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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 381
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Chapter 380

His plan was very precise, but he didn't know that he had already been tricked.

"If that's the case, President, who do you plan to send to negotiate this matter?"

The information said that a face-to-face interview was required. This was a reasonable request. After

all, the D3 Reageant was such an important thing, so this was a rare and important purchase.

Jayden pondered for a while and did not answer immediately, but instead asked, "Have Katherine and

Joaquin made any moves as of now?"

At the mention of this, Hansel straightened his expression and answered seriously, "They are already

planning to leave for Zoscistan today, but there is something odd. The mercenaries we sent were all

taken out in the middle of the night yesterday. Then, they left the hotel. After a period of tracking, there

was no signal at all. As for the location where the signal was lost, it is also very vague, and there is no

way to track them for a while. It was not until this morning that the signal was regained."

In this regard, Jayden wasn't really surprised.

"The situation in Fontan is very chaotic. There are many private gangs, which may have interrupted the


Since Katherine and Joaquin were planning to set off for Zoscistan, they probably had nothing to do

with the upper management of LW Laboratory. Before, he only knew that Katherine was related to the

LW Laboratory. Due to that, she could get the D3 Reageant and even the research and development

reports of other reagents. But now, it seemed that her position should be similar to her job in Professor

Muller's laboratory. It was just a job, and she wasn't part of the core process.

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Thinking of this, he didn't pay much attention to the information and said, "There's no need to send

anyone else. I'll go in person."

Hearing this, Hansel was taken aback. "President, how can you go there in person?"

Jayden didn't take it seriously. "Do you think that LW Laboratory will sell it to me if I send someone else

to negotiate? I have to show my sincerity. If they don't feel good about selling it to me, then Lab X will

not be able to get it. We had requested collaborations twice before, so this time, I will take this

opportunity to have a good talk. Aren't they short of funds? Heh, I have plenty of funds. I'm sure they'll

be tempted."

This matter was thus settled. Soon, Hansel got in touch with the people from LW Laboratory on behalf

of Jayden. After Dylan got the news, he immediately reported it to Katherine. "Katherine, as you

expected, Lab X is really going to send their top leader!"

Katherine raised her eyebrows, not at all surprised. "When and where's the meeting?"

"3.00PM at the cafe on the top floor of Jurysdale Tower."

Katherine glanced at the time. There were still two hours left.

"What about the plane? How's the arrangement?" she asked.

Dylan immediately replied, "It has been done according to your instructions, and you can leave at any

time. I've arranged for men to guard you. If there is any issue, they will come in handy. You and

Joaquin can definitely leave for Zoscistan."

"Okay." Katherine nodded. "We'll leave in an hour."


An hour later, Dylan drove the two of them straight to Jurysdale Tower. When they arrived, the

members of Lab X hadn't arrived yet. Katherine and Joaquin sat in the corner that was hidden by

potted plants while Dylan sat in front by the window as agreed before. From this angle, Katherine and

Joaquin couldn't be seen from his table, but they could see Dylan's table clearly. When the time was

approaching 3.00PM, finally, a figure walked over.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Longman?" The man's tone was quite polite, but his gestures revealed his

attitude as that of a leader.

Dylan raised his eyes, glanced at him, then got up and shook hands with him. He thereafter said

politely, "Yes, sir. Are you…"

The man smiled slightly, his handsome face full of confidence. "I am the leader of Lab X, Jayden Hall."

Not far from the scene, Katherine and Joaquin, who were hidden by plants, exchanged glances without

any surprise, as if Jayden's appearance was an expected matter. From this, their previous analysis was

correct, and all their guesses were on point.

"Heh, I have been friends with Jayden for so many years, yet I never thought that he would be so

mysterious," Katherine couldn't help muttering in a low voice, her tone a little displeased.

Knowing the truth, Joaquin relaxed, but he was in the mood to tease her. "You two are pretty much the


Katherine twitched the corners of her lips in a very disapproving manner. "How are we the same? My

LW laboratory has never done anything harmful to nature, and the reagents I develop are also

beneficial to the medical industry and people. Compared to Lab X, which is a lowly lab that does

anything as long as it benefits them. They don't care whether their things are harmful to people or not

as long as they can make huge profits. They simply develop reagents blindly, and they are villains who

are only interested in profit!"

Her voice was lowered, and she had rare resentment on her face. Originally, she had always looked

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down on the activities of Lab X in private, but she did not expect that these activities were actually done

by those she considered friends, so it was hard for her not to be angry.

Seeing her tiny fair and tender face full of anger and her eyebrows puckered, Joaquin couldn't help but

want to laugh. He raised his hand to pinch her cheek, then comforted her gently, "Okay, we can't force

others to do according to our wishes. As long as we can stand by our own values, that's good enough."

Katherine pursed her lips and said nothing.

On the other side, Dylan ordered two cups of coffee and pretended to negotiate a deal with Jayden. No

matter what, the result of the interview was that the D3 Reageant would not be sold to Lab X, and as

for collaborations with Lab X, those were even more out of the question.

When Jayden heard this, his face sank slightly, and his lips were pressed hard together. His expression

was somewhat displeased as he said, "Mr. Longman, are you joking with me? We've already talked

about the conditions, yet you say you won't sell it now? Do you think my deal is not attractive enough?"

As he spoke, he snorted to himself.

"Mr. Longman, although the prices of the reagents researched and developed by LW Laboratory are

very high, the price I offer should be the highest. If you don't believe me, you can talk to others and see

if anyone can offer a better price than me. Besides, you'll benefit greatly from the collaboration between

our two labs. Since you are short of funds, I can supply you with the funds. You can use them for as

long as you want, and we’re not in a hurry for results here. So, what's wrong?"

Dylan listened expressionlessly while he sneered inwardly.

What a calculative man. But the research report of the LW Laboratory is worth more than any amount

of money he can offer. He's saying it nicely, but in fact, Lab X is the one gaining from such a

collaboration. Does he think I'm stupid?

Seeing that he didn't respond, Jayden frowned and subconsciously wanted to throw out a threat.

But at this moment, a voice sounded behind him. "Jayden, you're really good at scheming, huh?"