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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 137
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Chapter 137

"Why isn't that old lady out yet after so long? I hope nothing happened," commented one of the two

men who were guarding the bathroom door as they both glanced at the time. It had been more than

half an hour since Jennifer went in. Many people went in and came out, but she was nowhere to be


"Something is wrong." The other one wrinkled his forehead as he, too, was losing his patience. "Let's

go check it out."

As they approached the bathroom door, there was a sudden commotion inside, and a group of people

came running out with sour looks on their faces. They were scolding as they ran, "Are they crazy?!

Why would two men go into the women's toilet? They must be sick in their head!"

When everyone in the washroom came out, the men looked at each other and rushed in, only to find

that it was empty. There was no way anyone could be in there when the doors were opened wide.

"Sh*t. She ran away. Chase after her!" They reacted by quickly turning around and went after her.

To their misfortune, Jennifer had long since disappeared. They couldn't find her even after looking for

her for a long time.

"Thanks for that, Deon." Jennifer, who had already changed into a different outfit, sat in a café at the

airport and took a sip of coffee before thanking the man in front of her.

"Jenny, why are you—" The man looked at Jennifer with uncertainty. When he met her eyes halfway

through his words, he quietly swallowed the words that almost came out of him.

"Kathy will be here to pick me up in a while. You can go back now. Also, it hasn't been very safe in

Hovington recently. Don't go running around if you don't have to." Jennifer drank half the cup of coffee,

glanced at the time, and dismissively waved.

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As helpless as Deondre looked, he didn't dare to not listen to Jennifer's words. He then swiftly got up

and said a few more words to her before he left in a hurry with his head down.

Jennifer continued to sit there by herself. Right then, she looked like she was in her early 40s at most.

Her wearing a flattering silk dress made her as elegant as she was eye-catching. She didn't at all look

like her old and worn self when she got off the plane.

The two men who were after her didn't even recognize her when they hurried in front of her.

She waited for a while before slowly getting up and out of the airport. "Kathy, are you here yet?" she

asked when she gave Katherine a call.

"Grandma, I have just arrived at the airport. Stay where you are. I will be there soon." Katherine

glanced at the location on the phone. When she saw that Jennifer wasn't far from her, she reminded

Jennifer to stay put and hurriedly got out of the car.

Joaquin was about to stop her, but Katherine acted so quickly that he didn't even have the chance to

say a word.

"Mr. Levisay?" Ben stealthily turned to peek at Joaquin who sat in the backseat.

Joaquin only waved a hand. "Find a parking spot and wait."

Ben could only nod in reply after hearing that.

It took less than 10 minutes for Katherine to come back with someone in tow. She even gave Joaquin a

shock when she opened the car door and had Jennifer hop in.

Katherine then sat in the passenger seat and ordered Ben to start driving.

Hearing that, Ben turned to look behind, and immediately put on his best behavior and obediently drove

away from the airport.

It was already afternoon when they returned to Soulin International.

Jennifer didn't seem like she was in her best mental state. She started looking lethargic after they had

a meal. Seeing this, Katherine, accompanied by Joaquin, took Jennifer back to Katherine's residence.

Jennifer went straight to the bedroom to take a rest as soon as she got home. Katherine then took her

pulse, and after making sure that Jennifer was only fatigued and had no other physical problems, finally

breathed a sigh of relief and turned to leave the room.

Joaquin only asked Katherine when he saw her walking out. "Is she asleep?"

"Mm." She looked at him with a frown. "How did you know that I wanted to go to the airport? Is my

grandmother's return this time…"

She was so anxious and worried that something was going to happen to Jennifer when she went to the

airport that she didn't bother asking Joaquin. Now that she could calmly think, she noticed how the man

suddenly appeared downstairs, and even knew that she was going to the airport.

However, he innocently explained, "You are wrongfully blaming me! I happened to receive news from

my superior that a very important person will arrive at Hovington International Airport today, and I was

supposed to rush over to pick the VIP up as soon as possible. I only came back to change clothes and

get something."

Thinking that Joaquin lied too often, Katherine only looked at him suspiciously.

But she soon came to her senses and looked at Joaquin with wide and skeptical eyes. "You mean the

person you were going to pick up is my grandmother?"

"Yes." He didn't hide the truth this time.

She then frowned and looked at him silently, waiting for him to continue.

"I can't tell you too much as your grandmother's identity is a secret, but she has a special identity and

her safety must be guaranteed. I received an order, so I will live with you here from today on." Living up

to her expectations, Joaquin managed to summarize the situation and briefly explained the matter to


"Alright." She sighed after hearing that.

She already knew that her grandparents were more than what they seemed a long time ago.

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"Wait." Katherine was about to prepare a room for him when she suddenly remembered something.

Pausing, she frowned at him. "Weren't you suspended?"

"This is the highest order given to me by my superior. It is probably because I am more reliable. Plus,

you and I are close. Is there anything wrong with me taking this order?" he admitted.

She still felt like something was wrong after his explanation, but his words did make sense to her.

Frowning, she looked at him for a long minute, and inwardly scolded herself for thinking too much when

she saw the calm expression on his face. She then went to clean up a room for him.

She only came back to her senses when he brought his luggage in from outside.

There shouldn't be a problem with him staying next door if he was going to protect Jennifer. So why in

the world was he moving into her house?

Katherine was about to ask him that when Jennifer opened the bedroom door and came out. Seeing

the frown on Katherine's face, the older woman asked out of curiosity, "What's wrong, Kathy?"

"You woke up, Grandma? Do you feel off anywhere?" Katherine immediately forgot about Joaquin.

"I'm alright. I'm not so weak. You keep worrying about me even though it has been so long since I am

almost fully healed." Jennifer smilingly looked at Katherine, her chest warm.

"Your flight from Fontan took more than 10 hours. Of course I would be worried. Why didn't you give me

a call before you came back?" Katherine looped her arm around Jennifer's and, unlike her usual self,

acted like a child.

Hearing that, Jennifer reached out and lightly poked Katherine's forehead. "Dearie, I wanted to give you

a surprise! I was thinking of suddenly appearing and making you happy during your wedding."

Katherine smiled obediently and leaned on Jennifer's shoulder. "I am happy." She then complained,

"And I am very worried about you coming back from so far away. Nothing happened on the way, right?


"Mhm, it's all good." Jennifer looked calm and didn't mention anything that happened at the airport.