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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 348
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Chapter 347

"What are you yelling for?!" John was put out by her words. "Why do you have to mention Robert while

we're talking about this?!"

Seeing that he was obviously trying to avoid the subject, Hera grew even more indignant. "Why can't I

mention Robert? He's a descendant of the Levisay Family! He's become like this for such a long time,

but have any of you ever cared about him? Don't tell me you're gonna abandon him!" she ranted, flying

into a rage as she spoke.

Then, as the anger went straight to her head, she even began to speak rudely to Elizabeth, saying, "I'm

telling you two, don't you dare even think about it! Robert has the Levisay Family's blood in his veins,

so you all have to find a way to cure him no matter what! Otherwise, who are you gonna hand over

such a large family business to? Joaquin? Ha! Don't forget how much he hates our family! Look how he

treated us today; he never gave a damn about you all!" Obviously, John's suggestion today to give

Joaquin five percent of the Levisay Group's shares was a thorn in her flesh, and she was still resentful

about it.

Getting more and more irritated by her words, John pointed at her nose and scolded angrily, "You dare

speak to me like this? Shut up!"

"No, I won't shut up! Why should I?" Hera stuck her neck out while refusing to drop the subject. "I'm

warning you, John, don't even entertain those ideas! Just hurry and find a way to cure Robert instead.

The Levisay Family mustn't fall into Joaquin's hands, or I'll never let you guys off even if I die!"

At this moment, Elizabeth, who had been silent all this while, suddenly picked up the remote control on

the coffee table and flung it to the ground. The sound of it breaking into pieces reverberated around the

room, followed by her stern voice. "Shut up, both of you! What are you doing, squabbling with one

another at this hour?!" she rebuked.

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Upon hearing this, John and Hera finally shut up despite their reluctance.

Elizabeth raised her wrinkled eyes and glared at the couple in displeasure before slapping the armrest

of her wheelchair with all her might. "What's the use of arguing over these trifles? What we're supposed

to think about right now is how to get W Co. to collaborate with the Levisay Group!"

Still feeling aggrieved about this, Hera wanted to explain herself, but Elizabeth raised a hand to stop

her. "I know what you want to say. You're just worried about Robert, but know this: I am equally as

worried. After all, he's also my grandson, and I know how he ended up like this. Do you think I'm not

angry at that b*tch? But what's the use of getting angry? That b*tch refused to treat him despite her

medical skills. Do you think she'll listen to you when you openly ask a favor of her?"

Sensing the hidden meaning in Elizabeth's words, Hera instantly assumed a serious expression. She

quickly asked, "Mom, do you mean…"

John also turned to look at Elizabeth inquiringly.

Elizabeth's eyes narrowed slightly; her face, which had become wrinkled over the years, was full of

scheming calculations. She smiled sinisterly, saying, "If we can't openly get her to treat Robert, we can

only resort to other methods. Katherine might be a tough nut to crack, but it's not like she doesn't have

weaknesses. That b*stard daughter of hers is her own child. I don't believe she'll still insist on not

treating Robert if we threaten her with that b*stard little girl!"

The instant she said so, Hera immediately realized what she meant, and her face lit up with delight.

"What a great idea! How could I have forgotten about that b*stard little girl?"

On the other hand, John looked worried after listening to his mother's words. "But if we do so, it'll be

even more impossible for Katherine to let W Co. collaborate with the Levisay Group."

"Are you stupid or something?" Elizabeth shot a glare at him in exasperation. She explained,

"Katherine definitely won't help the Levisay Group; it won't be of any use no matter how hard you

persuade her! Like I said, if open persuasion doesn't work on her, we'll have to resort to some

underhand methods. We sounded her out today. She brushed us off, but she didn't turn us down flatly.

When the time comes, you just have to send someone to W Co. to negotiate the collaboration. Then,

regardless of whether the negotiations work out or not, just spread the news of the two companies'

upcoming collaboration. Don't forget that everyone knows she's the daughter-in-law of the Levisay

Family. In the eyes of outsiders, W Co. and the Levisay Group are supposed to be one. Even if the

collaboration doesn't work out, the Levisay Group will definitely be able to take advantage of it in the

commercial world."

To put it simply, what she meant was to raise the Levisay Family's reputation and seek benefits for the

Levisays by riding on the coattails of W Co. in the name of the family.

The moment John heard this, his calm eyes instantly brightened up. "Mom, I just knew you still got it in

you. As expected, the older, the wiser!"

Meanwhile, in the hospital…

As soon as Katherine awakened from sleep, she felt a chill on her back, and her fine brows furrowed

unnoticeably. Then, looking at the warm sun shining through the window, she slightly narrowed her

delicately charming eyes.

Just then, Joaquin quietly padded in. Upon meeting her eyes, he asked with a smile, "You're up?"

Katherine nodded before turning her gaze toward Noah. Seeing that the latter was still asleep, she got

up as quietly and slowly as she could.

Joaquin came near her before handing her a glass of warm water. "Carmine has arrived and is waiting

in the hallway. She probably has something important to report to you."

Katherine was startled for a moment. Taking the glass of water from him, she took a sip from it before

going out. Before leaving the ward, she said to him, "Time to wake Noah up. She'll have trouble

sleeping tonight if she keeps on sleeping."

Joaquin replied with a faint smile, "Okay."

Without saying anything else, Katherine turned around and stepped out of the ward. The instant she

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walked out, a thought crossed her mind. Somehow, I feel that Joaquin seems to have become gentler.

The tenderness in his eyes is almost overwhelming…

Seeing her come out of the ward, Carmine stood up and greeted her deferentially, saying, "Miss


With her thoughts interrupted, Katherine looked at her impassively. "What's the matter?"

Carmine first looked left and right in the hallway. After confirming there was no one else around them,

she finally reported with a poker face, "Miss Katherine, as you'd expected, William Moran never went

home and had been at the casino all this time. The Moran Family was already in chaos, but he never

went back to take a look."

Katherine was unsurprised to hear this, and her red lips slowly curled into a sneer. "How could he know

what happened to the Morans? He's already preoccupied with gambling, after all. Has the thing I

wanted come into our hands?"

Carmine smiled complacently. "Yes, it has! Miss Katherine, you really are long-headed. You actually

guessed it right that he'd gamble with it!"

Katherine thought nothing of it, though. "He'd long gambled away whatever he had, so he didn't have a

lot of chips in his hands in the first place. And besides, the people we'd sent pressed him at every

stage and then gave him hopes of winning at the right moment, so it was only natural for him to take

the bait and want to make a last-ditch struggle."

Carmine replied, "Yeah, that's right. That being said, he really is a weirdo. He didn't get anxious despite

losing in gambling. Instead, he took a stroll inside the casino as if nothing had happened. He only left

just now."

"How could he not get anxious?" Katherine laughed. She raised her hand to look at her beautiful

fingertips before turning her hand over to look at her glittering pink fingernails. "How could he actually

not care about such an important bet? He's got a plan up his sleeve. Even if he's left the casino, he still

has eyes in there. He's got to be waiting for our people to get out of the casino so that he can drag

them into a corner and beat them up before snatching it back. Tell your men to be careful."