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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 341
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Chapter 340

Something flickered within Joaquin's eyes before he asked in an indiscernible tone, "Just because we

are husband and wife?"

Katherine did not hear the hidden meaning within his words, and she replied instinctively, "What else?"

He was speechless before remembering how careful she was in relationships to the point she could be

slow sometimes. Joaquin felt slightly helpless. His gaze lingered on her for a moment before he

suddenly pinched her cheek in an almost wistful way.

"Ow!" Katherine was taken aback and slapped his hand away before rubbing the spot in irritation.

"What are you doing?"

"You…" He hesitated before swallowing the words he had wanted to say. He knew that making her

open up and fall entirely in love with him would take time. However, it was fine since he had the

confidence and patience to achieve that.

Joaquin raised his eyebrows as he looked at her meaningfully. "Even if we are married, I should still

thank you. Pray tell, what do you want as a thank-you gift?"

Katherine did not understand what the man meant just now, and the question immediately distracted

her. "A thank-you gift? There's no need for that."

"Why not? Even if we are married, we still need to see how much we owe one another. You helped me

immensely, so I have to repay you properly."

Repay? That sounds very suspicious.

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She blinked and immediately played along. "Repay? I should be the one repaying you since you

secretly attacked the Morans on my behalf. They targeted you because of me, and if we weren't related


Joaquin frowned at that part and feigned irritation. "What do you mean by 'not related'? I don't like to

hear those kinds of things."

She felt that he was being troublesome today and felt amused. "I said if."

"I don't like that either."

"What do you want to hear, then?"

"Say something nice."

Joaquin loosened his collar and relaxed his hold on her before laying back against the couch and

leaning his head lazily against his hand. He looked so good like this with his sharp features and

glittering eyes. His clothes were the same as those he wore after returning yesterday and were

rumpled due to his stint at the station. However, that had no impact on his attractiveness.

Katherine was distracted by the view and only reacted after a moment. "What are the nice things you

want to hear?" she asked awkwardly.

His eyes became half-closed as his tongue poked against his left cheek. "What things? Aren't you

smart enough to know that?"

She didn't know how to answer that. We started off chatting in a normal way, so why has he become

so… so seductive? she mused. Katherine opened her mouth but couldn't think of anything to say no

matter how much she racked her brain.

Meanwhile, Joaquin realized what was going on and he pretended to be kind. "It's okay if you can't

think of one but a thank-you gift still needs to be given, so I'll have to make a decision."

She felt dizzy. Why is he talking about that again?

Before she could react, he suddenly moved so close to her that she could feel his breath. In a

shockingly low voice, Joaquin purred, "My wife willingly exposed her identity to save me, so I don't think

a simple thank-you gift will suffice. It looks like I am the only one who can satisfy her."

In the next moment, his gaze slid down from her eyes towards her full red lips, his eyes darkening

slightly before he kissed her.

Katherine froze before realizing her lips were now occupied. She pushed against his chest, but he was

far too forceful as he refused to let her escape. His hands pressed against her back while he eagerly

moved his head and claimed her lips as if he could only relieve his yearning by getting her closer to

her. Love was a strange thing—they hadn't seen each other for only two days yet Joaquin's mind was

occupied by Katherine day and night.

It was a while before the kiss finally ended and he regained control. He buried his face in the crook of

her neck, but his desire only intensified when he inhaled her scent.

"Don't worry. I will always fulfill my promise," he said hoarsely upon sensing how tense she was. "As

long as you are reluctant, I will keep waiting until the day of your consent."

He picked her up and placed her on the bed. The way he bent over and straightened up seemed

awkward and his bright eyes seemed darker in the warm light of the lamp.

"You can rest first. I'll go take a shower." The bathroom door opened and closed, followed by the sound

of the shower running.

Katherine sat on the bed, frozen in the position she had been in when he carried her there. Her lips

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shone wetly, and her cheeks were red while her lashes fluttered lightly. Her clear gaze was now filled

with panic while her heart raced. It was a while before she regained herself and she bit her lip, burying

her face into the blanket.

What kind of a thank-you gift was that? He's merely taking advantage of me!

She felt so embarrassed that she couldn't help railing against him silently while reprimanding herself.

She was usually quick and intelligent, so why had she become so dumb in his presence? This did not

happen before… Did that man secretly drug me when I was asleep? Is that even possible?

Just as she was panicking to the point of irrationality, the door opened and Joaquin emerged, his body

still damp.

"Are you still embarrassed?" He stared at the lump under the blanket and chuckled as he dried his hair.

Katherine sat up abruptly and turned to glare at him. She was about to argue when she choked at the

sight before her.

The man was leaning idly against the doorway, his bathrobe half-open to reveal part of his tanned and

firm chest. Water dripped occasionally from the ends of his hair onto his collarbones before sliding

down his chest and below his towel.

It was an arresting sight and she blinked, mouth suddenly dry as she quickly shifted her gaze. Looking

up at his face shocked her since his sharp features had suddenly become seductive when

complimented by the dampness from his shower.

Her mouth opened briefly while she blushed. She choked on her breath before finally forcing out, "Can

you be more decent and put on your clothes?"

Joaquin was entertained by it and smiled charmingly while he fluttered his eyelashes. "Really? I

thought you preferred me not wearing anything."

She had no words. God, why has this man's brain become rotten after staying at the station? Did they

beat him up or did he get some kind of sickness?