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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 153
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Chapter 153

"You are planning to bring Noah back here? Have you talked about her with Johdy? What did he say?"

Jennifer asked. Her attention was immediately diverted as soon as she heard Katherine mentioning


"He told me to go ahead and bring her back while he handles the rest." Katherine couldn't help but

smile when she thought of Joaquin's expression when he told her this earlier.

She couldn't fool anyone with her smile, especially when Jennifer was an old lady who had lived for

decades. Jennifer could immediately tell that Katherine and Joaquin had a great relationship when she

saw Katherine's expression. That sheer happiness wasn't something she could fake.

Jennifer finally felt more at ease after seeing this. "Bring Noah back then," she sighed. "She is a pitiful


Katherine didn't say anything much in return as she quickly found an excuse to return to her room to

change her clothes. Only then did she give Savannah a call.

'Boss," Savannah respectfully greeted after she picked up the call.

"Help me make arrangements to send Noah back to the country as soon as possible. Be sure to be

attentive while making sure that the journey is safe. I don't want any accidents," Katherine instructed in

a serious manner.

Hearing that, Savannah agreed quickly and went to make the necessary arrangements after hanging

up the call.

As Katherine had always brooded and never forgot about what happened back then, she ended up not

being particularly close to Noah. In addition to the young girl's illness, Noah had been living in the

hospital and was taken care of by special doctors and nurses. Katherine had to make perfect

arrangements to bring her back to the country to avoid any problems on the way.

Relying on Savannah's efficiency, Noah arrived at Hovington International Airport just after 3 days.

Katherine initially wanted to pick Noah up herself when she received the call notifying her regarding

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Noah's arrival, but she ended up setting off with Joaquin for the airport when the man insisted on going

with her.

The airport always had a fairly large number of people who came and go everyday. There were even

more visitors because it happened to be summer vacation.

When the couple arrived at the airport, Katherine glanced at her wristwatch to check the time and

started walking in quickened steps.

Joaquin couldn't help laughing when he saw her anxious look. Despite saying that she didn't care about

Noah, she definitely was very concerned about the child.

The two soon arrived at the VIP room, where Joaquin finally saw the child Katherine spoke of.

She was a little girl of about 4 years old. Wearing a princess dress, she looked like a doll with exquisite

features and naturally wavy hair that fell smoothly on her shoulders. Her eyes were particularly dark

and charming.

Not knowing whether he was imagining it or not, Joaquin felt his heart racing wildly when he saw Noah.

For some reason, her features looked oddly familiar to him.

He subconsciously glanced at Katherine standing beside him and he immediately denied his own


Even though Noah had some similarities to Katherine, her eyes were completely different.

That gaze of hers…

Right when he was in the middle of his musings, Katherine had already walked over to Noah. Her

attitude came off as a little stiff because she still rejected Noah, and hadn't completely let go of her

grievances even now. "You are here."

Noah didn't speak and only looked at Katherine timidly. Despite the anticipation in her eyes, she didn't

dare to approach Katherine.

Katherine felt suffocated upon seeing her daughter's reaction. She pursed her lips and tried to soften

her attitude, but she couldn't do it. She finally looked at Joaquin after a long silence.

"Noah, right?" He squatted down in front of Noah and asked in a gentle tone.

Noah blinked and looked at the overly handsome man in front of her before peeking at Katherine. After

a long time, she whispered, "Daddy."

Joaquin immediately felt as though something had stabbed him right in the chest when he heard that. It

felt slightly painful, but also there was an emotion that he couldn't explain.

He gingerly offered Noah his hand and asked, "Can I hold your hand? It is crowded in the airport. I will

take you home."

"Okay." There was a flash of excitement in Noah's clear eyes that disappeared as quickly as it


After hesitating for a while, she placed her hand in Joaquin's and let him hold her.

The warmth and thickness of his palm gave her a sense of security for some reason. Quickly, her eyes

darted to Katherine again.

Katherine just so happened to have lowered her head to look at Noah at that point. Seeing her

daughter's gaze on her, she stayed quiet for a moment before walking over and stretching her hand

toward Noah as well.

Noah's eyes instantly lit up and she swiftly placed her hand in Katherine's.

The touch made Katherine purse her lips. The hand she was holding felt so small and somewhat cool

to the touch, followed by a strange emotion that she couldn't name soon flooded her chest.

Holding each other's hand, the trio eventually left the crowded airport.

The car was already waiting outside for them. As Joaquin led Noah into the car, Katherine had already

opened the door to the passenger's seat and entered.

Joaquin only glanced at her without saying a word.

Jeremy only took a short second before he drove out of the airport.

Noah remained quiet throughout the ride. She only opened her small backpack and took out a pencil

and sketchbook before she started drawing.

A curious Joaquin leaned over to see what she was drawing, only to be surprised when he saw what

she was working on.

Noah's drawing was amazing. Not only that, she was currently drawing him in a way that the look in his

eyes was as real and realistic as a photo.

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"Do you like to draw, Noah?" After watching her for a while, he couldn't help looking at Noah in shock.

Her hand paused for a moment before she turned her head sideways to look at him with a gaze that felt

like it spoke a thousand words. With pursed lips and a tense body, she felt nervous about getting along

with him this way. She ended up not saying anything in reply.

"I like to draw too, but I am not good at it. Can you teach me?" Seeing her being so tense, he knew that

she rarely had contact with people. As he quietly sighed, he couldn't help looking up at Katherine

seated in the front passenger seat.

She was currently looking out the window in silence, as though she was deep in her thoughts.

"Okay." After Joaquin looked at Katherine for a while, he heard Noah's soft, mosquito-like voice ring out

from beside him.

"Can you teach me when we get home? I'm not the brightest, so please don't complain about me," he


He must have infected Noah with his laugh because as soon as the girl flashed him a smile, her cheeks

had also formed adorable dimples.

"Mm!" Noah smilingly nodded before lowering her chin once more to draw.

His eyes fell on the sketchbook and it was only within a few minutes that Noah completed a portrait of


Her talent…

They finally arrived at Soulin International after 2 hours.

Joaquin then led Noah out of the car. Even though Katherine walked in front alone with an

expressionless face, he could tell that her eyebrows and eyes had relaxed by quite a bit.

Noah soon cast an expectant glance Katherine's way, which resulted in Katherine, who felt

uncomfortable about being stared at, impassively walking over and offering her hand to Noah.

The ecstatic girl immediately held her mother's hand.

As the 3 of them entered hand-in-hand, Jennifer thought her eyes were going to pop out of its sockets

in disbelief.