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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 409
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Chapter 408 Revival

Jayden sneered. "Do you think I'm joking?"

Frowning, Emmanuel didn't say anything to that.

"Just do as I say and don't ask any questions. Besides, this isn't a bad thing for you. Even without me,

you'd still go after her anyway. However, from now on, you can't attack her how you want. You will do

as I say, get it?"

Emmanuel could see that he wasn't joking. Jayden was serious about this, and that made Emmanuel

calm down a little. "Is that all? Nothing else?"

Jayden cocked his eyebrow and said nothing.

Emmanuel fell silent for a moment. Then, he asked, "When are the funds coming in?"

"If we have a deal, your company will be saved tomorrow. I will send my men in to reinforce you, and

we'll come up with an agreement. Whatever you want to do next will be discussed after that."

Emmanuel fell silent again after hearing that. No matter how he cut it, these terms were good for him.

He finally made up his mind. "Fine, I'll do it. Give me the funds tomorrow, and we'll have a deal."

Jayden knew this would happen, so he wasn't surprised. He then added, "Also, you can forget about

taking what's hers."

Emmanuel froze and turned around, looking upset. "What do you mean? You want to take it?"

Jayden nodded. "Yes. Everything she has will belong to me in the end. Anyone who tries to take

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whatever is hers will be my enemy."

Emmanuel laughed mirthlessly. "You think too highly of yourself. Do you have any idea what she's


Jayden looked at him coldly. "I know more than you do. This is my request. If you refuse, then our deal

is off. You can watch as your company falls into ruin. If you accept, we'll all be happy. Oh, and don't try

to fight back. I can save your company but also bring it back down. Think before you leap. Don't do

anything stupid, or else, the next time your company falls, I won't help you."

It was merciless, and Emmanuel went pale with rage. He had never been this humiliated by someone

younger than him. Katherine was one, and Jayden was the other. The losing streak Emmanuel had to

go through put him in a bad mood, but he had to grit his teeth and take it if he wanted to save his

company. After taking a deep breath, he said, "Fine." The talks came to an end, and Emmanuel went


Jayden saw him off and looked away. "Keep an eye on him. I will allow no failures."

Hansel quickly said, "Yes, sir!" He then asked, "Sir, are we going back to the residence or your villa?"

Jayden mused over it and touched his face. Coldly, he said, "The villa."

Hansel drove away. Jayden looked ahead coldly, his eyes filled with cunning. He then said, "Tell our

men at Hovington to get in touch with the Levisays. They can start attacking the Levisay Group now."

"Yes, sir."

After a good night's rest, Katherine felt a lot better, and she regained some color. "How's he doing?"

she asked Joaquin right after she woke up.

Joaquin woke up a while ago and had just exercised in the yard. He only came back to check if she

was awake. He raised his eyebrows as he heard her question. "Corey woke up once at midnight, but

he's asleep now. He's better now."

Katherine felt more at ease, and she stretched her arms. "Good. Finally saved. Once he's awake, I'm

having him treat me to something good."

Joaquin was amused. "That's all it takes to satisfy you? Man, that's low maintenance."

Katherine placed her hands on the blanket and stared at the ceiling, sighing. "I might not even have the

luxury of getting treated. If he finds out I brought his family's company to near bankruptcy, who knows

how he's going to feel? And he has a lot of mess to tend to. Probably can't even make some time for


Joaquin knew she was concerned, and he smiled. "You're friends. You did this for him. He'll


Katherine nodded. "I know."

"Alright, get up and have breakfast. You haven't eaten much, and you've been working for days. Time

to catch a break."

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The man smiled and took her hand to pull her up. She let him pull her out of bed, and she brought her

phone into the bathroom. However, before long, she came back out while holding a toothbrush, looking

a little solemn.

"What's wrong?" Joaquin was confused.

Katherine looked at her phone with a frown and said, "Carmine just texted. Someone bailed Emmanuel

out last night."

Joaquin was surprised. "Everyone's trying to back off now, so who did that?" And the Grays are in deep

trouble this time. It's going to be a big hassle just to bail him out. Who would do something like that?

Katherine's face fell, and she bit her lip. "Not sure."

"Not sure?"

"Carmine looked into it, but all she knew was someone had bailed him out. She couldn't find out who

did it." Looking grim, she added, "And the news said they paid all the damages and solved all the

problems of their stopped projects. They're starting to function normally again."

Joaquin got even more puzzled. "How can that be? Not a single bank would give them a loan, so how

did they get so much money?"

Katherine gripped her phone tightly, her eyes glinting. "There's only one explanation. Someone lent

them a lot of money in private. With these funds, Gray Corporation can finally breathe. After they solve

their problems, they may even rise from their ashes and become stronger."