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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 53
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Chapter 53

"Are you telling me that not only does Katherine have great surgical skills, but she's also

able to concoct medication that is effective against superficial wounds?"

Joaquin was on the phone as he listened to Ben squawk loudly on the other end of the line.

Perhaps it was the weather, but most probably because of Ben's voice, he felt a throbbing

sensation on his temples. Nonetheless, his interest was piqued by Ben's words.

Katherine seemed to be like an undiscovered treasure trove. As one delved deeper within,

one would be able to discover the countless treasures hidden within her; just by simply

uncovering one, it would be sufficient to cause a shock.

"Yes! You saw the wounds sustained by her brother, right? The swollen face he had would

surely need at least ten to fifteen days to subside, but I was merely away for less than an

hour and when I got back, his swollen face had bettered significantly. I've sent you a

photo, so you should take a look at it yourself later on. We have to find a way to get it for

ourselves. Mr. Levisay, it's time for you to utilize your good looks."

Agitated, Ben was so tempted to rush over to see Katherine and find out the formula from


However, Joaquin was lost in his thoughts and he did not bother about Ben as he hung up

the phone immediately.

Their men from Area Seven constantly encountered dangerous and potentially fatal

situations in their missions. Most of the time, their missions were much more dangerous

when they were placed in dense forestry areas or rainforest climates. Even a simple

superficial wound could become infected and be potentially fatal.

If Ben was not exaggerating about the effects, then the medication Katherine held was not

only significantly effective against soft tissue injuries, but it definitely had a significant

effect against superficial wounds too. It seemed that his fiancé had many hidden talents.

On the other hand, Katherine was unaware that she had become the focus of Joaquin and

Ben. After she came out of the clinic, she went to Aberama's private restaurant.

Aberama looked at the darkened expression and vicious look in her eyes, and he instantly

realized that she must be upset because of Keith's incident.

"Do you need my help with something?" Aberama waited for Katherine to take a seat

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before serving her some tea with a nonchalant smile.

"Dig some info on Kyoland's Tillmans and you can have another Regenerative Pill that I

gave you last time." Katherine held up her teacup and took a sip as she lifted her brow to

shoot a look at Aberama.

The choices of tea from Aberama's restaurant were great and she was so tempted to steal


"The Tillmans? Is Keith's incident related to them?" He glanced at her with a slightly

shocked expression.

Judging by Aberama's reaction, he must be quite familiar with the Tillmans.

"Do you know them?"

"There is an obvious hierarchical system in Kyoland and there are five levels of hierarchy.

The uppermost level belongs to a group of mysterious people and they don't generally

interact with the outer world. Their existence is truly at the top of the pyramid. The next

level is composed of the four most prominent families right now—the Levisays, Ramons,

Daltons, and the Morans. As for the third level, there are too many people there. The

Tillmans could perhaps be able to make that tier, but barely though."

Aberama knew that Katherine was not familiar with the situation in the country, so he

patiently went through the influential forces in Kyoland with her.

At that moment, she glanced at him with thoughts running.

He maintained a neutral expression as he met her eyes. "We're considered a branch of the

main Ramon family and we're not related to the main family. We might be able to exert

pressure elsewhere, but once we're in Kyoland, we would have to be on our best

behavior," Aberama said quite casually and he appeared to be unperturbed.

Katherine kept her eyes on his for a short while before retracting her gaze and she no

longer bothered to ask about all that.

"Are the Tillmans influential?" She directed her focus back on that family.

"They're considerably influential. Well, the main family in Hovington isn't comparable to

even one-tenth of the Tillmans' influence. They have a long family legacy passed on from

decades above and their family wealth is immense. Besides, they've built up plenty of

connections that would strengthen their influence. They are linked by marriage with a lot

of other families, so it would be slightly troublesome to go after them."

His final sentence was a reminder to Katherine not to go after the Tillman Family.

However, she merely revealed a nonplussed smile without saying much.

Although the main Tillman Family was not one to be messed with, the side branches were

not included under that. Katherine had already obtained information on the person who

had gone after Keith, so she would not have to take action personally. Instead, she could

just easily hand over the information in her hands to some specific people and someone

else would quite naturally deal with those people on her behalf.

"Your chef has great culinary skills." She gradually returned to her nonchalant, easygoing

manner as the cold look in her eyes dissipated.

As soon as Aberama heard that, he quickly instructed his staff to serve their meal despite

his sense of helplessness.

Katherine enjoyed the good food and left after filling her stomach. Meanwhile, Aberama

ran after her angrily as he sought an explanation as to when she would be able to provide

him with the Regenerative Pill.

She walked out of the private restaurant and intended to head back to Soulin

International, but she received a phone call from Jorge just as she got out of the junction.

She squinted as she glanced at the number and remained silent for quite some time

before finally taking the call. She spoke in a light-hearted voice and greeted Jorge sweetly,

"Dad, do you have something to ask me?"

Jorge instantly felt a looming headache upon hearing her tone of voice and he massaged

his temples in response before asking her in a lowered voice, "Your stepmom's hand is

about to be amputated and she claims that you're the one who caused it?"

"Dad, how could it be me? I'm just a feeble, weak female. Is Madam Sutton trying to frame

me for her own accidental damage? Dad, trust me, how could I possibly do such a thing? If

word gets out and everyone thinks that the future Mrs. Levisay caused the amputation of

her stepmother, then how would they regard me? How would they regard the Levisays,

huh?" Katherine acted shocked as she tried hard to explain herself. However, the sneering

smile on her face was quite evident.

It was such a shame that Jorge did not get to see her current expression.

He listened to Katherine's words and instantly felt a chill run down her spine as he came to

the sudden realization that Katherine now had an exalted status and she was no longer

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the abandoned daughter of the Cornell Family. She held the position of the Levisays' young

mistress and this identity she held was sufficient to make an impact on most people.

"Kathy, calm down. I wasn't trying to blame you. I was just asking in passing. Are you

currently outside? Do you have enough money to spend?" Jorge lifted a hand to wipe the

cold sweat off his forehead before hurriedly replying with a smile; there was an obvious

fawning tone in his voice.

Meanwhile, the smile on Katherine's face widened as she put on an extremely aggrieved

act. "Dad, does Madam Sutton dislike me? Why is she falsely accusing me of something I

didn't do?"

"How is that possible? There is no reason for her to dislike you at all. She likes you very

much and she has nothing against you. I promise." Jorge started to break into cold sweat

once again.

"Then, why did she falsely accuse me? Dad, which hospital are you guys currently at? I'll

come over and visit her. If she really doesn't like me, then I'll make sure to stay away once

I've joined the Levisay Family after my marriage." Katherine continued to portray her

dispirited side and she appeared to be quite hurt by all that.

Jorge furtively sneaked a look at Lisa, who was in hysterics on the hospital bed, and he

told Katherine the address of the hospital before hanging up the phone.

As soon as Lisa noticed that he had hung up the phone, she instantly screamed shrilly,

"Jorge! Katherine's a freak! She is a freakish monster! She merely squeezed my shoulders

and then the doctor ended up diagnosing me with muscle necrosis. The doctor also said

that I need amputation of my limbs. Trust me! You've got to trust my words!"

Jorge looked at her in such a crazed state and he could not help feeling disgusted and

repulsed by her.

He frowned and gazed at her with a disappointed expression. "That's enough. If Kathy was

actually as skillful as you described, then I believe you wouldn't be alive right now to

complain about her to me. She's got a different identity now and she's no longer who she

was before. Stop targeting her. You've gone too far this time."

At that point, Lisa stared incredulously at Jorge with a countenance as pale as a sheet; she

parted her trembling lips but could not quite come up with any words to say.