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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 377
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Chapter 7

Joaquin, too, echoed with a devil-may-care attitude aside. That s right, and I will naturally keep my wife

safe at all times, Mr. Hall. Your concern is unnecessary.

Jayden s expression stiffened for a second. Instead of entertaining Joaquin, he turned to atherine.

You really won t stay? He tried retaining her once more but not insisting on it, as one, he didn t want

atherine to sense his utilitarianism, and two, he was in no mood to retain her given the tricky situation

he was in and that he had a lot to deal with.

No. atherine smiled. Thank you for saving us and even letting us stay for the night. W e won t

trouble you further.

Alright. I ll take you to the hotel then. Jayden said nothing more but only nodded, seeing that she

insisted. Then, as though purposelessly, he asked, So what s next? Are you guys heading straight to


A twinkle flashed across Joaquin s eyes, and he answered with an ambiguous smile, It s our private

matter, Mr. Hall. No need to worry too much.

Jayden frowned in response, and his displeasure was palpable.

Seeing that the tension between the two men arose again, atherine, worried the two would be at each

other s necks again, hurriedly eased the atmosphere and answered without much thought. I plan on

resting for another day before leaving for oscistan tomorrow .

Then again, she didn t reveal too much either, as she fell silent for a moment before smiling plainly.

After all, I ve been staying in Fontan for far too long. It s boring here and a waste of time, too, if I m to

spend my break here.

Embarrassed, Clinton froze with the smile on his face. He could probably pull a muscle cramp on his

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Madeline felt sorry for the guy since she would not have made it out of the airport in one piece if he had

not helped her up. Hence, she sincerely thanked him.

It gave Clinton an out from the social awkwardness. “It’s fine. It’s fine. I’m glad to be of help.”

“Ah! I know who you are! Aren’t you the idol who has come under fire online? Your meme is

everywhere.” Elisa slapped her thigh and curiously examined Clinton’s face.

“They said your nose is fake.”

Clinton pinched his nose and did a 180-degree twist.

“They said you had eyelid surgery.”

Clinton pulled and tugged on his eyelids.

“They said you have your jawline altered.”

Clinton kneaded the skin around his chin to prove his innocence.

“They said you shaved your cheekbones.” Elise raised her voice. She saw the comparison photos, and

she was sure Clinton had his cheekbones shaved.

Clinton helplessly looked at Elise, not knowing how to show her that he had done nothing of that sort.

Elise’s eyes lit up. Her perverted gaze lingered around his face to his abdomens. “They said your six-

pack is painted on. Hehe.”

Clinton tucked his T-shirt down and gave Elise a look as if she was a pervert. “It’s not.”

“Hehe. Show me. Show me, and then I’ll believe you.” Elise motioned to lift Clinton’s shirt.

It so happened that Madeline’s phone rang. Thomas snatched the phone, accepted the call, and

screamed, “Daddy!”

Standing before a floor-to-ceiling window, Noah looked down at the bustling night view of New Yale.

The children’s voice softened the chill in his eyes.

Nevertheless, the tenderness did not last long.

Did Madeline pass the phone to the children because she did not want to take the call?

“Daddy, when are you coming back? I miss you already.” Thomas playfully sought Noah’s attention

through the phone. Mackenzie drew close and said, “Daddy, I miss you so much. Colt misses you too.”

“I miss all of you. Once my work here is done, I will…”

A cry from the other end of the line cut Noah off mid-sentence. Although it was only a faint sound, Noah

recognized the voice to belong to Madeline.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.” Clinton unbuckled the safety belt to escape from Elise’s clutches.

Nevertheless, he stumbled into Madeline’s arms when the car was turning a corner.

“Haha! Clint, you’re done for. You just copped a feeling on Maddie!” Jessica joked amid laughter.

Madeline shot Elise a death stare before speaking softly to Clinton. “Put on your seat belt.”

She could tell the guy, who was caught in an online shitstorm, was a shy introvert. Elise’s flirting had

painted a blush across his face and neck.

The boy would probably jump out of the car if Elise kept up with the act.

“Thank you.” Clinton smiled docilely.

Putting her hands against her chest, Elise exaggeratedly uttered, “Although you’re making eyes at

Maddie, you hurt me in the process, and you need to be held responsible for that. Get it?”

“I didn’t…” Clinton faltered while sending help signals to Madeline.

Madeline could never say no to those puppy dog eyes. It was the same look Thomas pulled every time

he did something wrong and pleaded for mercy. Madeline told Elisa off, “Quit it. You’re going to scare

him away.”

“No way, Maddie. You have a family! Are you trying to get him to stay?” Elisa blinked at Madeline,

tempted to add that she would gladly take Clinton as her man.

Despite holding the phone against his ear for a long time, Thomas could not hear Noah’s voice.

Thinking Daddy had hung up, Thomas returned the phone to Madeline.

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“Mommy, Daddy called earlier.”

Madeline lowered her gaze at the name and the call time on the screen. Her mind went blank.

Just when she was about to pretend not to notice and terminate the call, Noah’s voice came on the

other end of the line. “Don’t you dare hang up on me.”

With her heart skipping a beat, Madeline put the phone against her ear. “Can I help you?”

There was a brief silence on the other side until a bitter voice came through. “What? Am I bothering


“That’s right. You’re bothering me. I have to go since you have nothing to say.” Madeline believed she

could get a heart attack just from the sound of Noah’s voice. For the sake of a longer life on earth,

Madeline blocked his number.

Noah was brewing with rage to have the phone slammed on him. Annoyed, Noah tapped on Madeline’s

contact and redialed her number. Nevertheless, the call was not connected.

He refused to give up and tried a dozen more times, but none of the calls went through to Madeline.

Noah wondered if the phone was broken.

Wayne hated to be the bearer of bad news. “Sir, Mrs. Quincy might have blocked your number.”

Noah turned around and scowled at Wayne. If looks could kill, Wayne would have turned into ashes by


“Quit working, Noah. Let’s enjoy some wine and relax instead.” Dylan offhandedly entered the room

and put his hand on Noah’s shoulder, but Noah responded with a stank eye.

Wayne kept tipping Dylan the wink to stop him from making the situation worse. It was a shame that

Dylan had been pulling a lot of all-nighters, and the tiredness had gotten to him. The only things on his

mind were sleep and booze. Wayne’s signals went amiss.

Drawing close to Noah, Dylan cheekily said, “Why the long face? Do you miss Maddie already? Well,

you’re the one playing it cool and giving her the snub. She’s gone now and probably forgotten all about

you. She might have replaced you with a younger model.”