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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 438
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"Side effects? What side effects?" Jayden was stunned by what he heard. He then glared at Wale.

"Why would there be a side effect?"

Wale stared back, speechless. It was evident he was dissatisfied with Jayden's reaction.

"Mr. Hall, while I am thankful for how much you are paying me, you are still too ignorant in terms of

researching and developing drugs," Wale stated. "It was extremely impossible for me to research a

drug that could brainwash a person in such a short amount of time. I was ordered to do so though, so I

had no choice but to rush the process."

"We might have a drug now," he continued. "But to be honest, it has never been tested. I didn't even

have time to conduct clinical trials. Hence, it is more unlikely for me to know what side effects there

would be. However, all drugs are poisons to a certain extent, especially if the effects are strong. If the

dosage is not strictly adhered to, there would be severe effects on the body. As for what those effects

are, we would have to wait and see. I can't say for sure what will happen."

Wale was a chemist with high standards and was working with Jayden due to financial troubles.

However, that did not mean he fully agreed with Jayden's methods. For example, Jayden's

unreasonable request had given him a serious dilemma.

Thus, Jayden's question clued him in on what likely happened. His face instantly twisted into an ugly


Jayden's face darkened considerably when he heard Wale's answer. It further deepened his impression

of Shaun as a useless worker.

Still, what has happened, happened. There was no point talking about it any longer.

He spent a few more minutes pondering before calling Shaun back in.

"Where are Katherine and the others now? Have they left Kyoland?" he asked.

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Shaun shook his head. "Not yet. Miss Cornell fainted, so Joaquin was unable to take her away from the

city. They have been moved to one of David Blatt's villas."


Jayden's eyes narrowed as an idea struck him.

"Keep an eye on them. Remember, be careful, and don't tip them off. Let me know the moment

something happens."

"Yes, sir!" Shaun responded with a nod. "Don't worry, Boss. I'll be careful. I won't make another


Meanwhile, at David's villa, it was late at night when Joaquin charged up to the second-floor bedroom

with a doctor in tow.

Katherine was currently huddled in bed and leisurely chatting with Xavier. While Katherine looked as

calm as usual, Xavier's face gradually darkened.

He immediately stood up upon realizing the doctor was there. Then, he shot Joaquin a hesitant look.

"What is it?" Joaquin asked.

Xavier opened his mouth for a moment before snapping it close and swallowing back the words

lingering on the tip of his tongue. "Nothing much," he eventually said. "Let's have the doctor look her

over first."

He then moved away to let the doctor get closer to Katherine.

Soon, the doctor was done checking her over, but he could not diagnose anything wrong with her.

"The lady is suffering from a few mild injuries. Her muscles are not damaged though, so she will be fine

after a few days of rest."

His simple answer made Joaquin frown. "Is that all?"

The doctor let out a hum of confusion before mumbling, "That's it. What else could there be?"

Joaquin's face turned even more unpleasant when he heard that. He walked over to Katherine to gaze

deep into her eyes before turning back at the doctor.

"Are you sure her head was not injured? She seems to have a headache, and she's even showing

signs of amnesia."

The doctor was stunned to hear that, but he soon fervently shook his head.

"No, sir. I've thoroughly checked her head just now. There were no signs of an injury or even having

been knocked. As for the amnesia you mentioned, what happened?"

Joaquin exchanged glances with David before casually stating, "She said she does not remember what

happened today."

The doctor stroked his chin in thought and answered, "There's a possibility she's suffering from jumbled

memories or temporary amnesia due to shock. How about this? Let's observe her for two days while

she rests. If the problem persists, bring her to the hospital for a round of thorough testing and a CT

scan of her brain. If there's a need, we might do an MRI of her head region. We can only know what's

happening once we have those test results."

Even the doctor could not diagnose any further, so they had no choice but to acquiesce to that


Joaquin had his men escort the doctor out while he continued to frown at Katherine who was silently

staring back at him with wide eyes.

He sat down beside her and held her hand in his. His mind was filled with worry as he massaged her


"Are you hungry? How about I ask the servants to prepare some food for you?" he asked.

Since the doctor said she should rest, he would not be questioning her about what happened earlier

that day. All he would do was look after her.

She thought about his question for a moment before nodding. "Now that you mention it, I do feel

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somewhat hungry."

"Very well. I'll have them prepare something light and easy. It's late, so you shouldn't eat something

heavy. Just bear with it for tonight and rest early. I'll have them prepare your favorite food tomorrow


She nodded. "Okay."

She did not seem any different than usual, but for some reason, something about her behavior felt off.

He sat with her while she ate and only tiptoed out of the room when she finally fell asleep.

After heading downstairs, he found Xavier sitting in the living room as though Xavier had been waiting

for him.

"Well? Has Kathy fallen asleep?" Xavier immediately asked upon spotting Joaquin.

Joaquin nodded and walked over to sit across from Xavier. His brows remained furrowed, and they had

never relaxed the entire night.

Seeing that, Xavier hesitated for a moment before voicing the question he had wanted to ask earlier.

"You feel something is off as well, don't you?"

His abrupt question stunned Joaquin who turned to shoot him a sharp look. "What have you


"She has memory issues," Xavier replied with a nod, not beating around the bush this time.

Joaquin's pupils shrank as he pursed his lips in silence.

Xavier sighed and told him all about his observations.

"When you went to fetch the doctor, I was talking to Kathy. I realized some of her memories were stuck

in the past before she came to Kyoland. As for what happened after arriving here, she does not recall

most of it. She's also acting strange. Before, she was cold yet calm. Now, she is much more impatient

and easily frustrated. We would argue for a few seconds before she starts refusing to speak. Just now,

she even threw a temper tantrum. She has never done that before."