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A Lifetime With You

Chapter 66
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Chapter 66
On the way home, Ava stared out the window silently. Damien was feeling good, and he glanced at Ava from time to time. He
smirked despite receiving a cold shoulder from her.
He did not take her home to the Radbury residence, but instead to the suburb where her mother lived.
Ava was not surprised by his decision. Since Miss Adaly was not fond of her, Ava was not expecting Damien to disobey her
mother’s decision.
Damien pulled over on the entrance towards her housing area and said, “I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning, and let’s go to the
office together.”
“That won’t be necessary. I can take the subway on my own.”
“Fine. Suit yourself.”
He chose not to argue with her and Ava got off immediately without looking back. Damien waved her goodbye, but the latter
wasn’t aware of it. Damien sighed while looking at her figure slowly faded away. He then took out his phone from the pocket.
There were several missed calls from her mother, and he only answered them now. “Damien, why aren’t you here yet? Selina
and her parents have been waiting for you for quite some time now.” “I’ll be right there.”
Damien was late for the gathering held at the private dining of Central Garden Hotel.
Both of his parents as well as the Newton family were waiting for him patiently.
Karen’s face brightened up upon seeing her son and said, “Damien, you are finally here! I know you are busy, but how could you
forget about such an important occasion? We have been waiting for your arrival.”
Damien took his seat and immediately apologized, “I’m truly sorry for the delay as I was sending Ava home after work.”

The atmosphere was awkward upon hearing his explanation. Yet, Damien seemed oblivious and poured himself a glass of water.
Karen tried to salvage the situation by laughing it off, “Haha, Damien was joking about it! Please don’t mind him too much.” “Well,
Ava is indeed my secretary in the office. Didn’t you hear about it, mom?”
Karen froze upon the statement since it was her first time knowing this. She stood up and asked, “What did you say?” Daryl
pulled her down immediately and whispered, “Stop overreacting!” The Newtons were taken aback with a pale face. The
gathering was planned to discuss the wedding engagement between Damien and Ava, but the
atmosphere was interrupted now with the newly revealed relationship between Damien and Ava. D Mr. Netwon asked, “Damien,
I thought both you and Miss Nagel are no longer together, isn’t that right?”
Karen blurted out immediately, “Of course! The divorce was finalized and Ava has left the residence. She is no longer part of the
Radbury family anymore.” “Who told you the divorce was signed? I tore up the agreement long ago,” claimed Damien.
“What!” “Mom, it seems like you have been deceiving Mr. Newton and his family.” Karen was panic-stricken, “Damien, I thought
we had an agreement. Once you’re engaged to Selina...” “What an absurd thing to say! I am married for more than ten years

and I have no intention of getting a divorce anytime soon. Forcing me to marry Selina is a sin, mom.” D
Daryl shouted at his son, “Watch your words, Damien!”
Damien faked a smile, and his intention of not marrying Selina was obvious. The Newton family was prideful, and they would
never have agreed to the marriage between Selina and a divorcee. It was all because of the reputation of the Radbury Group.
But now, it seemed like the marriage discussion was called off.
Mr. Newton stood up instantly, “Selina, let’s go.”
Mrs. Gu followed suit.
But Selina remained seated. She stared at Damien in silence for a while before saying, “So... it’s over between us, right?” “Miss
Newton, you are a great business partner and we have been getting along quite well, right?” “Uh... yeah, both of us are just

business partners.”
Selina was heartbroken. 1 But she had no one to blame but herself. She was the one suggesting their relationship as a mere
partnership in the first place, after all. She suggested faking an engagement with Damien, hoping that both of their parents were
satisfied and could stop disturbing them.
But falling in love with Damien was not part of the plan. It was all because she was too immersed in the fake acting. “As
expected, you have lived up to your reputation, Mr. Radbury. Seems like I have learned a lot from you.” Selina finally
straightened herself. “Mom and dad, let’s go.” Now that her plans were crushed into pieces, Karen was enraged and she tried to
stop the Newton family from leaving. But Selina was firmed with her decision without looking back.
Being the only child of the Newton family, Selina was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.
Moreover, she was used to getting her way through everything and making her a rather prideful woman.
She wouldn’t beg for something impossible. Once the Newton family left, Karen slammed the table and blamed her son furiously,
“Damien, have you lost your mind? I thought we have discussed the idea of your marriage?” “But I never agreed to it.” Brushing
her mother off coldly, Damien started enjoying the meal.
“You...tell me, have you gone insane because of Ava? You are behaving recklessly, son!” Damien paused for a moment and
smiled smugly, “Hm...perhaps you’re right. I must have gone crazy.” Daryl and Karen stared at their insolent son, scarcely
believing their eyes. Ever since he was a kid, Damien hardly smiled, and it was even worse when he grew up. Was he really
smiling to himself now? Karen’s vision blurred, and she almost fainted.
The next day at the Radbury Group. Ava was late and barely squeezed herself in the subway on time. She was all sweaty and
looking disheveled once arriving at the office. Upon reaching the company, she headed to the pantry immediately to fix herself.
As she was re-applying her makeup, the pantry door swung open and in walked Damien. Ava was startled and accidentally
smeared the lipstick on her face. “Looks like you are having a great time there! Can’t believe you have the time to fix your make-
up during working. Who are you trying to seduce?” Damien remarked. “...I was just...” He closed the door of the pantry with a
click and strode towards her. Ava took a step backward instinctively, only to realize that there was nowhere to escape. Damien

rubbed his finger on her smeared lips to fix her makeup. Unfortunately, the smudged area enlarged and Ava was looking even
worse now. Staring at her rosy cheeks, Damien was nervous. Ava was reminded of yesterday’s scenes. Hence, she pushed him
away quickly and forcefully. “Damien, this is considered workplace sexual harassment!”.