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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 357
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Chapter 356

Katherine walked into the living room, ignoring the individuals on the couch. She glanced around the

living area but couldn't find Noah. As a result, her face grew pale and she inquired harshly, "Where is

my daughter?"

At that moment, Elizabeth and Hera were sipping tea and they glanced at her.

Elizabeth was upset with Katherine's demeanor. On the other hand, Hera looked at Elizabeth calmly

before turning to look at Katherine as she slowly smiled.

"There you are, Joaquin and Katherine. Please take a seat. Dinner will be ready soon. We haven't

eaten as a family in a long time."

Hera tried to avoid answering the question by not mentioning Noah.

As a result, Joaquin grimaced and asked in a thunderous tone, "Where did you lock Noah up?"

Elizabeth couldn't handle their bad attitude any longer. She banged the teacup on the coffee table and

exclaimed, "Is this how you interact with your elders? Your mother is nice to you and yet, you didn't

even acknowledge her! You questioned her without any courtesy!"

She acted like a bad cop while Hera played the good cop.

"It's fine, Mom. They're only concerned about the child. I'm all right. Besides, Joaquin usually speaks in

this manner. I know he doesn't mean it."

Then, like a wolf in sheep's clothing, she smiled at the two.

"Don't worry. Noah is your child, and we regard her as such. She's doing fine. You don't have to worry

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about her because the maids are watching over her."

Are the maids watching over her? Bah! Her bodyguards are keeping an eye on her! Hera had her


Katherine's eyes gleamed as the thought passed through her mind and she lost her patience to deal

with Hera's performance. As a result, her tone got more irritated as she questioned, "Are you not going

to tell me?"

If that's the case, I'll find Noah myself!

Then, she turned around and began walking toward the stairs.

Hera scowled silently and turned to wink at Mrs. Jaco. Having picked up on the hint, Mrs. Jaco rushed

forward with her back to the stairs and obstructed Katherine.

"Please, Mrs. Levisay. You should not go up without first greeting Old Madam and Madam Levisay.

Madam Levisay also stated that the maids are keeping an eye on Miss Noah, so you don't need to be


Seeing Mrs. Jaco putting on airs under Hera's order, Katherine scowled and said slowly, "Get out of my


Mrs. Jaco frowned as she stood there, and she continued to stretch her arms wide to keep Katherine

from passing.

"Stop putting on airs, Mrs. Levisay. This is the Levisay Residence, not your house. Even if you dislike

the Levisays, you must respect Old Madam and Madam Levisay. As a young mistress from an affluent

household, you should not be so careless."

Katherine sneered as soon as she heard that. "Who are you to criticize my behavior here? You're

nothing more than a servant. I'm your master because you call me a young mistress. Do you mean a

servant can step on a master in their home?"

"I…" Mrs. Jaco was taken aback since she hadn't expected Katherine to say that, and she couldn't

think of a retort.

Katherine did not intend to wait for her reply. She merely turned around and glared at Hera.

"You're too nice to the servants, Mom. Mrs. Jaco is instructing me and attempting to be a master. If

anyone finds out about this, they will realize she is now the head of the Levisay Family."

Katherine said this with sarcasm and mockery, making Hera feel embarrassed.

"What are you on about? Mrs. Jaco is only trying to help you, Katherine. You and Joaquin raced over

and haven't even had a cup of tea yet. Don't worry about Noah. Just let her have fun here."

Katherine frowned bitterly and countered, "No, thank you. I'm running late, so I'll leave after picking

Noah up."

She turned around and tried to push Mrs. Jaco away as she said this.

When Mrs. Jaco noticed this, she shook her shoulders, refusing to move. "Mrs. Levisay, if you rush up,

you will offend the elders. Furthermore, it shows that you do not trust Old Madam and Madam Levisay."

Katherine was amused to hear that. "That's true. It's not the first time I've mistreated them and I won't

hesitate to do it again. As for my trust in them… What does that have to do with it? I don't need

anyone's permission to take my daughter away."

Her smile disappeared and she put on an indifferent expression when she spoke. "Once again, I'm

telling you to get out of my way!"

Elizabeth cleared her throat and chimed in when she observed the heated scene, "Noah is indeed your

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daughter. However, once you marry a Levisay, she also becomes a Levisay. Katherine, we did not

detest your daughter of unknown origin and we welcomed her into the Levisay Residence because we

have respect for you. You must accept our generosity!"

Those words were harsh. Katherine glared bitterly at the elderly woman, a flash of coldness in her


However, before she could react, Joaquin sneered in a deep voice. "Respect? You're being

dishonorable and yet, you claim to respect her? Furthermore, Noah is our daughter and has nothing to

do with the Levisays."

Elizabeth became irritated and she hit the coffee table. "Y-You little—"

Hera could only smooth things over for the time being and appease Elizabeth as she thought of their

unfulfilled goal. "Please relax, Mom. Let's just talk things out. Don't quarrel over Noah today. It's her

first day in our house. After all, she will be with us for a long time."

When Katherine and Joaquin heard that, their expressions turned thunderous.

"What? Do you intend to confine my daughter for an extended period?" Katherine's beautiful face was

covered in frost.

Hera faked a smile and added, "Don't exaggerate! I'm not. Take a look at yourself. You're so worried

about Noah. I was initially going to tell you during dinner, but it looks like I'll have to tell you now. We

brought Noah here for your benefit, as well as hers. We talked about it for the past two days and came

to a decision."

She then paused and stared at the duo, waiting for their inquiries.

However, Katherine and Joaquin remained silent as they stared at her coldly.

As a result, Hera became embarrassed and was forced to continue with her words. "We all know that

Noah's biological father is unknown. However, since you have married into the Levisay Family, Noah is

welcome here. We intend to add her to the Levisay family tree!"