Joaquin then Katherine and spoke in a tired manner, "It's fine. Since it's

already so late, how about Joaquin, you spend the night in our house?"

"I don't think that's a good idea, Dad. With Rosemary's incident fresh in mind, if Joaquin

was to spend the night in our house, the media might come up with another absurd

article. If that happens, then our reputation would truly be in the gutter," Katherine

rejected his suggestion at once.

Are you kidding me? Wanting Joaquin to spend the night here? I wouldn't mind if the man

was disabled, but he isn't. God knows what would happen with a man and a woman alone

in a room.

Katherine was afraid that she might not be able to control herself and kill him by accident.

"You make more sense. Send him back, then. Do be careful when driving." Jorge was

reminded of the fact and chided himself for being so thoughtless.

Looking at Katherine again, Jorge found his adoration toward her increasing significantly.

With no comparison brought no harm, it was obvious to see who was better—the logical

Katherine or the reckless Rosemary.