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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 372
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Chapter 371

A puzzled Katherine said, "That's right. There's no way I'm mistaken. After all, Lab X used to be

famous. Although I've never paid attention to them over the past two years, I still remember their name


She lifted her gaze and realized that Joaquin appeared shocked. Doubtful, she asked, "What's wrong?

Do you know that laboratory?"

Joaquin frowned and narrowed his eyes. His usually calm gaze darkened. He parted his lips and spoke

in a husky voice with a hint of gloominess. "I told you before that I only came to Fontan five years ago

because I accepted a mission. Do you remember?"

It was because an accident happened while he carried out his mission that the fateful night between

them happened.

Hearing that, Katherine appeared slightly surprised. "Did you come to Fontan to destroy Lab X at that


Joaquin nodded. "That's right. When we arrived, there was no one in Lab X as they had retreated in

advance. With that said, we still managed to confiscate some drugs. Perhaps they had left in a hurry.

There hasn't been any news on them since then. I guess it's for this reason that they've been trying to

get back on their feet. Those from Area Seven have been keeping an eye on them, but they haven't

found any traces. I thought that those from Lab X would remain in hiding for a long time, but it seems

that they've already started taking action in secret."

A sneer played on his lips as his gaze turned grim. "That laboratory has always been in some sort of

illicit business. I guess the reason they wanted to collaborate with you was that they had their eyes on

the new drugs that had been developed in your laboratory. You were right to turn them down."

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Katherine rose from the chair and pondered on the series of incidents before saying, "Suppose that this

is indeed Lab X's doing, the mastermind behind the laboratory must be someone I know. However, I

can't think of anyone who might have this identity."

Joaquin wasn't surprised one bit. "This identity must be very different from what he displays to the

public. That's how he manages to fool everyone, so it's not easy to discover it."

While they were analyzing the situation, Jayden knocked on the door. "Lunch is ready. Let's have it


Standing near the door, Joaquin smiled faintly and said in a gentle voice, "Thanks for the meal."

Jayden was apparently not fond of him, but he wouldn't show his contempt for him in front of Katherine.

After a dispassionate grunt, he turned around and went downstairs.

At the dining table, Katherine and Joaquin stopped discussing the issue as they had their food silently.

Jayden was seated across from them. Watching as Joaquin cut the steak into pieces for Katherine, his

expression darkened. Even the food he was having tasted bland.

After putting up with it for a moment, he could no longer hold his displeasure in. "It's only natural that

young couples love showing their affection for each other publicly. However, don't you think it's

inappropriate for you to do so at your age, Mr. Levisay?"

Katherine was speechless at that. She already felt embarrassed by Joaquin's gesture, and upon

hearing Jayden's words, she started blushing. What's wrong with Joaquin? He seems to have

transformed into a different person since we got here.

On the other hand, Joaquin didn't seem bashful at all. At this moment, he was slowly peeling the

prawns for Katherine. When he was done with that, he cleaned his hands with a piece of tissue. "Are

you saying that I'm old, Mr. Hall? If I remember correctly, you're one year older than me. Are you

starting to feel old now?"

Jayden was speechless at that. He was displeased at the fact that the other man retorted.

Nonetheless, a relentless Joaquin went on to say, "Anyway, we're not really showcasing our affection.

These are just the small things in life. You must have some prejudice against couples who show

affection for one another. Why don't Kathy and I show you how it's really done?"

While Katherine was at a loss for words, Jayden replied politely, "Thanks. There's no need for that."

Certainly, he was shocked by Joaquin's shamelessness, and he was perplexed as to what Katherine

saw in him that convinced her to marry him. The doubt remained in his mind for a long time as he

couldn't get his head around it.

After lunch, Jayden asked, "What are your plans, Kathy?"

Following some deliberation, Katherine replied, "Since everything is still up in the air, I'll probably wait a

bit longer and set off two days later."

Beside her, Joaquin said dispassionately, "That's right. We're just trying to unwind anyway. I don't mind

staying in Fontan for two more days."

Jayden was furious as he had the urge to chase this man out of his house. However, he could only hold

his fury in for Katherine's sake. He then nodded and replied, "That's a good idea. Just stay here for two

more days. When you're ready to go, just contact me anytime. I'll see you off."

Katherine turned him down with a faint smile. "We've already troubled you so much for staying here, so

you don't have to see us off. We'll inform you in advance when we're ready to leave."

Jayden frowned but remained silent.

Upon returning to the room, Katherine took a look at her phone and realized there were many missed

calls, which were all from Dylan. Only then did she recall that she had been ignoring him. As such, she

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called him back at once.

As though waiting for her call, Dylan picked it up the moment his phone started ringing. "Damn it,

Katherine! Why didn't you pick up my calls? I almost went all over Fontan to look for you!"

Hearing the man wail over the phone, Katherine felt helpless. "I forgot to inform you that I had gotten

out of the woods."

Upon learning that she was safe, Dylan set his mind at ease. He then asked, "Where are you now? I'll

send someone over to pick you up."

When he arrived at that place a while back, Katherine was nowhere in sight. He became anxious as he

was worried that something bad had happened to her because he was late.

Initially, Katherine wanted to bring Joaquin to LW Laboratory. However, after the conversation with him

earlier, she changed her mind. "There's no need for that." She turned him down. "Don't worry about me.

I'm at my friend's place, so I'm safe. Anyway, I need you to look into something for me."

Dylan had never disobeyed her orders. He asked, "What's the matter?"

"Go and find out the whereabouts of those from Lab X. I don't care how you'll do it, but you have to

ascertain the mastermind behind the laboratory. Also, investigate what they've been up to lately."

Hearing that, Dylan was perplexed. "Lab X? Haven't they disappeared for a long time? They were still

somewhat active two years ago, but there hasn't been any news on them since we turned them down."

Without explaining anything, Katherine ordered, "Just do as I say. Prioritize this task and inform me at

once if you've found anything."

Dylan tactfully stopped asking further and replied, "Yes."

Meanwhile, Joaquin stood on the balcony while he told Jeremy to investigate Lab X over the phone.

After the call ended, he returned to the room and saw Katherine shooting him a look. Finding it

amusing, he took the initiative to ask, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

Katherine rolled her eyes. "What's wrong with you today?"