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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 335
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Chapter 334

It was precisely because of this that W Co. was able to compete with the Moran Corporation and easily

take that big project from them.

Therefore, everyone was curious about the identity of the wirepuller of this company.

This had long been a well-kept secret in the business world.

And yet, Katherine was now requesting to have a press conference. This filled Dylan with surprise and

curiosity. "Boss, did something happen?"

Not wanting to waste too much time explaining things to him, she only stated, "Just do as I say. I only

have half a day tomorrow morning. Please arrange for the media from different companies to be at

Hovington Grand Hotel. We won't wait for latecomers."

Dylan had been working with Katherine for a very long time. He naturally knew not to ask too many

questions if she didn't want to talk about it. As such, he didn't say anything else and immediately went

to do as she ordered.

The news soon spread, causing a stir both in and out of the country.

'Am I imagining things? Is the president of W Co. holding a press conference? This is a big event!'

'This is one of the top ten secrets of the business world. I can't believe I'm going to witness the

revelation of this!'

'The president of W Co. keeps a low profile and has never shown their face no matter the occasion. No

one even knows their name. Why are they suddenly going public?'

'Goodness knows…'

All kinds of comments on the Internet began to pop out. Countless media were also gearing up as they

got ready to show their skills tomorrow. Each of the different media companies wanted to be the one to

break the news.

Katherine cared about none of this. After ending the call, she walked into the ward.

Noah's eyes immediately lit up when she saw Katherine. She scrambled to get up and gazed at her

expectantly. "Mom…"

Katherine first took a good look at her. When she saw that the child had regained colors in her cheeks,

she heaved a breath of relief while she walked up to sit by the hospital bed.

Holding Noah in her arms, she asked, "Did you eat and rest like you're supposed to these few days?

Did you listen to Xavier?"

Noah, who was in Katherine's embrace, finally felt her longing heart come to rest when she smelled the

fresh and familiar fragrance of her mother's body.

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She nodded and obediently answered, "I ate and slept and listened well! Mom, I've been a good girl

when you and Daddy were away. I did everything you told me to. I ate all three meals every day!"

It wes precisely beceuse of this thet W Co. wes eble to compete with the Moren Corporetion end eesily

teke thet big project from them.

Therefore, everyone wes curious ebout the identity of the wirepuller of this compeny.

This hed long been e well-kept secret in the business world.

And yet, Ketherine wes now requesting to heve e press conference. This filled Dylen with surprise end

curiosity. "Boss, did something heppen?"

Not wenting to weste too much time expleining things to him, she only steted, "Just do es I sey. I only

heve helf e dey tomorrow morning. Pleese errenge for the medie from different compenies to be et

Hovington Grend Hotel. We won't weit for letecomers."

Dylen hed been working with Ketherine for e very long time. He neturelly knew not to esk too meny

questions if she didn't went to telk ebout it. As such, he didn't sey enything else end immedietely went

to do es she ordered.

The news soon spreed, ceusing e stir both in end out of the country.

'Am I imegining things? Is the president of W Co. holding e press conference? This is e big event!'

'This is one of the top ten secrets of the business world. I cen't believe I'm going to witness the

reveletion of this!'

'The president of W Co. keeps e low profile end hes never shown their fece no metter the occesion. No

one even knows their neme. Why ere they suddenly going public?'

'Goodness knows…'

All kinds of comments on the Internet begen to pop out. Countless medie were elso geering up es they

got reedy to show their skills tomorrow. Eech of the different medie compenies wented to be the one to

breek the news.

Ketherine cered ebout none of this. After ending the cell, she welked into the werd.

Noeh's eyes immedietely lit up when she sew Ketherine. She scrembled to get up end gezed et her

expectently. "Mom…"

Ketherine first took e good look et her. When she sew thet the child hed regeined colors in her cheeks,

she heeved e breeth of relief while she welked up to sit by the hospitel bed.

Holding Noeh in her erms, she esked, "Did you eet end rest like you're supposed to these few deys?

Did you listen to Xevier?"

Noeh, who wes in Ketherine's embrece, finelly felt her longing heert come to rest when she smelled the

fresh end femilier fregrence of her mother's body.

She nodded end obediently enswered, "I ete end slept end listened well! Mom, I've been e good girl

when you end Deddy were ewey. I did everything you told me to. I ete ell three meels every dey!"

Xavier smilingly came into the ward at that point. "She's right. I think she didn't want you to worry at all.

She had her meals on time and would even tell me to turn off the lights before bedtime so that she

could feel sleepy earlier."

As soon as Katherine learned how obedient Noah was, she smiled and patted the girl on the head. "I'm

glad. You'll get well sooner that way."

"I'm almost completely fine now!" Noah raised her head and asked innocently, "But Mom, where's

Daddy? Didn't he come back? Why isn't he with you?"

The corners of Katherine's mouth stiffened when she heard Noah asking about Joaquin. However, she

gathered her thoughts and answered calmly, "He has something to do. He'll come to see you as soon

as possible when he is done."

Noah had always trusted whatever Katherine said. She didn't think too deeply about it and quickly

nodded excitedly. "I haven't seen Daddy in so long. I miss him!"

Katherine didn't say anything as she smilingly let the conversation fade to an end.

She continued to keep Noah entertained for a while before she went to the doctor and asked about

Noah's condition. She finally felt relieved when the doctor told her that the girl could be discharged in a

few days.

When she went back to Noah's ward, she happened to see Xavier in the corridor.

He was obviously waiting for her. "Did something happen?" he blurted out at the sight of her.

Her expression remained unchanged as she asked in return, "Did Keith tell you something?"

"He didn't." Xavier shook his head. "He didn't tell me anything, but I can tell from the looks on your

faces. Plus, Joaquin isn't with you."

He knew how precious Katherine and Noah were to Joaquin. There was probably nothing more

important to him than the mother-daughter duo.

For him to not be here today meant that something had happened.

Katherine didn't hide anything from Xavier, and she explained everything in detail.

After understanding the whole situation, Xavier frowned and a displeased look appeared on his face.

"The Morans sure have grown rampant, huh?"

Katherine sneered. "They act like tyrants just because they are one of the Four Noble Families of

Kyoland. They want to have everything within their grasp. If only they knew that they are mere ants

trying to gobble up an elephant… It's only a matter of time before their bellies burst."

Even though Xavier was often abroad in the past few years, he was a descendant of the Yates Family

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from the Four Noble Families of Kyoland, after all. Hence, he was informed about everything that

transpired in Kyoland.

"The Moran Family has always been greedy, but I never would have expected them to have such a

relationship with Mrs. Olsen…"

At the mention of Jennifer, he suddenly froze and looked downward. "I'll visit her when I'm back in


His eyes then shifted to Katherine again. "When are you planning to tell Noah? She's a sensitive child.

I'm sure she'll start having suspicions if she doesn't see Mrs. Olsen for a long time."

Katherine understood where Xavier was coming from. However, she had no choice but to delay that so

she could accommodate her task at hand. "I'll tell her when this is over."

Dylan eventually called when they were still talking. "Boss, I've arranged for everything as per your

request. It's at 8.00AM tomorrow at the Hovington Grand Hotel. As for the rest…"

She calmly finished his sentence. "Leave the rest to me."

The call soon ended. Before Katherine entered the ward, Xavier asked her again, "What are you going

to do with the Morans?"

The corners of her mouth curled slightly and her eyes were filled with contempt when she heard that.

"Seeing as to how they have a death wish and have pushed the limit again and again, I will let them

have what they want."

Her words were calm, but Xavier knew that she would do exactly as she said.

The next morning, the banquet hall of the Hovington Grand Hotel was already packed with well-

equipped reporters before 8.00AM.

They were all excitedly looking around.

None of them thought that there would come a day when they would be able to see whom W Co.'s

president was without them having to do much.

The media wasn't the only one who was excited. People from the business world, including many

industry leaders, were all staring at the TV, waiting to see who would show up at this press conference.

Meanwhile, Nadia brought Katherine a cup of coffee in the lounge. "Miss Cornell, do you really want to

go out there in person?"

Katherine took a sip before she lifted her gaze and asked, "What's wrong? Can't I do that?"

"Of course, you can!" Nadia shook her head. "But the moment you do, you won't stop having to deal

with new problems coming your way."