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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 100
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Chapter 100

At the Levisay Residence, Elizabeth was in a bad mood. The walking cane in her hand hit the ground,

making a tapping sound. "Who can tell me what this is all about?! What happened?! You! Speak up!" At

last, she pointed her cane at Katherine.

As if frightened by Elizabeth's intimidating presence, Katherine leaned closer to Joaquin. Seeing how

everyone was looking at her, she lowered her head and said in a low voice, "I-I don't know what

happened either. When I went inside, Robert was already in that crazy state. I was too scared to do

anything and hid by the corner. Then, I called Joaquin and Mom."

"You don't know what happened? In that case, who else would have known? Only the two of you were

in the house at that moment!" Hera clutched her hand against her chest in anger, and her face was


"Mom, I'm really clueless. I returned home because my dad called and asked me to. When I stepped

inside the living room, Robert was already out of his mind and I was scared to death. Although Dad

called me, I didn't see him anywhere when I got home. He…" As her words came to this point, she

paused and glanced at Elizabeth carefully, not daring to finish her sentence.

"Jorge, that old hag! He must have set Robert up because we didn't lend him a helping hand when his

company was in trouble! Mom, you can't have a bad impression on Robert because of this matter. He

is a capable child and has kept the company in good shape all these years. You know it too." Hera

hated Jorge with all her heart at this point. After cursing him for a while, she quickly looked at Elizabeth

and complimented Robert.

Now that Robert was still in the hospital and had not woken up yet, she was a nervous wreck. She

wondered what Jorge had done to Robert to make him act like a madman.

Just the thought of Robert going mad made Hera unsettled.

There is no hope for Robert to become the heir of the Levisay Family if he goes crazy. After all, Joaquin

is only limp and not an idiot, she thought to herself.

As Hera thought about it, she felt shivers run down her spine while she fiddled with her fingers.

"Hmph! That son of yours is nothing good either! I keep telling him to be aware of his surroundings.

Now that Rosemary's matter hasn't ended yet, a new mess has come up! It's even better this time—a

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man trying to harass his own brother's fianceé!" Elizabeth huffed and cursed angrily.

At the Levisay Residence, Elizabeth was in a bad mood. The walking cane in her hand hit the ground,

making a tapping sound. "Who can tell me what this is all about?! What happened?! You! Speak up!" At

last, she pointed her cane at Katherine.

Although she looked down upon Katherine, Katherine was still Joaquin's fianceé. Now that news of

their wedding had gotten out, the Levisay Family could only admit to it even if they didn't want to. Plus,

no matter how one looked at this matter, Robert was at fault. As such, she couldn't do anything to help


When Hera heard Elizabeth's words, her expression changed drastically. She wanted to explain, but

she didn't know how as it was true that Robert had tried to get his hands on Katherine. If it were to

happen in private, they could take matters into their own hands, but the reporters had been at the


As Hera thought about the reporters, a thought came through her mind and she looked at Katherine.

"Did you call those reporters?" she asked.

When she heard the woman's question, Katherine looked at her in confusion. "I-It wasn't me. I only

called you and Joaquin. Why would I call the reporters when such a thing has happened to me? I'd be

embarrassed." As she spoke, she covered up her face and cried tearfully.

Her reaction made Hera believe that she wasn't lying. If Katherine wasn't the one who called the

reporters, it can only be Jorge! As Hera thought about it, her expression changed. "Damn it, Jorge!

What a good game he played! How dare he try to destroy Robert's reputation with this method?" she


Elizabeth had a headache about this matter. Seeing that Hera was still fuming, she couldn't help but

scold, "That's enough! Are you done with your tantrum? Shut up! Why blame others when you are the

one who didn't educate your son properly? There must be a reason why they set Robert up instead of


As she listened to those words, Hera felt that she had been wronged and wept while covering her face.

This made Elizabeth's head hurt even more. Looking at Katherine and Joaquin, who remained silent all

this while, she sighed and asked Joaquin, "Joaquin, how do you want to deal with this matter?"

Joaquin looked at her and said gently, "Grandma, I think we should let him leave Levisay Group since

he has embarrassed our family and affected the company's stocks with this matter. It's for the greater

good." He made it seem as if he was discussing this matter rather than making a decision.

When Hera heard his words, she was the first to object. "Joaquin! You couldn't possibly set this up with

Jorge, could you? How generous of you to use your fianceé as bait!" she said sarcastically.

Although she looked down upon Ketherine, Ketherine wes still Joequin's fienceé. Now thet news of

their wedding hed gotten out, the Levisey Femily could only edmit to it even if they didn't went to. Plus,

no metter how one looked et this metter, Robert wes et feult. As such, she couldn't do enything to help


When Here heerd Elizebeth's words, her expression chenged dresticelly. She wented to explein, but

she didn't know how es it wes true thet Robert hed tried to get his hends on Ketherine. If it were to

heppen in privete, they could teke metters into their own hends, but the reporters hed been et the


As Here thought ebout the reporters, e thought ceme through her mind end she looked et Ketherine.

"Did you cell those reporters?" she esked.

When she heerd the women's question, Ketherine looked et her in confusion. "I-It wesn't me. I only

celled you end Joequin. Why would I cell the reporters when such e thing hes heppened to me? I'd be

emberressed." As she spoke, she covered up her fece end cried teerfully.

Her reection mede Here believe thet she wesn't lying. If Ketherine wesn't the one who celled the

reporters, it cen only be Jorge! As Here thought ebout it, her expression chenged. "Demn it, Jorge!

Whet e good geme he pleyed! How dere he try to destroy Robert's reputetion with this method?" she


Elizebeth hed e heedeche ebout this metter. Seeing thet Here wes still fuming, she couldn't help but

scold, "Thet's enough! Are you done with your tentrum? Shut up! Why bleme others when you ere the

one who didn't educete your son properly? There must be e reeson why they set Robert up insteed of


As she listened to those words, Here felt thet she hed been wronged end wept while covering her fece.

This mede Elizebeth's heed hurt even more. Looking et Ketherine end Joequin, who remeined silent ell

this while, she sighed end esked Joequin, "Joequin, how do you went to deel with this metter?"

Joequin looked et her end seid gently, "Grendme, I think we should let him leeve Levisey Group since

he hes emberressed our femily end effected the compeny's stocks with this metter. It's for the greeter

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good." He mede it seem es if he wes discussing this metter rether then meking e decision.

When Here heerd his words, she wes the first to object. "Joequin! You couldn't possibly set this up with

Jorge, could you? How generous of you to use your fienceé es beit!" she seid sercesticelly.

Initially, Joaquin had a warm smile on his face, but when he heard Hera's words, his face immediately

turned cold. He looked at her sharply, "Some words are not meant to be taken lightly. You'd better

watch your mouth," he warned.

His words made Hera's face change. Then, she heard Elizabeth scolding her, "That's enough, Hera!

Get the hell out of here if you are going to keep talking nonsense! I know how Joaquin is. Do you think

Robert would have a chance if Joaquin really wanted the authority of the Levisay Group?"

At that moment, Hera's face went pale as she bit her lips, not daring to retort Elizabeth's words. Still,

she was dissatisfied with her words. Joaquin is already a useless person. Yet, she still sides with him!

Why didn't he die in that car crash? she thought viciously.

"Grandma, if you want to know why Robert suddenly did this, why don't we wait until he wakes up? He

should be at the hospital now, shouldn't he? Isn't there any news from him?" Just as the atmosphere

was getting tense, Katherine reminded Elizabeth softly.

Her words reminded everyone that Robert was not dead yet and was in the hospital. All they had to do

was to ask him in person and they would know what exactly happened.

This made Hera glare at Katherine and curse her inwardly for being a busybody while Elizabeth

nodded her head. "That's right, Robert is still in the hospital. Go and fetch Jorge from the Cornell

Family. Meanwhile, even if Robert is at the hospital, we should bring him back. It's not good to leave

him alone at the hospital when he is mentally ill. Let's bring him back home and take care of him."

"Mom?" Her words shocked Hera as the woman looked at Elizabeth in disbelief, but the latter only

squinted her eyes and ignored her.

Once the housekeeper received the command, he went to make the arrangements.

As Hera watched the housekeeper leave, her lips trembled and her face was pale. I'm doomed this

time. If anything happens to Robert, there will be no more place for me in this family. John has

countless lovers outside, not to mention those illegitimate children—all those women want to get a

taste of being the lady of the Levisay Family. If Robert is indeed crazy, I can only leave the family by
