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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 424
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"Are you so eager to go home and see your daddy? When are you so dependent on him?"

Noah smiled shyly at that question, and her eyes were squinted into little crescents. "I miss Daddy a lot

and depend on you too, Mom. I love you and Daddy the most. I want our family to be together."

Katherine's heart was warmed by the little girl's words. Back at the Cornells, she had never

experienced the warmth and love of being part of a complete family. After what she had been through,

she didn't want her daughter to go through the same thing. Immediately, she hooked her lips into a

gentle smile. "Okay. We'll wait until Mr. Blatt comes back. Once he returns and everything turns out

well, we can go home."

"That's great." The little girl beamed and nodded.

After some time, David returned, but he did not appear happy and emanated a gloomy aura.

"How was it?" When Katherine saw him, she had a bad premonition.

He poured himself a cup of water and drank it in one go as if he were trying to put out the fire inside

him. However, when David started speaking, he couldn't suppress his anger and frowned. "I thought of

this matter too simply! Emmanuel Gray isn't an ordinary person. He's truly ruthless! He even put Corey

under house arrest!"

Katherine was shocked to hear that and asked, "House arrest? What happened?"

"When I got there, I didn't see anyone besides Emmanuel. So, I told him I wanted to check on Corey,

but Emmanuel refused, claiming that Corey had recovered and was resting. Ultimately, I had a hunch

that something wasn't right, so I had someone look into it. Then, I discovered Emmanuel had placed

Corey under house arrest after bringing him home. Moreover, he had also placed Corey's mother under

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house arrest. It's like he's afraid she would let Corey escape or something. How could someone like

that call himself a father? That is completely insane!"

At that point, her face had turned gloomy, and her clear eyes suddenly had a glimmer of coldness.

"Someone who could poison his own son couldn't be an ordinary person, so it's reasonable that he

would do something like putting them under house arrest. Moreover, now that he and Corey had gotten

into a dispute, keeping Corey locked up at home is the best way to keep him under control."

"Can he keep Corey locked up forever? He wouldn't let Corey spend the rest of his life in that room,

would he?" David gritted his teeth as his expression became ghastlier.

On the other hand, Katherine seemed calmer. After that, she narrowed her eyes and thought about it.

Soon, she understood why this was happening. "Don't fret. I don't think Emmanuel would keep him

locked up forever. This might be temporary, and Corey would be released after this matter ends."

David was puzzled upon hearing that. "What do you mean?"

Sitting opposite him, she poured herself a cup of water and took two sips. "Someone must be assisting

Gray Corporation's turnaround, and that someone might not be whom you'd expect. That person

supporting the company might want to make Emmanuel a henchman, so Corey might have considered

this possibility and gone home to confront Emmanuel. Perhaps, Corey found out something, or he

might not have discovered the whole truth, but no matter which it is, Emmanuel wouldn't take such a

risk. Therefore, he would want to hide the truth from Corey, and if he wanted Corey to not know

anything, the only way is to shut Corey up. Now that Corey is locked up and can't contact the outside

world, he can't tell anyone what he knows. This is why Emmanuel did what he did."

After listening to Katherine's explanation, David frowned even more. "Then, who is the person behind

Emmanuel? Why would he go through so much just to save a company that is about to go bankrupt?

Even the other three noble families were unwilling to help the Grays, so why did that guy decide to help


After hearing that, she quickly replied, "To deal with me."

After Katherine said that, David was taken aback, but he responded quickly and understood what she

meant. "Are you saying someone wants to use the Grays to get to you?"

"That might be it." She nodded. "Until this point, the Grays and I have a grudge, and I am why Gray

Corporation has fallen to the point of almost getting bankrupt. I suppose the one behind all this wants to

use Emmanuel's hatred and hostility against me, making him a pawn to deal with me."

Nonetheless, there was also the possibility that she was overthinking this matter. After all, Emmanuel

had made lots of enemies all these years. That was why the other three noble and prominent families

didn't help the Grays when they faced the crisis. It might also be because the person in the back

wanted to use Emmanuel to deal with the other three noble families. No one was sure, but Katherine's

intuition told her it might be the first possibility.

After a moment's silence, David was worried. "What are we going to do now? Do you have any clue

about who is the person behind Emmanuel?"

She shook her head in response. "I have no idea."

If she had to pick a possible suspect, that would be Jayden. However, she had injured him so seriously

that it was unlikely for him to make a move after such a short period. As for the others… Since

revealing her identity as W Co.'s president, she had unwittingly amassed many enemies, making it

challenging to identify the culprit. Still, no matter what, it wouldn't be a good idea to stay in Kyoland.

"Since the enemy is in the dark and we're out in the open, the situation isn't looking too good for me, so

I have to return to Hovington."

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"You're leaving?" David pursed his lips. "What about Corey?"

"You don't need to worry about him." Katherine gave him a reassuring glance. "Emmanuel must be

guarding against me, so once I leave, he wouldn't do anything to Corey and would release him after a


After listening to her insight, he decided not to ask her to stay. "When are you going to leave? I'll send

you off."

She shook her head in response and replied, "No thanks. You should go home. You've been staying

here all this while and should take a rest. Since I'm going to leave, I need to start packing. I'm planning

on leaving tonight."

"Is it safe for you and Noah to go out alone?" David was worried.

"We're going to be fine, and I have Carmine's men with me."

When he heard that, he grunted before nodding. "Fine. I won't send you off, then. Be careful on the

way, and remember to call me once you reach Hovington."

Katherine nodded. "Sure."

On the other hand, she had oversimplified the situation in her head. She had underestimated Jayden's

resolve to exact revenge and his ruthlessness. Also, he had expected that Katherine wouldn't go over

the bottom line and kill him because of their past relationship. Therefore, he decided to make a move

before she did.

That evening, after buying their tickets, she and Noah began to pack their bags. The little girl was so

excited that she was going home that she quickly packed her stuff. Meanwhile, Katherine watched her

and found her behavior amusing. Suddenly, she heard the roar of several car engines outside the
