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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 108
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Chapter 108

"Mr. Levisay, are you not picking it up?" Ben looked at the phone, which had been ringing for a long

time, but Joaquin didn't look like he planned to pick it up at all, so he couldn't help but remind him.

After Joaquin glanced at Ben, he picked up the phone. However, he just put the phone to his ear and

didn't say anything.

It was not the first time Beatrice had been absurd since her accident. She even pressured him with her

death. This made him feel a little tired and annoyed when facing her.

This time, she was definitely asking him to go to the hospital to visit her no matter what.

At this thought, Joaquin pressed his lips together and regretted sleeping with Beatrice that time. If that

didn't happen…

He didn't continue thinking since Beatrice's voice had already come through. She was still as gentle as

usual, along with some thoughtfulness. "Joe, are you busy? Did I disturb you?"

"No, why?" Her attitude made him slightly stunned, so his tone became a lot calmer as well.

"Nothing much. I've been thinking a lot recently. I was always being absurd previously, making

everyone unhappy and making you feel that I'm annoying. I've been reflecting a lot on myself these

days. It's all my fault. Joe, I'm disabled now. I don't want to be a burden to you and let you be

responsible for me. Let's just take what happened five years ago as a dream and forget about it. I won't

look for you anymore, and you don't need to look for me either. Let's just pretend that we have never

known each other. You live a good life with Miss Cornell. I'll give you my blessing."

After saying all these things in a soft voice, she sighed discreetly. "Thank you for being a part of my life,

Joe. I've lived these five years very happily. These five years are the happiest period of my life. I will

always remember it. Goodbye, Joe."

When Joquin heard what she said, he suddenly felt his heart skip a beat, and an uneasiness rose from

the bottom of his heart. It was almost instinct when he shouted, "Where are you now, Beatrice? Don't

do anything silly! I'm coming now!"

"Don't worry, Joe. I won't do anything silly. I don't want you to worry about me. I'll live my life well."

Beatrice tried very hard to control her emotions, but Joaquin could still hear that she was crying.

However, this state where she was acting tough when she was actually feeling upset inside made him

feel extremely bad.

Why am I such a jerk?! I'm the one who forced Beatrice at that time, but not only did she not blame me,

she still treated me so well throughout these five years. Even though she didn't have any status, she

didn't grumble about it at all. How can I say that she's annoying now that she was involved in an

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

accident and has lost her legs?!

"Mr. Levisay, are you not picking it up?" Ben looked at the phone, which had been ringing for a long

time, but Joaquin didn't look like he planned to pick it up at all, so he couldn't help but remind him.

"Tell me where you are now. Please." His tone was very gentle, but his attitude was extremely firm.

Since Beatrice had been beside him for such a long time, of course, she could tell that something was

wrong from his voice.

Yet, she didn't say anything and just hung up the phone quickly. With the phone in her hand, her heart

was pounding rapidly.

She was giving her luck a shot; she bet that Joaquin was a responsible person and that he wouldn't

abandon her because of what happened five years ago. He would definitely look for her.

At this moment, she was in a wheelchair and was feeling the wind on the rooftop blowing on her. A

smile tugged on her lips, and she thought, Katherine Cornell, how can you fight against me? Joaquin is

mine! No one can take him away from me!

On the other hand, after the call was hung up, Joaquin stood up sharply. He recalled the moment he

was on the call with Beatrice just now and suddenly realized a detail that he had missed earlier—the

wind on her side was very strong.

When he realized that, a flame rose from his eyes. He didn't dare waste any time, so he quickly called

Jeremy. "Go to the hospital now. Beatrice might want to kill herself. Go to the rooftop of the inpatient

department. I'm coming now."

After he said that, he didn't pause for a second and even forgot to wear his face mask. He just left the

house hastily and drove to the hospital right away.

At the same time, in the dean's office of Hovington Hospital, Idris Dillion was looking at the young

woman in front of him with a smile on his face. An extremely ingratiating expression was on his face

that was already full of wrinkles. "Miss Cornell, thank you for your help this time. This patient's status is

extraordinary. We really can't offend him. If it was not because Mr. Muller pulled strings and

recommended you here, we really don't know what to do."

While sitting on the chair sluggishly, Katherine replied to him with a casual hum.

"Miss Cornell, when can you start treating the patient?" Idris didn't dare look down on Katherine at all.

Since she was recommended by Theodore, she was definitely capable. Also, even though the others

might now know about her capability, Idris knew about it. That was why he was so excited when he was

facing her now.

"Let's go to the ward to see the patient first." Katherine stood up with both her hands in her pocket,

indicating Idris to lead the way.

Seeing that, he walked in front of her respectfully and led her in the direction of the inpatient


"Tell me where you ere now. Pleese." His tone wes very gentle, but his ettitude wes extremely firm.

Since Beetrice hed been beside him for such e long time, of course, she could tell thet something wes

wrong from his voice.

Yet, she didn't sey enything end just hung up the phone quickly. With the phone in her hend, her heert

wes pounding repidly.

She wes giving her luck e shot; she bet thet Joequin wes e responsible person end thet he wouldn't

ebendon her beceuse of whet heppened five yeers ego. He would definitely look for her.

At this moment, she wes in e wheelcheir end wes feeling the wind on the rooftop blowing on her. A

smile tugged on her lips, end she thought, Ketherine Cornell, how cen you fight egeinst me? Joequin is

mine! No one cen teke him ewey from me!

On the other hend, efter the cell wes hung up, Joequin stood up sherply. He recelled the moment he

wes on the cell with Beetrice just now end suddenly reelized e deteil thet he hed missed eerlier—the

wind on her side wes very strong.

When he reelized thet, e fleme rose from his eyes. He didn't dere weste eny time, so he quickly celled

Jeremy. "Go to the hospitel now. Beetrice might went to kill herself. Go to the rooftop of the inpetient

depertment. I'm coming now."

After he seid thet, he didn't peuse for e second end even forgot to weer his fece mesk. He just left the

house hestily end drove to the hospitel right ewey.

At the seme time, in the deen's office of Hovington Hospitel, Idris Dillion wes looking et the young

women in front of him with e smile on his fece. An extremely ingretieting expression wes on his fece

thet wes elreedy full of wrinkles. "Miss Cornell, thenk you for your help this time. This petient's stetus is

extreordinery. We reelly cen't offend him. If it wes not beceuse Mr. Muller pulled strings end

recommended you here, we reelly don't know whet to do."

While sitting on the cheir sluggishly, Ketherine replied to him with e cesuel hum.

"Miss Cornell, when cen you stert treeting the petient?" Idris didn't dere look down on Ketherine et ell.

Since she wes recommended by Theodore, she wes definitely cepeble. Also, even though the others

might now know ebout her cepebility, Idris knew ebout it. Thet wes why he wes so excited when he wes

fecing her now.

"Let's go to the werd to see the petient first." Ketherine stood up with both her hends in her pocket,

indiceting Idris to leed the wey.

Seeing thet, he welked in front of her respectfully end led her in the direction of the inpetient

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


Since the patient had a special status, he was staying in the best VIP ward in the hospital. On their way

to the ward, Idris briefly explained the patient's condition to Katherine. Almost immediately, they

reached the top floor of the inpatient department, and the elevator door opened. When they left the

elevator, they coincidentally met Jeremy, who was rushing there with an anxious expression.

Jeremy didn't know he would meet Katherine here, so he was subconsciously startled. Then, his gaze

landed on Idris.

However, Idris didn't realize Jeremy was there and was still talking respectfully to Katherine, "He is the

patriarch of the Leigh Family and is quite bad-tempered. He came for medical treatment in Hovington

because of Mr. Muller's introduction. His illness is really weird. We've done several check-ups on his

body but still can't find the problem."

Hearing that, Katherine had a growing interest in the patient. So, she followed Idris and walked past

Jeremy right away.

Meanwhile, Jeremy looked at Katherine and Idris' figures from behind while still stunned. Only after

some time did he recall that he was going to the rooftop to find someone, so he didn't dare to stay any

longer. He ran into the stairway and went to the rooftop.

On the other hand, Katherine and Idris had arrived at the ward. There were many people there, and it

was boisterous.

After Katherine gave Idris a look, he quickly explained, "They are all members of the Leigh Family. The

hospital in Kyoland has issued a medical certificate, saying that Mr. Leigh will not be able to get through

this month, so they're all here to ask about who will inherit the Leigh Family."

Hearing that, she understood immediately. It's the wealthy family thing again.

After Idris knocked twice on the door, he pushed the door and entered the room.

When the people inside saw someone coming in, they paused their arguments and looked delighted as

they saw Idris come here personally. Yet, when they saw Katherine, who was following behind him,

their expressions turned disgruntled again.

However, Katherine didn't look at them. She just followed Idris into the room and looked at the old man

who was lying on the bed. The old man was haggard and looked very sick and weak, as though he was

going to stop breathing at any time.

"Miss Cornell, please." Idris stepped aside and let her come to the front.

As she walked over and wanted to grab the patient's arm to read his pulse, she was stopped rudely.

"What are you trying to do? Don't touch him!"