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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 114
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Chapter 114

"I've never heard of the Levisay Family!" Tessa was annoyed at the co-called wealthy families from

small towns. She was getting impatient with Jorge and went straight to the point as she told him, "I

would like to meet Katherine for an important matter. Please get her here immediately to see me."

"I…" He frowned as Tessa's tone and behavior made him feel uncomfortable.

"I heard that the Cornell Group has recently got into some trouble? If you can get this done for me, I will

revive your company and assure you that no one else would come looking for trouble in the future," she

interrupted him.

As soon as Jorge heard that, his eyes lit up as he stood up surprisedly and stared at Tessa. "Do you

really mean it? Will you really help me?"

"There is no reason for me to lie to you. Go get Katherine here right away." Tessa snorted with disdain

as she was disgusted by the looks on this face.

When Jorge thought of how he would be able to regain control of Cornell Group with a strong backing

from the Leigh Family, he was so delighted that he immediately agreed to her request and went out to

give Katherine a call. When Katherine received his call, she and Joaquin were on their way to the

Levisay Residence for dinner.

She was surprised to receive a call from Jorge, but she soon figured out why he called before

answering the call, "Dad, what's the matter?"

"Kathy, please take a trip home if you're free now. I have something important to tell you." Jorge

glanced over at Tessa as she spoke to Katherine lovingly.

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"What is it? Joaquin's grandma asked us to have dinner at their place tonight," she replied while

leaning on the seat and as she tried to find a comfortable position.

"I have something extremely important to tell you and I have to tell you about it in person, so you

should just come home." He did not mention that it was Tessa looking for her as he knew how her

daughter's temperament was.

A surprised Katherine was not sure what he had up his sleeves this time. After giving it some thought,

she purposely turned to Joaquin and asked, "Joaquin, my dad said that he wants to see me about

something important. He wants me home now. Do you—"

Hearing that, he rolled his eyes at her as he was grossed out by her sudden change in attitude.

"Grandma also has something really important to announce to us today," he rejected her request.

"Dad, Joaquin said that we have to be at the Levisay Residence tonight as it's an important dinner.

Since both of us will be getting married soon, there's a lot of things that we need to take care of. So,

can we talk about what you wanted to say later on?" Katherine turned her head to the other side after

getting a reply from Joaquin while she spoke to her father on the phone.

"This…" Jorge was lost for words. Before this, he would have scolded and instructed her to go home,

but the situation was different now that he was aware that he could not afford to offend her.

"Dad, I'll end the call if there's nothing else." She then ended the call and lowered her gaze to look at

her phone before putting it back in her pocket.

Meanwhile in the Cornell Residence, Jorge was fuming when Katherine refused to go home as it would

make him look bad in front of Tessa. Moreover, it concerned the revival of the Cornell Group.

"I'm sorry, Kathy can't be here today as she's caught up with something." He suppressed his anger

while explaining politely to Tessa.

"Mr. Cornell, your daughter sure is something. It seems like she doesn't heed your words, right?" Tessa


"This is our family's matter." He looked at her closely while trying to suppress his anger as he was

offended by her words.

"It seems like you no longer have interest in the Cornell Group. In that case, London, let's go." Tessa

scoffed as she stood up and prepared to leave with London.

Seeing that made him anxious and he immediately coaxed Tessa, "Mrs. Leigh, that's not what I meant.

I'll give her another call and make sure that she comes over no matter what." The next moment, he

gave Katherine another call.

Katherine, who was still in the car, smirked as she listened to the desperate Jorge who was forcing her

to go home in a disrespectful tone. After he was almost done, she agreed to his request. "Alright. I'll be

heading home now."

"Is something wrong?" Joaquin, who was leaning on the seat, glanced at her.

"Yes. Let's make a trip to the Cornell Residence. It won't take up too much time." She nodded.

After Joaquin informed the driver about it, the driver changed course and drove toward the Cornell

Residence. They managed to arrive there in thirty minutes.

"I'll be back real soon. It'll just take ten minutes." Katherine alighted from the car and entered the


As expected, she saw Tessa and London in the living room while Jorge was all smiles as he sat beside

them in order to please them.

Noticing Katherine, he shouted at her displeasedly, "Why are you late? Do you know how long these

important guests have been waiting for you?"

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"Important guests? Dad, are you referring to them?" Katherine looked over at Tessa and London


"Why aren't you greeting our guests? This is Mrs. Leigh and her daughter, Miss Leigh." Jorge ignored

her question, but he could not hide how displeased he was with her.

"Dad, why are you referring to them as important guests? Are they going to be the head of the Leigh

Family?" Katherine, who was walking toward the living room, beamed after hearing what Jorge said.

"What are you talking about?" Tessa's face contorted with anger after hearing what Katherine said. She

had the urge to go up to her and smack her in the face.

"If I remember correctly, the head of the Leigh Family is still alive. Are you saying that the Leigh Family

is headed by a female?" Katherine spoke sarcastically as she pretended to look innocent.

Hearing that, Tessa was so exasperated that she rose to her feet and stormed at her while pointing at

her. "Katherine! You should feel honored that I'm here to see you! How foolish could you be to speak ill

of us?"

"I'd gladly refuse the honor." Katherine chuckled.

Although Katherine seemed harmless, she spoke mercilessly, which set Tessa off and her chest started

hurting because of it.

Noticing that, Katherine gave her a gentle reminder. "Mrs. Leigh, you don't seem well. I'd suggest you

see a doctor."

Katherine's remarks reminded Tessa what she was there for. Since Katherine was able to tell that she

had cancer without performing any tests, it meant that she was an extraordinary doctor. Although she

despised Katherine, she knew that she was someone with high caliber.

Tessa then suppressed her anger and forced out a smile. "Miss Cornell, I'm sorry for being rude. I'm

here today to discuss something with you." Katherine was impressed at Tessa's sudden shift in attitude.