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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 157
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Chapter 157

Jennifer saw Joaquin coming over from the threshold and made to get Xavier out of the living room.

Pointing at the door down the hall, she said, "Noah's probably drawing in her room right now. You can

go straight in and look for her. It's that room over there."

Xavier nodded since he had returned from abroad this time for Noah's sake, anyway. Without another

word, he rose from the couch and went up to the door to knock on it.

There was no response from the other side of the door. After waiting for a while, he said, "Noah, it's

me, Xavier. I'm coming in." He waited for a beat or two, then opened the door and went in.

Joaquin frowned at this. As he sat down next to Jennifer, he asked, "Are he and Noah close?"

"Yes, they are. Noah doesn't like socializing. I was sick a while back, so I couldn't take care of her. Her

mother's busy as well and we hardly see her around. Xavier stepped in to look after her, and it's all

thanks to him and his background in psychology that Noah was able to pick up drawing and live her

best life. He's a good man," Jennifer said earnestly.

Joaquin did not question the accuracy of her statement.

Meanwhile, Noah was seated in front of the window when Xavier walked in. She had her back turned to

the door and her earphones plugged in, and she appeared to be drawing something.

Xavier realized that she had drawn a large field of sunflowers upon taking a closer look and there were

three figures in the background. For some reason, he could feel the emotions of these figures even

though he could not see their faces.

He stood there and waited for Noah to finish the drawing. When she was done, he walked over and

gently tapped her on the shoulder.

Noah stiffened in alarm before she hesitantly turned to look over her shoulder.

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Her eyes lit up when she saw Xavier. She pulled out her earphones and greeted him sweetly, "Xavier!"

"Hey, kid. I'm here to see if you've made any progress in your studies," he said, grinning as he rubbed

her head affectionately.

She nodded. "I did, and I'm getting really good at them, too. I hardly use these skills because you told

me I could get in trouble for it, though."

"Good girl," he praised. "Let's put those skills to the test, shall we? I've installed thirteen Trojan viruses

into this computer, and I want you to crack all of them before lunch is served or you'll have to go hungry

until dinnertime."

When she gave him a serious look in return, he nodded and pulled out a bulky black laptop from his

backpack and set it down on the desk in front of her.

Noah had a sullen look on her face as she switched on the laptop and pressed a key. At once, a

dialogue window popped up on the screen requesting her to key in the password. She thought about it

for a brief moment, and the next seconds, her delicate little fingers began flying over the keyboard. It

didn't take her long to crack the password Xavier had set up.

His eyes flashed in excitement when he saw this, but his expression grew solemn.

Noah made quick work of entering one code after another after she unlocked the computer's

homepage. She did not glance at the keyboard once as she typed furiously, her fingers moving so fast

that her hand movements were blurring. She went through one dialogue window after another as

though she did not see them at all. When all those windows closed, the homescreen returned to


It was only then that she stopped typing. She turned around and gave Xavier an accusatory look as

she said, "You lied, Xavier. I counted fourteen Trojan horses."

"What, did your mom help you get a breakthrough or something? Those skills are unbelievable." He

had nearly bitten off his own tongue when he watched the little girl resolve those malwares earlier, and

he was looking at her like she was some alien creature. Here I was, thinking that Katherine is already a

top-tier computer whiz.

He met Katherine when she was only eighteen, and her computer skills were already far superior than

his at the time. Now, her daughter seemed to have inherited her genius, and at the age of four, too!

"No, I don't need a breakthrough to crack Trojan viruses as simple as these," Noah pointed out


Xavier felt like he had been shot through the heart. "Well, there's nothing more I can teach you. You

have mastered almost everything. Just to reinforce your practical knowledge on this, I'll give you a few

books," he suggested, seemingly gazed when he saw the innocent look on Noah's face.

"Okay," she agreed with a serious nod.

She was a child of few words, except when she was in Xavier's presence. In fact, she was reluctant to

speak in front of Jennifer and Katherine as well.

Xavier stayed in the room with her for a while to get an understanding of how she had been feeling

recently. He noticed that she was in a significantly better place than she had been the last time they

met. He could tell from her drawing earlier that she was no longer despondent, but optimistic and

somewhat enthusiastic.

"You're doing great, Noah," he said heartily after the open conversation with her, then gave her a big


She beamed at him when she heard this. With her sparkling eyes curving into crescents and her

cheeks dimpling, she looked absolutely cherubic and endearing.

While this was happening, Katherine had finished making lunch in the kitchen, and she was serving it

when Joaquin walked over to the room to tell Joaquin and Noah that lunch was ready.

The first thing he saw when he opened the door was Noah beaming at Xavier happily. At that moment,

she looked warm and bright, like the spring sunshine, and there was not a trace of her usual closed-off

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self in sight.

Joaquin was inexplicably unsettled to see this. As far as he was concerned, Noah seemed a little too

attached to Xavier for comfort. He stood there at the door for a while before he cleared his throat and

announced, "Lunch is ready."

The grin on Noah's face disappeared immediately. She glanced trepidatiously at the door, but when she

saw that it was Joaquin, she let out what seemed to be a breath of relief.

However, this escaped Joaquin's notice.

Presently, Noah rose to her feet and walked out of the room.

Xavier went out after her, and when he sensed the hostility Joaquin directed at him, he was bewildered

and gave the man several odd glances.

During lunch, Xavier and Joaquin gave each other death glares every now and then. At some point,

Katherine grew uneasy, thinking that Xavier's identity had been discovered. As a result, she ate her

meal in silence and did not bother striking up a conversation with either man.

The tension lasted until the end of lunch when Katherine stood up to clear the plates.

"Mr. Yates, what do you do for a living? Grandma told me you're well-versed with psychology," Joaquin

asked as he staked a seat on the couch, eyeing Xavier steadily.

"I only dabbled in it back in the day," Xavier answered humbly.

"Really? It'd be great if I could ask you about the subject some day," Joaquin said breezily. He poured

out a cup of tea for himself and another for Xavier. He slid the cup toward the other man and asked,

"By the way, which university did you graduate from? Perhaps I've heard of it."

Xavier took the cup and sipped his tea, then cocked a brow at Joaquin as he replied, "It's just a third-

rate university. I would tell you, but I don't think you'd know it."

Katherine had finished loading the dishwasher when she heard the conversation was taking a strange

turn. She hurried out from the kitchen and interjected, "Aren't you supposed to get going by now? You

have stuff to do, right?"

If this went on, Xavier could end up blowing his own cover.