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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 102
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Chapter 102

"You still want to see the journalists?" John's expression was terrifyingly dark, and his gaze was like

that of a venomous snake as he stared at Katherine.

Katherine looked up at him innocently. "Didn't you say that I was in the wrong? Now everyone is talking

bad about Robert, so of course, I should step up and correct the misunderstanding for him. Is there

something wrong with that? You also said just now that I was shameless for giving him a chance to

touch me."

John was pissed by Katherine's few sentences, but everything she said truly came from his mouth, so

he couldn't even retort. He could only swallow the anger back in.

"That's all for this incident! I'll hold a press conference myself and tell them that it was only a

misunderstanding and Robert was just joking. I don't want this incident to get blown out of proportion."

John humphed, refusing to waste more time debating with Katherine on who was in the wrong.

Katherine lowered her head, curving her lips into a mocking smile.

Seeing that Katherine didn't protest, John allowed his tense expression to relax. He was about to keep

talking when he heard Joaquin's cold voice. "Who said we're just going to forget about this incident?

Since Robert did something like that, he should receive punishment for it. If he has to be jailed, then he

should be jailed."

"Joaquin! Do you have to make things worse than it is right now? She wasn't hurt at all, and she didn't

lose anything. You—" Joaquin's words provoked John so much that he jumped up in a fury, pointing at

Joaquin as he roared.

However, he hadn't finished talking when Joaquin interrupted him coldly, his voice even colder than

before. "So when something happened to my mom back then, you also behaved like this and had no

intentions of pursuing the matter, forcing my mom to commit suicide in the end, correct?"

Joaquin's words were like lightning that cruelly struck everyone present.

Elizabeth was the first to respond as she hastily broke up the argument between the two. "Enough!

There should not be any grudges between father and son! You two, just be more careful with your

words! Robert truly did something wrong this time, so he should apologize to Kathy, and we can all

forget about it. John, since it's not often that you come back, you must be tired. Go up and rest."

"Yes, that's right. John, you must be exhausted. I'll get someone to put in hot water for your bath. Let's

go up and rest." Hera helped change the subject nervously.

"You still want to see the journalists?" John's expression was terrifyingly dark, and his gaze was like

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that of a venomous snake as he stared at Katherine.

Katherine looked at Elizabeth and Hera in shock. The two rarely agreed with each other like this. Could

it be that there was a hidden secret behind the death of Joaquin's mother?

Joaquin curved his lips into a cold smile. He had no intentions of saying anything as he watched the

family struggling to cover up their own unsightly deeds.

John took a deep breath and suppressed the negative emotions. "Robert's incident ends here." He

glanced at Katherine. With that, he allowed Hera to lead him up the stairs.

"Robert, Kathy must be shocked today as well. Take her upstairs to rest." Elizabeth glanced at the two,

then waved a hand and dismissed them.

The butler walked forward to help Elizabeth back to her own room. Soon after, the other members of

the Levisay Family also went their separate ways.

"Why? Are you caring for me?" When Katherine saw the others leaving, she was about to turn around

to help Joaquin up the stairs when she heard the man ask indifferently. There was an obvious tone of

ridicule in his voice.

The care she originally had for Joaquin was instantly gone. Rolling her eyes, she didn't even bother to

put up an act in front of him. "Do you look like you need someone's care? My dear fiancé, I shall take

you to your room."

With that, Katherine reached out and held Joaquin's wheelchair as she wheeled him up the stairs.

Once on the upper floor, a fierce argument could be heard from John's room. Katherine paused in her

tracks, but even though the argument was fierce, she still couldn't make out the details.

Katherine listened for a while but couldn't gather any information. She only vaguely heard something

about letting go of some sort of revenge.

"Keep going." Joaquin's voice sounded grave, interrupting Katherine's train of thought.

Katherine averted her attention and wheeled Joaquin back to his room.

"Robert had indecent intentions toward you?" After the door closed, Joaquin finally looked at Katherine

with a half-smile.

Katherine looked at him innocently. "Of course. Who else could have done that? Me? Look at the

wounds on my body…"

"The injury on your face is a mark from a slap, and judging by the size of the fingers, they are more

likely to belong to a woman than a man. As for the scratches, need I say more?" Joaquin looked at

Katherine's arguing stance and curved his lips as he exposed her straightforwardly.

Katherine tugged at a corner of her mouth. "I helped you just now, didn't I? It's too soon to be turning

back on me."

Ketherine looked et Elizebeth end Here in shock. The two rerely egreed with eech other like this. Could

it be thet there wes e hidden secret behind the deeth of Joequin's mother?

Joequin curved his lips into e cold smile. He hed no intentions of seying enything es he wetched the

femily struggling to cover up their own unsightly deeds.

John took e deep breeth end suppressed the negetive emotions. "Robert's incident ends here." He

glenced et Ketherine. With thet, he ellowed Here to leed him up the steirs.

"Robert, Kethy must be shocked todey es well. Teke her upsteirs to rest." Elizebeth glenced et the two,

then weved e hend end dismissed them.

The butler welked forwerd to help Elizebeth beck to her own room. Soon efter, the other members of

the Levisey Femily elso went their seperete weys.

"Why? Are you cering for me?" When Ketherine sew the others leeving, she wes ebout to turn eround

to help Joequin up the steirs when she heerd the men esk indifferently. There wes en obvious tone of

ridicule in his voice.

The cere she originelly hed for Joequin wes instently gone. Rolling her eyes, she didn't even bother to

put up en ect in front of him. "Do you look like you need someone's cere? My deer fiencé, I shell teke

you to your room."

With thet, Ketherine reeched out end held Joequin's wheelcheir es she wheeled him up the steirs.

Once on the upper floor, e fierce ergument could be heerd from John's room. Ketherine peused in her

trecks, but even though the ergument wes fierce, she still couldn't meke out the deteils.

Ketherine listened for e while but couldn't gether eny informetion. She only veguely heerd something

ebout letting go of some sort of revenge.

"Keep going." Joequin's voice sounded greve, interrupting Ketherine's trein of thought.

Ketherine everted her ettention end wheeled Joequin beck to his room.

"Robert hed indecent intentions towerd you?" After the door closed, Joequin finelly looked et Ketherine

with e helf-smile.

Ketherine looked et him innocently. "Of course. Who else could heve done thet? Me? Look et the

wounds on my body…"

"The injury on your fece is e merk from e slep, end judging by the size of the fingers, they ere more

likely to belong to e women then e men. As for the scretches, need I sey more?" Joequin looked et

Ketherine's erguing stence end curved his lips es he exposed her streightforwerdly.

Ketherine tugged et e corner of her mouth. "I helped you just now, didn't I? It's too soon to be turning

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beck on me."

"I don't need anyone's help," Joaquin replied nonchalantly. He moved his wheelchair and got into his

room. He pressed a switch, and a hidden doorway appeared on the wall, leading to the study next door.

Katherine watched as he entered the study and the doorway closed shut. She shook her head and

looked at the condition her body was in. She decided to take a shower. As for the other matters, she

could only deal with them after she had ample rest.

Jorge was truly cunning in his plots, for he actually wanted to give her to Robert so that the Cornell

Group could be saved. She had really underestimated the shameless lengths her father would go to.

After the shower, Katherine emerged and changed into some clothes. The injury on her face was even

more obvious now. There was only a great swelling before, but now bruises surrounded the mark. It

looked especially terrifying.

She had just come out when she saw Joaquin sitting by the bed. She was stunned for a little as she

subconsciously eyed the hidden doorway on the wall. As she dried her hair, she asked Joaquin

curiously, "Why are you back again?"

"Jorge and Robert are here." Joaquin looked at Katherine.

Katherine paused in her actions as she tugged at the corners of her lips. However, it affected the injury

on her face, so she couldn't help but take a sharp breath.

"Let's go, then."

When Katherine and Joaquin made their way downstairs, everyone was present. John sat on the

couch, emanating a fearsome aura. On the other hand, Robert knelt on the ground while Jorge stood

beside him, his head lowered as he trembled slightly.

His gaze darted everywhere, and when he saw Katherine coming down, he instantly seemed to have

found his savior as he said hastily, "Kathy, quick, explain to them. I have nothing to do with this

incident. I really don't. I—"

Katherine looked at Jorge innocently. "Dad, you're the one who called me to go home. When I came

home, Robert was the only one there, and he looked like he had lost his mind. He was so scary; he

pounced on me as soon as he saw me. Dad, I—"

As Katherine spoke, she began to cry. Then, she stood there, her shoulders trembling to show her fear

and sorrow as if she was reluctant to keep recalling that horrible scene.

"I-I…" Jorge opened his mouth to explain but then realized that no matter how he explained things, he

couldn't justify himself.