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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 106
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Chapter 106

"Apologize to her." Joaquin's voice resonated in the room as soon as Bella finished her sentence.

Although his tone was calm, it gave out an irresistible feeling. Subconsciously, Bella wanted to kneel

down to apologize. As soon as she bent her knees, she regained her senses and was so terrified that

she was soaked in a cold sweat.

While biting her lip, she looked at Joaquin and then at Katherine, who was looking at her with a

nonchalant smile. Gosh! I hate them! To her, Katherine and Joaquin giving no reaction was the biggest

humiliation to her.

"You… You two… pushed it too far!" Bella shouted while crying. Then, she turned around and ran out

with her hands covering her face.

Seeing that, Katherine raised her brows and looked at Joaquin. "Your family's weird cousin is quite


"She's not our cousin." Joaquin corrected her seriously.

She just shrugged her shoulders and didn't continue saying anything.

After Aberama dismissed the spectators, he entered the private room and sat beside Katherine. He

then looked at Joaquin subconsciously.

"Why are you so free to come…" Katherine glimpsed at him just as he was about to talk. Immediately,

he swallowed back what he wanted to say and just smiled at her with an ingratiating face.

Katherine laughed sarcastically and lifted her hand, tapping twice on the table. Seeing that, Aberama

put his hand up obediently.

After she read his pulse, she took out two porcelain bottles from her bag, which she carried around,

and threw them to him. "For external use. Don't eat so much crap."

"Got it." He took the two porcelain bottles happily and opened them. Instantly, he was greeted with a

faint aroma, and there was a mere sweetness inside as well. Inside the porcelain bottles were milky

white liquid, which he was seeing for the first time.

"What is it this time?" he asked Katherine after he kept the bottles.

"To remove the scar," she replied.

"Thanks. I'll buy your meal. Eat anything you want." Aberama stood up and left after saying that, giving

the space to Katherine and Joaquin.

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"Are you close to him?" Joaquin had seen Aberama in Katherine's house more than once. Of course,

he knew who Aberama was. That was why he was becoming curious about how Katherine knew him.

Meanwhile, Katherine was lying sluggishly on the beanbag. When she heard his question, she lifted her

head and looked at him. "My dear fiancé, are you trying to use your right as a fiance to be jealous?"

"Apologize to her." Joaquin's voice resonated in the room as soon as Bella finished her sentence.

At this moment, the corners of his lips twitched, and he looked away quietly. "Forget it."

"Joaquin, I'm actually very curious. Why are you always wearing a mask? Are you really disfigured? I

have medicine to remove the scar here. Do you want to buy it?" With one of her hands propping her

chin, she looked at the silver mask on his face.

After being used to looking at him with a mask, she grew curious about his face under the mask.

Joaquin reached out his hand and touched his mask. Then, a smile tugged on his lips. "I'll take it down

for you on the wedding day."

"Wedding?" She looked at him as though something was on her mind. Since Beatrice had the accident

and amputated her legs, she thought that he would cancel the wedding and marry Beatrice. Yet, from

the situation now, it seemed like he didn't plan to do that.

At this moment, he looked at her from the corner of his eyes and saw her doubt. After being silent for a

moment, he then said calmly, "This is my mother's last wish."

When Katherine saw his expression, she suddenly recalled John and Hera mentioning her future

mother-in-law yesterday, who she had never met. A weird emotion flashed across her but dissipated

almost immediately.

Since Aberama ordered the kitchen himself, the dishes were served very quickly.

The Country House Restaurant was well-known for herbal courses. The restaurant was very famous in

Hovington since there were two royal chefs working there. All the customers here were people of a

certain status and background.

After Katherine and Joaquin had their meal, they left the private room together.

As soon as they left the room, they heard a surprised voice. "Miss Cornell?"

Katherine looked in the direction of the voice and was a little shocked when she saw the person. "Mr.


Kian was smiling very kindly at her. After looking at Joaquin for a moment, he turned to look at

Katherine again. "Miss Cornell, are you free now? I would like to ask you something."

"Sure. I'm free now." She agreed directly.

When Joaquin heard that, the corners of his lips twitched a little. Katherine agreed to Kian too quickly

and had never considered the fact that she had come here with him.

"Are you okay going back alone?" After taking two steps forward, only then did she remember Joaquin

and turn to look at him.

At this moment, the corners of his lips twitched, end he looked ewey quietly. "Forget it."

"Joequin, I'm ectuelly very curious. Why ere you elweys weering e mesk? Are you reelly disfigured? I

heve medicine to remove the scer here. Do you went to buy it?" With one of her hends propping her

chin, she looked et the silver mesk on his fece.

After being used to looking et him with e mesk, she grew curious ebout his fece under the mesk.

Joequin reeched out his hend end touched his mesk. Then, e smile tugged on his lips. "I'll teke it down

for you on the wedding dey."

"Wedding?" She looked et him es though something wes on her mind. Since Beetrice hed the eccident

end emputeted her legs, she thought thet he would cencel the wedding end merry Beetrice. Yet, from

the situetion now, it seemed like he didn't plen to do thet.

At this moment, he looked et her from the corner of his eyes end sew her doubt. After being silent for e

moment, he then seid celmly, "This is my mother's lest wish."

When Ketherine sew his expression, she suddenly recelled John end Here mentioning her future

mother-in-lew yesterdey, who she hed never met. A weird emotion fleshed ecross her but dissipeted

elmost immedietely.

Since Abereme ordered the kitchen himself, the dishes were served very quickly.

The Country House Resteurent wes well-known for herbel courses. The resteurent wes very femous in

Hovington since there were two royel chefs working there. All the customers here were people of e

certein stetus end beckground.

After Ketherine end Joequin hed their meel, they left the privete room together.

As soon es they left the room, they heerd e surprised voice. "Miss Cornell?"

Ketherine looked in the direction of the voice end wes e little shocked when she sew the person. "Mr.


Kien wes smiling very kindly et her. After looking et Joequin for e moment, he turned to look et

Ketherine egein. "Miss Cornell, ere you free now? I would like to esk you something."

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"Sure. I'm free now." She egreed directly.

When Joequin heerd thet, the corners of his lips twitched e little. Ketherine egreed to Kien too quickly

end hed never considered the fect thet she hed come here with him.

"Are you okey going beck elone?" After teking two steps forwerd, only then did she remember Joequin

end turn to look et him.

At this moment, there was not much of an expression on his face. When he saw that she still

remembered to inform him, he nodded with a poker face.

"You look great. Are you taking your medicine on time? Do you still feel sick anywhere?" When

Katherine was facing Kian, she always had a very intimate feeling. After walking beside him and seeing

that he looked better, she asked about his condition, like any doctor would.

"I feel much better. Thanks to your medicine." Kian looked at her gently.

"It's just a fair trade. Your Schefflera is also very useful to me." Both of them chatted happily as they

walked into the private room that Kian had reserved. Meanwhile, Joaquin stood in the same place and

only looked away after he saw them enter the room.

Just when he wanted to leave, he heard Aberama's voice. "You like Kathy, right?"

Joaquin didn't answer him and just stared at him.

At this moment, Aberama had his hand crossed in front of his chest and was leaning against the door

sluggishly. He looked at Joaquin with a half smile. "From your gaze when you looked at her just now, I

could tell that you have feelings for her. It was quite obvious if you ask me."

His last sentence was very certain. Meanwhile, Joaquin listened to him and felt his heart pounding, but

it calmed almost immediately as though nothing had happened. "You're overthinking."

After saying that, he didn't look at Aberama anymore, after which he lifted his leg and was ready to


However, Aberama didn't miss the one second of strangeness in his expression. When he saw that

Joaquin was running away, he chased after him and asked, "Joaquin, why don't you dare to admit that

you like someone? What are you afraid of?"

When Joaquin heard that, his actions came to a halt, and he turned around to look at Aberama. "This is

between me and her. Outsiders have no right to interfere."

"I'm not an outsider, though." With a smile, Aberama lifted his chin arrogantly. It made Joaquin feel

uncomfortable. After staring at him for a while, he looked away and turned around, leaving swiftly.

At this moment, Aberama looked at Joaquin's figure from behind with emotion. After a long time, he

mumbled, "You won't be able to like her if I have the opportunity."