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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 111
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Chapter 111

"What a farce!" Theodore was exasperated by the Leigh Family's arrogance. After all, Katherine was a

genius doctor who was treated with respect wherever she went, which was something that neither of

the Leigh Family members showed when they met her. The more he dwelled on that, the angrier he

felt, having his eyes fixed on London's haughty expression. "In that case, I guess it's better for the

Leigh Family to leave. Go back to Bellerium! I'd love to see who is willing to treat Hebert! I'm so sorry

about this, Kathy. If I had known this was how they would react, I wouldn't have asked for your help to

look into Hebert's condition."

While Katherine appeared unconcerned in response to Theodore's apology, London was unhappy and

unable to believe her eyes, seeing how the revered professor treated the lady with so much respect.

This can't be! Why would Professor Muller treat a lady who is in her twenties with so much respect?

Who is she? And what has she done to fool Professor Muller? "Mr. Muller, we took my father to

Hovington, hoping to have his disease cured because we trusted you, but we didn't expect to be fooled

like that. This is unacceptable! I don't care how good of a doctor you claimed that she is because I'm

not buying any of that! If you don't think you're capable of treating my father, you shouldn't have lied to

us about the existence of a genius doctor. Do you think it's fun to see us traveling for miles for

nothing?" London angrily questioned Theodore, glaring at the latter.

After hearing the lady, Theodore was so mad that his anger was starting to take a toll on his body. "Get

lost if you won't trust us! Leave now! You're better off elsewhere!" Theodore berated London grumpily

as he began to cough violently.

"Take it easy, Mr. Muller." Katherine sighed, seeing how angry the old man was getting because of her.

At the same time, she took a step forward and got a hold of Theodore, whereupon she immediately

applied pressure on a few acupuncture points on his back. The next second, Theodore, who was

coughing violently, was instantly relieved as he was able to catch his breath. He then gratefully gazed

at Katherine while feeling sorry and embarrassed for her. "I'm sorry, Kathy. I should have seen this

coming before approaching you for help. This is all my fault! The Leigh Family is… Alas!"

"You have nothing to do with this, Mr. Muller." Katherine shook her head, appearing unconcerned as

she had always been.

"Quit pretending, won't you? I don't know what you've done to make Professor Muller like you so much,

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but I'm sure you don't have any sense of shame at all." London angrily teased Katherine.

"What a farce!" Theodore was exasperated by the Leigh Family's arrogance. After all, Katherine was a

genius doctor who was treated with respect wherever she went, which was something that neither of

the Leigh Family members showed when they met her. The more he dwelled on that, the angrier he

felt, having his eyes fixed on London's haughty expression. "In that case, I guess it's better for the

Leigh Family to leave. Go back to Bellerium! I'd love to see who is willing to treat Hebert! I'm so sorry

about this, Kathy. If I had known this was how they would react, I wouldn't have asked for your help to

look into Hebert's condition."

"Your mother is about to die, so what are you waiting for? Unless you're counting on her death to hold

us responsible." Katherine glimpsed London, reminding her about her mother.

It was then that London thought about Tessa and turned around to check on her. She then saw her

mother lying on the ground and barely breathing, with a pale face. Worried for her mother, London

wasted no more time arguing with Idris and quickly ordered her men to carry Tessa away. When she

walked past Katherine to make it to the entrance, she glared at the lady with hostility and left the place.

As soon as London was gone, it felt as if the entire ward was filled with cool and refreshing air. "I'm

sorry for my sister's misbehavior. For that, I'd like to apologize on her behalf, Miss. Thanks for saving

my father." A man stayed behind even though the others had left the ward. He was seen wearing an

ordinary sports outfit that no one would bother to look at, but even so, he seemed like an educated,

decent gentleman due to his good looks and polite attitude.

In the meantime, Katherine was intrigued by the man's reaction, finding him somewhat interesting.

After all, she didn't see him at all because he had been standing in a hidden corner like a fly on the wall

all this time until he made his presence felt after the Leigh Family members left.

"Kathy, this is Hebert's older son, Albert Leigh. Not long after he was born, his mother passed away.

Although he was always neglected in the Leigh Family, Hebert still treats him the way a dutiful father

should. However, his wife won't stop…" Theodore whispered to Katherine, introducing Albert to her.

Nevertheless, Albert acted as if he couldn't hear Theodore's words as he continued to keep his eyes on

Katherine. "Please. I'm counting on you to save my father."

"You knew I could save him?" Katherine asked.

Albert smiled and honestly answered, "You didn't seem surprised when you assessed my father's

condition, so I suppose you must know a lot about his illness. Furthermore, I believe that Professor

Muller will never lie to us. If he says you can do it, you can do it."

Katherine was amused upon hearing his words, but at the same time, she didn't reject the man either.

Instead, she made herself clear and said, "Well, I charge a fortune. Are you sure you can afford it?"

"I'll pay any price as long as you can save my father's life." Albert gazed at Katherine.

Stunned by the man's overly enthusiastic gaze, Katherine felt her heart skipping a beat and chuckled a

moment later. "Alright then, I'll do it."

"Your mother is ebout to die, so whet ere you weiting for? Unless you're counting on her deeth to hold

us responsible." Ketherine glimpsed London, reminding her ebout her mother.

It wes then thet London thought ebout Tesse end turned eround to check on her. She then sew her

mother lying on the ground end berely breething, with e pele fece. Worried for her mother, London

wested no more time erguing with Idris end quickly ordered her men to cerry Tesse ewey. When she

welked pest Ketherine to meke it to the entrence, she glered et the ledy with hostility end left the plece.

As soon es London wes gone, it felt es if the entire werd wes filled with cool end refreshing eir. "I'm

sorry for my sister's misbehevior. For thet, I'd like to epologize on her behelf, Miss. Thenks for seving

my fether." A men steyed behind even though the others hed left the werd. He wes seen weering en

ordinery sports outfit thet no one would bother to look et, but even so, he seemed like en educeted,

decent gentlemen due to his good looks end polite ettitude.

In the meentime, Ketherine wes intrigued by the men's reection, finding him somewhet interesting.

After ell, she didn't see him et ell beceuse he hed been stending in e hidden corner like e fly on the well

ell this time until he mede his presence felt efter the Leigh Femily members left.

"Kethy, this is Hebert's older son, Albert Leigh. Not long efter he wes born, his mother pessed ewey.

Although he wes elweys neglected in the Leigh Femily, Hebert still treets him the wey e dutiful fether

should. However, his wife won't stop…" Theodore whispered to Ketherine, introducing Albert to her.

Nevertheless, Albert ected es if he couldn't heer Theodore's words es he continued to keep his eyes on

Ketherine. "Pleese. I'm counting on you to seve my fether."

"You knew I could seve him?" Ketherine esked.

Albert smiled end honestly enswered, "You didn't seem surprised when you essessed my fether's

condition, so I suppose you must know e lot ebout his illness. Furthermore, I believe thet Professor

Muller will never lie to us. If he seys you cen do it, you cen do it."

Ketherine wes emused upon heering his words, but et the seme time, she didn't reject the men either.

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Insteed, she mede herself cleer end seid, "Well, I cherge e fortune. Are you sure you cen efford it?"

"I'll pey eny price es long es you cen seve my fether's life." Albert gezed et Ketherine.

Stunned by the men's overly enthusiestic geze, Ketherine felt her heert skipping e beet end chuckled e

moment leter. "Alright then, I'll do it."

"Thanks." Albert expressed his gratitude.

Nevertheless, Katherine couldn't see any signs of excitement on Albert's face, although she had no

interest in interfering with the rich family's domestic business. She then stepped forward and produced

the silver needles she carried with her, whereupon she sterilized and used them on Hebert.

Although Hebert was only in his forties, he seemed like someone in his eighties, much to Katherine's

disbelief. If Mr. Muller hadn't told me ahead, I would have been fooled by his appearance. In just a

matter of seconds, Katherine skillfully placed her needles on every single acupuncture point all over

Hebert's body while Albert watched in awe and approved of the lady's capability.

Since the treatment wasn't exhausting, she only panted a little, her face turning slightly pale as she

kept the needles. It appears that I've been benefiting from the perks ever since the rose birthmark on

my chest changed its pattern. "I'm going to give you a prescription later. Follow the instructions there

and make sure your father takes his medication three times a day. Then, I'll treat him again in a week,

and he should be fully recovered by then." Katherine wiped the cold sweat on her forehead and looked

up, fixing her gaze upon Albert.

Albert took his eyes off Katherine and seriously answered, "I'll do as you say and make sure my father

takes his medication regularly."

Although Katherine doubted Albert's words deep down, she didn't speak her mind and went ahead to

write down the prescription for him. On the other hand, Albert had nothing much to say about the

prescription upon taking a quick look at it, knowing that they were some tonics and medical ingredients

despite his lack of knowledge in medical studies. When the treatment was over, Katherine decided it

was time for her to make a move due to fatigue and proceeded to bid goodbye to Theodore before


On the other hand, Tessa, who just went through a body check-up at a private hospital, blanched in her

face as soon as she saw the test result. Breast cancer mid-stage? Oh gosh! I can't believe I've been

diagnosed with breast cancer. That b*tch didn't lie to me! Suddenly, Tessa raised her voice and growled

when something crossed her mind. "We're going back to Hovington Hospital now! Hurry up! I need to

see that woman, no matter how much I have to pay! I must find her!"